Cancer and Sagittarius Compatibility: Sex, Love, and Friendship
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Key Takeaways:
Cancer and Sagittarius offer a chance for profound growth, but it takes extra effort. This isn’t the easiest match, but the rewards can be immense if they respect each other’s needs and learn to dance in step with their different rhythms.
Compatibility: Low (needs work put into it to make it workout)
Read on to learn how you can make things go smoother

Cancer and Sagittarius Compatibility
Cancer and Sagittarius together are like mixing water and fire. Cancer is a sensitive water sign ruled by the emotional Moon, craving comfort and security. Sagittarius is a fiery adventurer, ruled by expansive Jupiter, always seeking freedom and new horizons. This combo can be a wild ride, for sure!
Think of a cozy homebody crab (Cancer) trying to keep up with a restless, wanderlust-filled archer (Sagittarius). They’re drawn to each other by a spark of curiosity, but their fundamental needs are pretty different. This can create a beautiful connection if they find a way to understand and balance their contrasting desires.
Core Strengths
- Cancer Nurtures Sagittarius’s Spirit: Cancer is the ultimate nurturer, offering a safe and cozy haven for Sagittarius to return to. Sagittarius can tire themselves out. Cancer’s warmth is a much-needed grounding force.
- Sagittarius Broadens Cancer’s World: Cancer can sometimes get stuck in their comfort zone. Sagittarius is optimistic. Their energy is infectious. It pushes Cancer to see new things and expand their horizons.
- Philosophical Growth: Cancer is emotionally deep, while Sagittarius is always thinking big-picture. They can offer each other a chance to explore feelings and thoughts in ways they wouldn’t alone.
- The Laughter Factor: Sagittarius is naturally funny and happy. This can help lighten the mood of sensitive Cancer. Laughter can be a great bridge between them.
- Finding Middle Ground: Sagittarius forces Cancer to be more spontaneous. Cancer helps Sagittarius slow down and enjoy simple things. They find balance in each other.
Potential Challenges
- Feeling Caged vs. Feeling Neglected: Cancer needs lots of reassurance and closeness. Sagittarius craves open space and freedom. This can lead either to Cancer feeling stifled or Sagittarius feeling tied down.
- Emotional Mismatches: Sagittarius can sometimes be unintentionally blunt, hurting Cancer’s sensitive feelings. Cancer’s emotional swings can baffle the straightforward archer. They need to learn each other’s communication styles.
- Home vs. Adventure: Cancer dreams of a cozy home base, while Sagittarius itches to explore the world. They must compromise: some stay-at-home time, some shared adventures.
- Long-Term Planning: Cancer seeks deep commitment, while Sagittarius may fear being tied down too early. Open discussions about the future, with a lot of room for flexibility, are a must.
- Sagittarius’ Restlessness: It can be hard for Cancer’s clinging nature to give a Sagittarius the space they need to thrive. Trust is essential, and Sagittarius needs to show their love even when they’re itching to wander.
Cancer and Sagittarius Compatibility Percentage
Relationship Aspects | Compatibility Percentage |
Romantic Connection | 41% |
Trust | 0% |
Communication and Understanding | 61% |
Expressing Feelings | 11% |
Shared Beliefs and Values | 46% |
Doing Things Together | 4% |
Overall Relationship | 28% |
Cancer and Sagittarius In Bed
Sexual Compatibility
Cancer and Sagittarius make an intriguing match in bed. Cancer craves emotional intimacy and stability. Adventurous Sagittarius wants to explore new horizons. Despite their differences, they can come together to create hot fireworks behind closed doors.
Cancer needs to feel secure before opening up sexually. Once trust is established, the crab emerges from its shell to reveal a deeply sensual nature. Sagittarius will be delighted to discover this side of Cancer. The archer’s enthusiasm and thirst for adventure allows Cancer to relinquish inhibitions.
Sagittarius revels in spontaneity and loves to experiment between the sheets. Cancer prefers a stable connection but can be tempted to join in the thrill ride with the right encouragement. Sagittarius’ lighthearted approach to intimacy helps Cancer relax and have more fun.
