Capricorn and Cancer Compatibility: Sex, Love, and Friendship
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Cancer and Capricorn Compatibility Key Takeaways:
Cancer and Capricorn have a lot to learn from each other. They can embrace their differences. They can focus on what they offer each other. Then, the relationship becomes one of huge growth, comfort, and unwavering support. It’s the kind of connection that just feels like home.
Compatibility: Average
Read on to learn how you can make things go smoother

Cancer and Capricorn Compatibility
Cancer and Capricorn are classic cases of opposites attracted. Cancer is a sensitive water sign ruled by the emotional moon, while Capricorn is a grounded earth sign ruled by disciplined Saturn. It’s like the nurturing homebody and the ambitious workaholic finding surprising balance in each other.
Think of a gentle crab hiding under a rock, watched over by a steady, sure-footed mountain goat. They may seem very different, but both crave security and stability deep down. Cancer finds it in emotional connection, while Capricorn finds it in building a strong, practical foundation. Together, they can create a safe haven filled with love and support where each of them feels like they can truly flourish.
Core Strengths
- Nurturing vs. Structure: Cancer provides the emotional warmth and comfort Capricorn craves but often struggles to express. Capricorn teaches Cancer how to turn big feelings into something real. This creates order and makes Cancer feel secure.
- Mutual Respect: Both signs value loyalty and commitment. They respect each other’s work ethic. Cancer admires Capricorn’s ambition. Capricorn cherishes Cancer’s dedication to family and home.
- Emotional Anchor: Cancer is the heart of the relationship, softening Capricorn’s serious nature with warmth and empathy. Capricorn acts as a steady force, helping Cancer not to get overwhelmed by their emotions.
- Dream Team: Capricorn is a planner with an incredible talent for turning visions into reality. Cancer fuels those dreams with intuitive ideas and a belief in their partner’s ability to succeed.
- Quiet Evenings & Big Goals: This pair finds joy in simple pleasures. They like curling up at home as much as they like pursuing grand ambitions together.
Potential Challenges
- Emotional Walls: Capricorn can come across as emotionally distant, which might hurt sensitive Cancer. Cancer needs to give Capricorn time to open up, while Capricorn needs to express their feelings more openly.
- Work-Life Balance: Capricorn can easily become a workaholic, leaving Cancer feeling lonely. It’s important for them to schedule quality time, ensuring their emotional bond feels just as important as career goals.
- Clashing Social Styles:
- Cancer prefers small gatherings with loved ones. Capricorn might thrive networking and climbing the social ladder. It’s about finding compromises. They may have to step outside their comfort zones for their partner.
- Too Serious, Too Sensitive: Capricorn must remember that a little lightheartedness goes a long way. Cancer might take their seriousness personally. Cancer needs to understand that beneath Capricorn’s stoicism is a heart that cares deeply.
- Saying What You Mean: Cancer can be indirect when upset, hoping Capricorn will figure it out. Capricorn needs direct communication to know what’s wrong. They both need to practice being clear about their needs.
Cancer and Capricorn In Bed
Cancer and Capricorn can be very passionate partners. Cancer tends to be romantic and emotional in relationships. They seek true intimacy with their partner. Capricorn is more reserved but very sensual. Once they feel comfortable with someone, they show their passionate side.
At first, Capricorn may seem cold to Cancer’s romantic overtures. Cancer should not take this personally. Capricorn moves slowly in relationships and needs time to open up. Cancer needs to be patient. In time, Capricorn will reciprocate Cancer’s affection. When that happens, the passion between them ignites.
Sexually, Cancer and Capricorn balance each other nicely. Cancer helps Capricorn get in touch with their emotions, while Capricorn shows Cancer new ways to find pleasure. Cancer also enjoys pampering their partner, which Capricorn loves. Though opposites, they learn from each other in bed and have deeply satisfying sex.
