10 Signs an Aries Man Is Not Interested Anymore
Signs an Aries Man Is Not Interested Anymore

Are you wondering if that special Aries man in your life is as into you as you are into him? As an assertive fire sign, Aries men are usually fairly straightforward when it comes to expressing interest. However, the signals can sometimes be subtle or confusing.
If you suspect your Aries crush might not be feeling that spark, watch for these 10 key signs he’s just not that interested. Paying attention now can help you avoid wasting time on a dead-end relationship.
1. He Ignores You
One of the most obvious red flags is if an Aries man starts ignoring you. He’s not returning texts or calls. He’s always “too busy” to meet up. When you do see him, he seems distracted and eager to talk to other people.
This kind of emotional distance and disconnect is a clear sign you’re not a priority for him. An interested Aries would be in hot pursuit, actively seeking your attention and affection. The silent treatment or lack of engagement means he’s just not that into you.
- He doesn’t return texts or calls in a timely way
- He always has an excuse when you try to make plans
- He seems distracted when you talk and doesn’t remember key details
- He doesn’t ask follow up questions or express curiosity about your life
If your Aries man is giving you the cold shoulder, it’s best not to waste your energy. Turn your attention to someone who gives you the affection you deserve.
2. He Doesn’t Touch You
Playful, flirtatious touching is one way Aries men express romantic interest. If your Aries crush is always finding little excuses to put his hands on you – a touch on the arm when you say something funny, his leg pressed against yours under the dinner table – it’s a good sign he’s captivated.
However, if he never reaches for your hand, puts his arm around you, or gets physically affectionate in other subtle ways, he may not be feeling that chemistry.
Type of Touch | Sign of Interest? |
Puts his hand on the small of your back | Yes |
Squeezes your shoulder as he walks past | Yes |
Finds excuses to hug you | Yes |
Sits close enough for thighs to touch | Yes |
Doesn’t break touch barrier at all | No |
Pay attention to physical proximity and touch cues. If your Aries man isn’t finding excuses to get closer, he might have you firmly in the friends zone.
3. He Doesn’t Make Plans With You
Aries men are go-getters when they see something they want. If your Aries crush is interested, he’ll actively pursue spending time together. He’ll make dates, plan activities you can do, and lock things down days or even weeks in advance.
But if he’s always vague when you try to pin him down on plans, or leaves things open-ended without follow through, he might not be feeling it.
- When you ask what he’s doing Friday night, he says “no plans yet” but doesn’t directly ask you out
- He says “we should grab dinner” but never commits to a specific day and time
- He talks about things you could do together someday, but doesn’t take action to actually make them happen
Pay attention to patterns over time. A few last minute plan changes or instances of flakiness happen to everyone. But if your Aries man habitually drags his feet on logistics, he might be trying to keep you at arm’s length. Demand the affection you deserve from someone eager to claim a spot on your calendar.
4. He Is Rude to You
Aries men typically try to be on their best behavior in early stages of dating someone they like. While they have a reputation for being brash and outspoken, an Aries man interested in winning you over will mind his manners.
However, if he starts being dismissive, ignoring you, or saying insensitive or passive aggressive things, it could be a sign he’s just not that invested.
- He frequently interrupts you when you’re talking
- He mocks or rudely dismisses your opinions
- He ignores you in group settings or doesn’t wait for you to catch up
- He says backhanded compliments or veiled insults about your appearance
Sure, everyone has bad days where they accidentally come off curt or insensitive. But consistent rudeness is usually a clear sign an Aries man doesn’t value you or prioritize your feelings. Don’t waste time hoping he’ll suddenly see the light – move onto someone who treats you with the care and respect you merit.
5. He Talks About Other Women
Has your Aries man started randomly bringing up other women in conversation? Does he gush over his sexy new coworker, rave about his friend’s girlfriend, or ask your opinion of the waitress’s Instagram?
When an Aries man is focused on winning you over, his attention is laser focused. He has eyes only for you. If he’s started casually chatting about other women he finds attractive or interesting, it could be a sign your stock is falling.
Perhaps he’s trying to gently communicate he’s not ready to get serious about you by putting other options on your radar. Or he may be attempting to make you jealous.
In any case, the message is clear – he’s scoping his alternatives. Don’t let yourself be treated as a backup plan. Walk away with dignity intact and wait for a man who makes his enthusiasm for you crystal clear.
6. He Flirts With Other Women
An Aries man who has set his sights on you will lavish attention on you in social settings. While he might be friendly when interacting with other women, harmless flirtation or exchanges of phone numbers would be off the table.