Where They Excel Together in The Bedroom
- Emotional Connection. While Sagittarius sees sex as a fun adventure, Cancer needs an emotional bond to open up fully. Once this is established, Cancer feels safe to indulge Sagittarius’ sexual whims.
- Communication. Talking openly about desires and boundaries allows them to tune into each other’s needs. Cancer articulates their softer requirements, while Sagittarius clearly states their passion for exploration.
- Compromise. Sagittarius agrees to a bit more structure and consistency to please Cancer. In return, Cancer joins in some sexual experimentation. Meeting halfway strengthens their bond.
- Creativity. Sagittarius brings imaginative suggestions to the bedroom, while Cancer adds thoughtful, sensual touches. Combining forces leads to greater sexual satisfaction.
- Passion. While their approaches differ, both signs feel a strong physical connection. This passion unites them between the sheets.
- Laughter. Sagittarius lightens the mood with good humor when emotions run high. Shared laughter and joy create a powerful chemistry.
- Adventure. Cancer discovers that stepping outside their comfort zone can be thrilling rather than scary. Sagittarius shows them new worlds of pleasure.
Despite conflicting needs, Cancer and Sagittarius can thrive sexually. They can do so by communicating openly, compromising often, and uniting in passion. Their differences can become assets when explored with care, laughter and trust.
Are Sagittarius and Cancer Compatible?
As things between the two of them progress into dating, they may look at their future and wonder what’s ahead. In most cases, this is compatibility that has a poor outcome. We will discuss below how things can change.
Sagittarius is known to have a powerful personality. When they speak, they are straightforward and honest, sometimes even becoming heartless. Sometimes the callousness can come out in an argument; other times, they might not even know or realize that they’re being insensitive.
On the other side of the coin, you’re dealing with a very sensitive sign in Cancer. When they are criticized, they really start to take it to heart. When it comes to this couple, if/when the Sagittarian shows insensitivity towards their partner, it can be pretty damaging to the relationship.
Despite that fact, these two really do actually have a connection on a physical level. The question comes down to what other things they have in common could make this relationship work.
How Are Sagittarius and Cancer in Love?
The perfect analogy for this couple would be mixing water and oil together.
Sagittarius is the type of person that really enjoys being independent in life and being able to go out to have fun with their friends and socialize. On the other hand, the Cancerian really likes to spend a lot of time with their partner and staying home. Their social circle is usually smaller.
The spirited personality of a Sagittarius might not fit in with what exactly what their partner is looking for. Cancer puts a lot of importance on their emotional bonds and family ties. This could very well be something that the Sag might consider a burden if the relationship is still in its infancy stage. If they haven’t fallen in love with their partner yet or aren’t sure they are ready to commit to them, they can become very flighty when their independence could be at risk.
Sagittarians are the type that likes to live their life in the future, looking to the brighter days that are ahead. On the other hand, cancer likes to live in the past.
Two important points need to be worked on for this couple to make it for a long-term relationship.
The crab really needs to view criticism as constructive feedback. This means that when they get into an argument or a discussion with their partner about criticism directed at them, they have to make sure they’re not always on the defensive side of things. They really need to listen to their partner, take what they’re saying, and listen to it objectively.
On the other side of things, the Archer really needs to work on the idea of being a little bit more tactful when it comes to presenting argumentative ideas to their partner. They need to try and take the less blunt approach, be honest about their feelings but present them in a way that will not upset their partner.
Although, as we say, any situation can be made into a good relationship with a lot of love, understanding, trust, and communication. Just sometimes, some combinations need more work than others.

Read More about how the signs are in love
Cancer in love | Sagittarius in love
Cancer Man and Sagittarius Woman
When love is developed between the two, the relationship can become excellent. Still, without love, it can become boring for both of them. To make a good couple, both partners have to respect one another. A Cancer man is intellectual, which makes him respected by others, and he tries to avoid anything harmful to him or others. The Sagittarius woman enjoys learning about this man and is his ideal partner. She needs to be less carefree to stabilize and fill the relationship with love.
How to Be Successful in This Relationship
Laugh with each other, not at each other.