Where They Excel Together in The Bedroom
- Experimentation. Once comfortable together, Cancer and Capricorn enjoy trying new things sexually. Cancer’s willingness to please helps draw out Capricorn’s adventurous side.
- Emotional connection. Cancer needs intimacy and bonding. Capricorn provides the patience and affection Cancer craves. This helps Cancer feel secure enough to unleash their passions.
- Pleasure. Capricorn enjoys being pampered and seduced. Cancer patients excel at creating a sensual mood and putting their partner’s needs first. This perfectly suits Capricorn.
- Passion. Though not apparent initially, Capricorn has a wild side in the bedroom. Cancer’s comforting presence allows Capricorn to get in touch with pure desire and ecstasy.
- Communication. Discussing needs and limitations openly leads to better sex for this pair. Cancer shouldn’t be afraid to ask for what they want.
- Trust. Taking it slow allows Cancer and Capricorn to build confidence in each other. With trust comes the ability to be vulnerable and indulge fantasies.
- Role play. Cancer enjoys pleasing, while Capricorn likes taking the lead. These complementary roles make sex exciting and extremely fulfilling.
Are Capricorn and Cancer Compatible?
In the traditional sense, it’s considered that these two usually could make a good couple if they put the work into it. Their compatibility is considered to be on the medium side of things. That doesn’t mean that a relationship cannot bloom from this combination; it just means that there’s a little more work to be done to make it work.
This really comes down to how they express their feelings. Communication about feelings in a relationship is essential, and sometimes it’s downright critical.
Cancers are one of the more sentimental and emotional signs of the zodiac. These people need to have a lot of love and affection, especially displays of affection, so they know that their partner really cares. That’s what really gets to their heart; they are less concerned about life’s materialistic aspects.
On the other side of things, Capricorn has a tough time expressing the feelings that they have in their heart and being able to open up about their thoughts when it comes to love. Sometimes they can be materialistic but not always. Still, they put a lot of importance into putting themselves into a good financial situation.
How Are Cancer and Capricorn in Love?
The relationship between these two is pretty much a complex one. You’re looking at a couple that completely understands their partner and how they work. The problem comes down to the fact that they will both go from one extreme to the next.
One minute they’re madly in love, and the next, they’re in a very tense argument. Then that fierce argument is completed, and they’re back to loving each other again. This might wear them down if they don’t have a lot of love between them.
The Cancerian in this relationship can be very persistent. In most cases, more often than not, they will be the ones that instigate things. Even though the Capricorn usually has a wall up, their partner can knock it down. In return, the Cap will surprise them with compassion and gentleness that they weren’t expecting, an ability to be stable in love, and living a lifestyle that complements the one that cancer likes.
Capricornians can bring a lot of stability and balance to their partner’s life. This is something that they genuinely need. One thing that should be mentioned is that they will not get the sentimentality and romance they genuinely love and want.
The compatibility of this relationship is medium, but with patience, open communication, love, and the ability to compromise, it could become even better than expected. It wouldn’t harm the relationship by injecting a little romance and sentimental moments to make it complete.

Read More about how the signs are in love
Cancer in love | Capricorn in love
Capricorn Man and Cancer Woman
Even though these signs are opposite, the relationship can endure, and the couple will remain happy. He has the drive and perseverance to succeed in life. Having her love, affection, and dedication means a lot to him, and he really appreciates her. Capricorn men and Cancer women can have a happy relationship if they keep their instincts in check. He sometimes takes advantage of people ( to get ahead), which is contrary to her sensitive nature. Therefore he should refrain from doing so.
How to Be Successful in This Relationship
He needs sympathy and attention as much as you do.
And he appreciates it because others tend to think he doesn’t need it. Don’t let his demeanor and poise fool you; he can be the most gentle and considerate of people. These men have a reputation for being stingy, but it’s not necessarily the case. They put themselves and those whom they love at the top of their list of priorities, and find it difficult to put the resources gained from their hard work to any other use than their security and happiness.