So if you notice your Aries interest openly hitting on other women when you go out together, joking suggestively with the waitress, or slipping a business card to that cute finance manager at the networking event, consider it a red flag.
- He starts conversations with women at bars or parties even when you’re standing right there
- He openly compliments other women on their appearance in front of you
- He asks other women personal questions and seems very interested in their answers
- He makes sexually charged comments or inside jokes with female friends or coworkers
Flirting with other women signals he’s still shopping around rather than zeroing in on you as a romantic prospect. An Aries man who is ready to get serious would be 100% focused on showing you a good time, not dividing his attention.
Don’t convince yourself his behavior is harmless or wait around hoping for change. Explicit flirting is rarely accidental. Send him packing and wait for an Aries who makes his feelings for you loud and clear.
7. He Doesn’t Take Your Side
Aries men love to champion a cause – especially when it comes to defending their romantic partner. If someone were gossiping about you or disrespecting you, an interested Aries would rush in to set the record straight.
So if your Aries love interest sits silently by while friends tease you, or doesn’t speak up when family members are rude, he’s not as invested as he should be. The same goes for situations like:
- You have a conflict at work and he doesn’t offer advice or sympathy when you vent about it
- His friend is spreading rumors about you and he doesn’t confront them
- A stranger at a party insults your outfit and your Aries crush doesn’t defend you
Real partners stand up for each other, even in small interpersonal conflicts. If protecting your honor isn’t a priority, your Aries man isn’t taking the relationship seriously. Seek out someone eager to be in your corner no matter what.
8. He Doesn’t Laugh at Your Jokes
Aries men are notorious for loving slapstick humor, sarcasm, debate style banter, and good old fashioned goofing around. If you’ve started dating an Aries guy, he probably laughs easily and makes you laugh all the time with his witty jokes or outrageous stories.
So if you notice he’s stopped finding you funny or amusing, it could be a red flag. Humor is intimacy – when the inside jokes stop landing, it’s often a sign of emotional distance.
- You tease him playfully about something embarrassing and he gets offended rather than laughing it off
- You make clever puns based on an inside joke you used to share, but he seems confused
- Your hilarious story is met with a stony face while he laughs hysterically at his friend’s dumb joke a minute later
Laughter is one of the first things to fade when an Aries man has lost interest. If you can’t make each other crack up the way you used to, the spark might be gone. Don’t let him waste your humor on someone who can’t appreciate it.
9. He Doesn’t Include You
Aries men love to be at the center of the action – and when they’re dating someone, they want her by their side. Interested Aries are always inviting you to parties, introducing you to friends, and asking your opinion on exciting projects.
So one subtle signal your Aries crush might not be feeling it is if he stops bringing you into his world.
- He goes to parties or events without inviting you, even as a last minute thought
- He doesn’t think to introduce you to new co-workers or friends from out of town
- He makes big life decisions without asking what you think
- He forgets to keep you in the loop on news big and small
If you notice your Aries love interest pulling away from intimacy by excluding you from his social circle or daily life, he may be trying to send the message the relationship isn’t progressing. Don’t let him ice you out when you deserve to be someone’s partner in crime.
10. He Doesn’t Get Jealous
Aries men have a competitive nature and definitely harbor jealous tendencies when they feel threatened. Even early on, an Aries crushing hard will hate the thought of you flirting or spending time with male rivals.
Subtle signs of jealousy like questioning you about who you talk to or making snarky comments about the bartender are good indications an Aries man feels invested. But radio silence on this front is a red flag.
- You chat up an ex at a party and your Aries man seems perfectly fine with it
- You have to cancel plans to help a male friend with apartment hunting and he doesn’t ask follow up questions
- You share funny stories about your close guy friends from college and he shows zero irritation
Lack of possessiveness or territorial behavior is often a clear sign an Aries man isn’t taking your relationship seriously. An Aries who has lost interest won’t care enough to be jealous. He’s likely keeping his options open so he can make a quick, clean break if needed.
Wrapping It All Up
Dating an Aries man can be an exciting whirlwind…when he’s interested. If you sense he’s starting to pull away or seem less engaged, don’t ignore the red flags.
Pay attention to his behavior rather than empty words or excuses to determine if he’s really feeling the chemistry between you. You deserve to have an amazing partner who can’t wait to build a future together. Don’t settle for lukewarm interest or mixed signals. Be brave enough to walk away if he can’t meet you halfway.
The right Aries man won’t leave you guessing about his enthusiasm. His affection, attention, and passion will be loud and clear. If you have to work too hard to capture your Aries guy’s focus, wish him well and wait for someone who makes their feelings for you impossible to miss.