Spontaneity, impulsiveness, and your tendency to be openly truthful are certainly qualities in you that he worries about. He doesn’t understand how you can put so much energy into having fun, but he will join in. Try to avoid jests and jokes with him at the center, and he will do the same for you. Over time, there can be deep trust and understanding between you and him, but you’ll have to work on the relationship together and do it before things get too serious. If you’re already involved with Cancer, immediately start attempting to gain his trust; everything else will follow.
Reconcile your different approaches to finances.
Although he can be funny and charming, he is also serious – especially when it comes to money. Extravagance and speculation are things that he’s really cautious about. In business, the two of you could be very happy and benefit from your different attitudes, but this could be a major obstacle in a romantic relationship. He will, however, come to trust you fairly quickly, and will loosen up his rigid stance about things in time.
Adjust your behaviors for his emotions.
You may have to adjust your behaviors and attitudes in order to cope with a Cancer’s changing moods and powerful emotions. He’s a very sensitive person, and he’s protective. He’s driven to protect you, but he’s basically an introvert and tries to protect himself from heartbreak.
Sagittarius Man and Cancer Woman
A relationship can be puzzling and odd when both members do not try to understand and accept each other. Her nature is possessive, and she seeks a great deal of attention from those she cares about. In contrast, he is pretty open with everyone, which can sometimes make her feel ignored. Cancer women are still able to enjoy themselves a lot with these guys. Sagittarius man respects his lady and feels at home with her. While he is easygoing and carefree regarding relationships, she is sensitive, and this difference in nature can cause conflict between them.
Cancer and Sagittarius Friendship
You can bring out the best in each other and make each other shine.
For The Crab:
If you sense sincerity, even the Sag tendency to throw word weapons around carelessly can float right over you. If you sense insincerity, all the words in the world won’t make this friendship work.
For The Archer:
You are dramatic…that’s what fire signs are all about. And when your fire is growing dim, they are there, always forever, ready to nurture, dote and take care of you. Just make sure you thank them and appreciate them. That’s what they really want…your acknowledgment.

Sagittarius & Cancer Relationship
For The Crab:
On a surface level, there are such differences between you two it can seem close to impossible. But, they desperately need to feel understood, and they love having someplace safe to ‘come home to.’ If you can keep their boundaries in mind..and stay within them…with some work, this can be an experience and a half.
For The Archer:
You talk first, think later. That can hit them in some vulnerable spots since they read meaning into every word and too much into them. If you give them plenty of love, however, they can keep up with your style and activity level. Make the differences work.
Read More about how the signs are in dating
Dating a Cancer | Dating a Sagittarius

Read More about how the signs are when it comes to sex
Cancer in bed | Sagittarius in bed
Are Cancer and Sagittarius Soulmates?
Cancer and Sagittarius seem too incompatible to be soulmates. Homebody Cancer craves security while adventurous Sagittarius needs independence. But with work, this pairing can thrive. Sagittarius needs to provide reassurance. And Cancer must give Sagittarius space to roam.
Unless you are looking for something short-term or based just around sex, you are not standing on very good ground with this relationship. Cancer needs to look after and care for those they are in love with, but this will not go down well with a Sagittarian, who tends to live life from one minute to the next, able to deal with their emotions themselves. Cancer takes on board all of the comments said to them and if Sagittarius is in one of those blunt-to-the-point moods, this will cut very deeply on Cancer and cause a lot of long-time hurt. If Cancer does learn to grow more of thicker skin and allow comments to go over their head, you will stand a better chance of survival.
Sagittarians are hard people to change and only when they see how much someone else is suffering will they do this. Hearing from your partner doesn’t go down well, so this is by no means advice to put all of your cards on the table in this relationship!
Check out these other pages
Cancer Compatibility Index | Sagittarius Compatibility Index| Zodiac Compatibility Index
I am a cancer girl, I met a sag boy recently, we’ve clicked straight away like a first “lust” at sight, then for a while we’ve been together almost everyday for three weeks, I began notice he still hasn’t mention about the feelings, I rather to keep it to myself and didn’t want to let my feeling to be blunt, I thought it was too soon to tell. But deeply inside I couldn’t even let my eyes off him and desperate needed to be secure by him, somehow I already knew he is a player and no good for me, I ignored my own instinct. I’ve always acted independently around him, he begins teasing me a lot carelessly, I tired not to take it too lightly. Once night we both got drunk and caught he kissed next girl in front of me, then I’ve exploded my overly-sensitivity and emotional and he was just shot right out the door, he couldn’t handle my sensitivity. It took me a week to figure out with our unveiled misunderstanding issues. Thankfully I found this article and now I know how to sort out with him!