Help him become more sensitive to others’ feelings.
Both of you are patient; you want to avoid making mistakes in order to keep from being hurt, while he wants to avoid wasting the time needed to clean up messes. It would be good to remind him, every once in a while, that people can make a mess of each other’s feelings as well.
If he is interested in you, he is serious about it.
He’s born in a sign belonging to Saturn, who is not a frivolous planet. He may not seem to be outwardly emotional or go through mood swings as you do but be assured that he is, his swings are just spread out over a longer period of time.
Cancer Man and Capricorn Woman
Cancer men and Capricorn women are complete opposites, which explains why they find each other so fascinating. Each has different qualities and complements the other in various aspects of life. One characteristic in common is the ability to commit to relationships and be dependable. There may be a few difficulties at the beginning of the relationship due to their different ways of expressing themselves. Cancer men are compassionate, charming, and possess a lot of charisma.
How to Be Successful in This Relationship
Be thoughtful of his possessive nature.
Your Saturnian nature will not allow you to be used, in any way, shape, or form. You are an independent woman with a strong mind, and you won’t let others push you around. He may have to learn that he can’t treat you like property because some of them can be quite chauvinistic. If your relationship is established on the basis of equality, however, this problem can be resolved with a gentle reminder that will cause him to rein in and lose that habit of thought.
Be aware of ever-changing emotions.
Extreme or excessive emotions have a tendency to make Capricorn women nervous. You’ll probably have to get used to his mood swings. In the presence of unnecessary emotionalism, you tend to be quiet in order to avoid hurting other’s feelings, but Cancer needs constant reassurance. This is not too hard to work out with him if you pay attention and catch him in one of his gentle and understanding moods. Watch the phases of the Moon; it won’t take long before you have a good sense of his emotional rhythms.
These men tend to be sensitive to criticism.
If their feelings are hurt, it’s hard for them to let it go. This kind of issue can be easily resolved by lacing any criticism with compliments and respect because he is sensitive enough to pick up on what you’re trying to say without his “male ego” getting involved.
Capricorn and Cancer Friendship
You have the traits to be two of the loyalist friends ever.
For The Crab:
They are everything different but..and it is an important but!…you both want the same things. A strong life, stability, and a safe friendship. They add boundaries to your emotions. You add feelings to their world. Make this one have cosmic gifts to give one another.
For The Goat:
You’re serious. They feel comfortable and serious. You have a special kind of friendship that usually starts with a shared project, goal, or idea. They nurture. You tend. A nice ever-growing friendship…one that can last.

Cancer and Capricorn Relationship
For The Crab:
Opposites attract because there is some undeniable common ground in the middle of two opposites. Find it…and this can be AMAZING!
For The Goat:
Opposites attract, and you are their opposite sign. They are the emotional component of your personality. You are a serious component of theirs. Find something you can share and build from there. This can be sweeter than sweet.
Read More about how the signs are in dating
Dating a Cancer | Dating a Capricorn

Read More about how the signs are when it comes to sex
Cancer in bed | Capricorn in bed
Are Cancer and Capricorn Soulmates?
Cancer and Capricorn balance each other beautifully, creating possible soulmate potential. Capricorn provides structure that emotional Cancer needs. And Cancer helps driven Capricorn unwind. By supporting each other’s aspirations, this couple can build a loving and secure future. If they really want to work for it.
This will begin on the best note, with both of you being very loved up and sexual to begin with. Over time this bond can begin to fall away as Capricorn tries to begin organizing everything and there is no way you can tie a Cancer down in this way and get a good result! Cancer requires total dedication and this is hard to feel from a Capricorn, because although Capricorns are supportive and loving, they are also very focused on other parts of their life. You do have many of the same kinds of ideas and theories behind life, like money and the home though, so there is room for scope if you are willing to work hard at this love match.