The arguing is not always the case based to on our starsigns, in favorable times when we can see that we are not out to hurt each other we can become very connected and happy, something we can both be very afraid of it seems… in a way when we can become good friends first, we can completely get over it, and from reading about this it seems to say clearly that it is a passionate relationship, with potential of very deep connection and love which can be amazing in the bedroom and genuinely enjoy life and laugh together which I agree with completely from personal experience. Although the arguments can get very old and depressing, decadent in many ways if we succumb to it! haha Many people mention this combination can have the potential of fairy tales, which I love :) As maybe if you believe in this stuff, our signs might not match completely but what matters is the connection you have with someone, as a cancer man with a sag women it has felt..
I have just been dumped, yes dumped by my Sag boyfriend because he was jealous of my children!! My grown up children!!! We kept separate houses, I am financially independent, I never interrupted his ‘ schedule’. We had an amazing time when together, the sex was out of this world. But he was so jealous and possessive I couldn’t breath without telling him. I had to be where ever he wanted whenever he wanted , mostly at home locked away where no one could see me!! I travel every fortnight for 3 days at work and then back and he won’t talk to me for hours, constant texting what are you doing while I am at work!! I thought Sag’s needed their freedom and not a clingy girlfriend, well I gave him all that. And the result, my eldest daughter is having a baby, I offered to look after it a couple of hours 3 days a week when he would be at work anyway, and he dumps me!! Says he had enough of my selfish ways and always putting him last!!!!
I have had two relationships with Cancer males. They happened to have followed one another. The first was a failure as he overthought every step of the relationship where I was more carefree wanting to jump into everything head first. His shyness made him hold back and remain guarded and that collided with the romantic in me. My current relationship is amazing. He is shy and guarded but lets his guard down with me. He’s romantic and provides the kind of security that tames the wanderer. My heart is faithful to him. He provides such reassurance and comfort. Age and communication play a part but I have never felt this content in a relationship before.
When I met my husband to be it was love and lust at first site. We have genuine true love. I am Sagittarius with a Cancer moon and he is Cancer with a Sagittarius moon. In the beginning there was no friction as we had just met. As we got to know each other we started to discover differences, but there ones that I embraced and because we loved each other we talked about absolutely everything in order to work out things that need attention. There is nothing we won’t discuss and whenever we do this we always resolve our problems and feel much closer for it. He is fascinating to me. He is the most alpha male I have ever met or been with but he is the kindest, most caring, sexual, warm, exciting man I have ever known. I knew when younger that this was the only kind of person I could marry happily forever, because he is so strong but vulnerable at the same time. Its the sexiest thing ever. No words can express how amazing sex is between us. He has the balls to put me in my place when needed.
he is a cancer
From the moment I first talked to him it just seemed like everything would be ok….We live totally different lives and at first I thought that would change how I felt about him….I talk to him morning noon night….Sometimes I ask myself what would I be doing if he wasn’t in my life….He cares about my well being and always makes sure that I’m taken care of….Our conversations are always deep and somethings I just don’t understand about him, which in return makes me want more….Out of all the men I’ve ever been with it always tells me the truth no matter how made it will make me I respect him for that. It helps me feel more comfortable with him.
Honestly I thought that he was too good to be true at the beginning, especially after all I’d read about Sag’s. Eventually, I started realizing that i Was scared because I’d never met anyone so blunt and straightforward; so optimistic and cheerful about life. I can be prone to fussiness and stress if I’m around those types of my man has been a refreshing change. Every day I fall more in love with him..I learn to trust him a little more. I make him crazy and his, at times, instability in his daily life (even the most simple tasks he turns into huge things!)..and I know he doesn’t understand why Im so emotional about things sometimes..but overall we balance each other out perfectly. When I’m with seems like nothing can go wrong and that we’re a good team together. He keeps me calm when I don’t need to stress out..and vise versa. I know this relationship will take a little effort and work, but I’m in it for the long haul and am so in love with my sag. It’s worth it.
i’m a sag and a few years back, i met a cancer guy. we aren’t together now and we were never official. its true. we definitely have our differences. i love to roam, to be free and to be loud. he was quiet, shy, and at peace in his own home. there were honestly times where i did find him boring. but we were always open. out of all the guys i have ever met, he was definitely the most sweetest and sincerest guy ever. i could trust him. he could trust me. we remain really close friends now. he’s taught me to hold my tongue and i’ve taught him to be open to the world around him. i wonder if we’ll be more than that what we are now. but seriously, whoever his girl would be, she would be the luckiest girl breathing!
My boyfriend and I have been dating for 6 months and 4 days now. Our relationship is a long distance. For me as a cancer it is very difficult for me. In the past I have sealed with a Sagittarius before and I would argue with him due to how of an asshole he was acting. My current Sagittarius he is very intelligent, amazing with words but him working a lot, spending time with his son including family. I understand and respect his space and I only see once to twice a month. We mostly text and call each other. I believe that my experience through the years made me realize that it’s worth it. Ive become very patient with him. I do activities to not worry and every time we spend the little time we have it is so memorable that I’m just happy that I am still with him. Also, he ask me for one thing, “All I ask is to be honest” that made me change and be honest with him every day. It is still difficult to understand him and I read horoscopes everyday. I hope for the best for my relationship.
I am a Sagittarius my boyfriend is a cancer. We have been together almost 2 years! We went to high school together but we were just friends in high school. He always kept n touch with me when I graduated because I graduated first. He is very sweet sometimes and he can be a asshole too! He loves to bring up negative things that happened in the past but whenever we argue or fall out we always manage to come back together. He is the most loyal male I have been with and I value that. He is not really a shy cancer and he is always down to stand up for the ones he loves like his family and his girl(me). I like when he tries to put me in my place when necessary. As a Sagittarius I do feel like my attitude is the cause of our arguments sometimes because I am impatient and have a short temper. When he is out I really don’t worry about him being deceitful but he always thinks I am! All in all I love and value my sweet cancer even though he is a jerk sometimes lol this match is POSSIBLE!
I am a Cancer female and my husband is a Sagittarius. I always get a kick out of the negative attitude towards this match when we are so happy together. The thing that attracted me to him first was his bluntness, I really admire people who let you know exactly what they are thinking. We both love the fact that each of us appreciates alone time, mine usually spent cozy at home and his hiking in the mountains. We cringe at the idea of feeling like we have to spend every waking moment together, we may be married but have always considered ourselves individuals. With my understanding of human emotions matched with his logic, we have the most stimulating conversations. When a Cancer is moody it is rare to find someone brave enough to call them out, but a Sagittarius doesn’t hesitate and I’m thankful for that. These men may not hold your hand and spew empty praise 24 hours a day, but they make it clear their love for you is deep and real.
I’ve been with my boyfriend for a month and a half now…But keep in mind…It took him almost a whole year to commit!…I am a Cancer woman & he is a Sagittarius man…From my experience,this is a very hard match to make work…he’s very insensitive and doesn’t understand my feelings or why I get hurt so easily & I don’t deal well with his problem with showing his deepest feelings,but instead being overly honest & unaware of my feelings being hurt..but the things we lack we make up for in other ways…such as him loving adventure & bringing out the adventures side in myself & me showing him how to care for the people who matter most such as family…since my sag has never been good with that…All in all…we try to understand each other because we love each other & want it to work.
I, being a cancer, have fallen head over heels in love with a Sagittarius. When we first met, I’ll admit, he was the biggest jerk I’ve ever met. But slowly, I warmed up to him and he to me. Our personalities might have clashed but our minds are alike. I see the happy side of everything, while he stays on earth with a small frown. He sees people like ants and he used to see me like that, but now I’ve earned my rightful place by his side. He may be older than me, but he sure understands me. He’s so grateful and loyal to me, its as if we were meant to be. Which he and I believe is true.