If Cancer can control their feelings a little bit and try not to see everything in so much of an emotional way, this will help Capricorn to support the relationship in the proper manner. Don’t be surprised if you have the occasional temper tantrums, stemming from both sides though!
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Capricorn Compatibility Index | Cancer Compatibility Index| Zodiac Compatibility Index
My relationship is explosive both mentally and sexually
I am a Cancer female and he is Cap male. Both Alphas except in the bedroom I love being his submissive. The sex is AMAZING every time. Mentally we can discuss anything and after 9 months he has soften to be as crazy and zany as I am. Reserved when we met but now fun. We spar verbally and we love it . I am falling in love but as a true Cap he does not show his feelings. He says I can show you better than tell you. I am adjusting. I ignore him and he comes around filled with sweetness. I learned just let him be himself, live my life and he is there with joy. He also constantly says how feminine I am and he loves my brains and independence. He is a geek, super smart and I find him irrestible
So I met this capricorn man (I am cancer woman). I met him through a mutual friend that I seeing at the time, but he introduced me to this Capricorn man and when I shook his hand I felt an unbelievable energy between us. Time went on we became a couple and had a beautiful child. But as time went on, I start to realize the conflicts that is stated in our horoscopes are true. Cancers are family oriented/homebody’s who loves to build a family. Capricorns love family as well but they feel that the only way to maintain one is through bringing home the bacon. Therefore, your love-life suffers. You are secure finanically because Caps are very reliable, people who take care of home, but they can not multi-task! nothing is right,unless their money is right! They are very driven people, who loves success and Cancers are the same way but we are able to multi-task. we can take care of our children, our mate, and still be successful in own right. So it is hard work because capricorns are very cold and unemotional. It is not that they dont’ care about you, though their attitudes would “read” that they don’t but they are just incapable of expressing through emotion. They only seem to express through material things. Cancers need lots of attention and to be reassured but its hard to do that when your Capricorn mate is either always out working/socializing or when they are home they are thinking about how to maintain financially. Your crying and moaning won’t move them because they are unemotional and don’t quite understand why you are wasting time on something as frivilous as “emotions”. So the Cancer has 2 options. Just understand that this is why his/her mate is and not take it personal, and try to occupy their time with children, work and goals to push out the need for affection, attention or emotions and just enjoy it when it comes around every so often, or get the attention,etc..from somewhere else. Unfortuantely, since Caps live in a bubble. If you get caught at the dangerous game of cheating, they will not understand why you did it…I mean…what? They were just trying to go out and make a living to keep the family finanical secure even though you were being ignored. On a lighter note, once they are where they need to be finanically, you both can enjoy the fruits of their labor.
I went into a store one day and was love struck by a security officer that worked there. I found out later that he is a cancer(and i a capricorn) i have been going out of my way to see him since ! im nervous because i havent been in a relationship in 1.5 years but something about him im utterly drawn to. i finally got his number and i hope all goes well. i want to take it really slow…dated an aquarius and he was a very negative man….hopefully this cancerian will be the last! :) wish me luck!!
I’m a cancer and when I ran into this one capricorn. There was immediate attraction. This is so weird. This guy is a dork, but I just stopped walking and started staring and smiling at him. I later found out he was my sister’s boss, and was very hardworking and intelligent. But he really wanted to settle down. And I was not ready to be looking for a settling down type of guy especially since the quality of women he was dating didn’t impress me as someone who was chosey. In my case, I know what I want, and value marriage. So I wanted to take thing slow and not rush into anything especially that important with just anyone.
I just mate a Capricorn so far I must say sooo good he is really sweet and we have lots of fun together!!! But there is a problem I really dont like his hair….. I need to just think with my heart and not my eyes, these days it very hard to find a good man….. and he is a good man hard worker and all! He is really my sweetie pie.
This Cancer man takes my breath away with just his texts. I have never been with him, but have known him forever. I know it is fixing to happen for this cancer man and capricorn woman.