Well, lets start off here… Both him and I met around 3 years back. He was 17 and I was 16. We met with a group of friends but I noticed he was really shy back then and hardly talked.. Instantly, he started to like me. After a couple of times hanging out with friends and such, he started calling me and we talked hours on end about about anything to past experiences to school. The first thing i noticed about him was that he was super random. I loved that about him. As that progressed, we became best friends from that day on. All along he was in love with me but kept it a secret until about three weeks before he asked me out. Our relationship has been exactly like a roller coaster. When I’m with him I feel complete, like he’s my other half. I can’t imagine my life without him. Sometimes it’s hard for me as a sag to express my feelings but that’s one thing that we have trouble on..I must say I haven’t been the best girlfriend to him, but when it’s good, it’s amazing…
sag man/can girl
I’m a Cancer woman and my bf is a Sag male. We met on Facebook of all places. We hit it off right a way messaging each other. When we met in person for the first time , our eyes met and sparks began. After that we could not wait to see each other again. Three weeks later he came down to see me( we live in different cities , for now) for a week to see if there truly is a love connection. While he was here we saw each other every day from morning to wee hours of the morning the next day. He would go to his parents house to sleep and shower and come back over again. Since he has gone home , we talk every day and can’t wait to see each other again. He is a true romantic while he is courting me, setting up spotify playlists for romance time and truly is a gentleman , and has a sense of humor to keep me laughing the whole time were together. Down side he can be insensitive and brutally blunt, but apologize when my feeling are hurt. I can be blunt to a point , when called for . So far so good!
Just got engaged to my cancer man and loving him. Its true, different kind night and day but u need both to survive( fire and water). I’m a year older then he is but Lol you wouldn’t think. He keep me so grounded and sags. You know we need but don’t want it. He loves the fact that I’m so free spirited and we do Everything together. He makes mad sometimes and unsure of our relationship but when I’m feeling that way I just approach him on it. I believe what we both been through in life prepared us for each other. I still have my stubborn and blunt ways but he also has his selfish and clingy moments. But I wouldn’t have no other way
I’m a cancer, he is a sag,and all these common issues don’t apply for us for the most part. My possessiveness was never there, maybe a bit but I did let go of it early and gave him space and my trust which was hard enough given how hot-headed he is. Every time an argument grew into a fight, he uses some things I said in confidence to attack me, he has absolutely no respect or ethics when arguing, and it does drive me crazy, literally. The true problem is him not trusting me, and his jealousy that surfaces as disappointment in me and rage he takes out on me. Also, I love adventure too, as long as I have a home to come back too, so that’s no issue with us. Actually, he asks me usually am I girl or a guy because I’m too active I guess.The jokes are too personal for me, and he thinks he knows everything, without even trying to get to know some deep issues. We are trying hard to make it work, love gives hope and strength, but I have no clue how this will end, probably with me in the nut house.
I’m so in love! We have truly been through so much together, sometimes I don’t even know how we made it this far. We’ve known each other for YEARS it’s nothing but time that has made us this close, we know each other so well that it’s kinda scary, our connection is so strong, our biggest down fall is age though we are 5 years apart, while I’m 20 he’s 25, for years he’s always been talking about Marry me and having kids together, I use to brush it off or laugh, even just smile, but this year it’s gotten serious! Our love story is one I’ve always dreamed of, I really can not see myself without him. I pray God bless our future marriage cause he has sure blessed our relationship of its ups and downs. I’m ready to spend the rest of my life with him and through God may our dreams come true! So happy and ready to say yes! :}
Sagittarius Lady & Cancer Man
Well I’m a sag women & I’ve been with a cancer man for a year now , & I’m so in love with him. He’s loving ,caring , & always wanting to be around me . I don’t care about him being clingy cause I know how to handle that to be honest I love the fact that he’s clingy that’s what I want in a man . Our pass relationship was a mess . He was hurt by his ex & I was hurt by mines . After my ex I was lonely and sad praying to god that he would send me some one to love me & really care about me . My ex just cared about my looks & sex he really didn’t care about me . But my cancer man really cares about me everything about me he’s real . We have a special bond that nobody can break . The sex is so amazing & I can’t get enough of it . I’ll be pissed if he cheated on me but he’s not a cheater he lets me look through his phone & everything but the only thing I don’t like is that he ponders on the pass I don’t like that at all but everything else is wonderful he even accepts my child.
I befriended, fell in love with, and married my Sag man. We are most definitely different in many ways, but have common middle ground more often than not. Having known some other Sags in my life…I was not expecting to have the kind, loving, soft-spoken husband that I have. I think that if we’d met when he was a young Sag…things would not have worked out. He is about 8 years older than me and while he s brutally honest, he has developed tact and is a caring soul. He also did his traveling and wild oat sowing in his younger days, so he’s not so restless. He’s settled down and happy to stay put with this homebody crab. :) I tell him all the time that he must’ve walked out of the pages of a storybook. I feel safe and loved every moment of every day. He’s my perfect, Prince Charming and I’ve never been happier. We’re expecting a baby in May. :)
My sun sign is Sagittarius, and his sun sign is Cancer. His moon sign is Sagittarius, and my rising sign is Cancer. Since we both have Sagittarius and Cancer in common, we work together like no other. We both share our love of family and home life, but both also enjoy a thorough and exciting adventure. Our fires match, as well as our waters. He directs my Sagittarius sun to be more grounded, and I guide his Cancer crab right out of its shell. He’s the perfect family man, but also my partner in crime. It’s a fantastic match
Me and my sag man have been best friends for 11years. We recently decided to step into a relationship and it turned out to be the best move we both made! He is my best friend, my lover, my everything. He hasn’t proposed yet, but i know its coming. I think Sagittarius and cancer makes a very match, if both start off as friends and give the relationship time to grow. Learn to embrace one anothers differences, they can learn a lot from one another.
Hold on to your seats ladies and gentleman, because what I’m about to tell you is my truth. First, my Sag and I been together, or should I say known each other for four interesting and adventurous years. I feel as although we’ve been through so much up’s and down’s that no matter what’s been said or done I would always love him with all my heart. I feel that if I lose him I know I’ll be losing the best thing I ever had in my life. Being a cancer woman I know we tend to get ourselves in a rut and don’t quite know how to get out of the mess we made, especially when we know what we have at home is all we need, but somehow at the end of an argument and at the end of the day we both know neither one of us is going anywhere. That’s what I love about my Sag.
Its true that sagittarius men are flighty. My boyfriend and I met online a month ago, and we hit it off pretty well (what with us being in different countries and time zones), and talked continuously for over four hours a day when most of our day is over. However, after we got together… His attention seemed to have diminished, and our conversations are dying. We both seem so much more insecure now. In the past, we used to joke around easily but now, he seems so much more sensitive. Also, I once told him that I loved him, jokingly, and he didn’t reply for a long while, so I was joking about unrequited love and we didn’t talk for the entire day after… In fact we just got into a little argument, and he was being all fidgety. Both of us are really stubborn, so when we fight, neither of us wants to give in ( Ofc in the end I do…) all in all, it’s definitely an adventure with them. They’re bold, funny and entertaining, but as a Cancer you must know when to compromise.
Simply put…we fill in each others blanks. This is my husband & best friend. He has became a father to my disabled child, a provider, & protector. I read before…Sag women & a cancer man are a better match than vice versa…That’s so true. The relationship took time to refine due to lack to understanding of each others emotions. But now, we have a great bond & respect for one another. I love him like no other man I have been with. He still shows me love like he just met me (10 years later).
This was a fun relationship. I’m a cancer woman and he’s the sag. We pushed each other outside of our comfort areas. I wanted to better myself and he did his best to deepen the relationship. Sadly, it just wasn’t enough. I constantly felt like I was walking on eggshells to so much as complain if I had a bad day or if I wanted to talk about something with emotional depth. He would constantly make assumptions about situations rather than talk about it, which led to a lot of ridiculous fighting. In the end, he though I was a drama queen and I thought he was a cold stone. Don’t get me wrong. He’s a wonderful man, but you only can only handle getting burnt so much in a relationship.