1. Carmelita says:

    My relationship with my guy is definitely working out. He makes me laugh, I feel that he is very strong for me in many different Ways. Its been a year that we have been together and we are planning to take it to the next level. I trust him with my feelings and he is not judgemental of me. I like that. I have no doubts that he will be a good father. I feel safe when I am with him. On the other hand he is very passionate, down to earth . He takes care of business, I am his best friend. We love to do a lot of things together like jogging, biking,cooking, having coffee in the mornings while we chat about politics, news, family etc. We just talk and talk and talk about silly stuff. Thank you for reading my comment and good luck.

  2. did i miss out? says:

    I have been attracted to caps and caps to me but it just never actually happened with a cap because I was always with someone. I have found my mate for life in a sensitive n sweet Pisces but I always wondered what it would have been like if I ended up in a power couple relationship with a cap. I think it would be realy different from the mushy layed back reltionship I have with my Pisces. I will never know…

  3. 11shootingstars says:

    I can’t believe I have found this amazing cappy. I love him to death. The only problem is that we live almost a thousand miles away from each other. I met him this Summer very unexpectedly. Our eyes locked and we just had to know each other. We hung out a little, I went home to my state, came back, realized I was really in love and we went public with it. My parents adore him. We both cried our heads off when i went home. Then he got on a plane to come see me and that’s when we first said I Love You. We said it like 5 times a day to each other, it was so sweet. Now he’s going through his first year in college and my last year of high school. Its been difficult but we are hanging in there the best we can. We can’t wait to be together. Yes we are very young, but true love doesn’t come when you want it to, it comes when its time. I hope everything works out for us. Everyone else expects it to. I love him.

  4. Jazabella says:

    I have been with my Taurus BF for just over a year now and he is the first guy in a string of failed relationships that I firmly believe is a good match for me. He tolerated my moodiness and is so down to earth and grounding. I also love that he actually works as hard as me and we share a common vision for the future. We have the same fantasies and it totally goes off in the bedroom. Taurus guys are the best ;)

  5. Ashley Ash says:

    I met him at work this summer, and while we had the same circle of friends, we never really talked until the day he was planning on moving away for college… we started talking nonstop for the first week, before deciding to give the long distance thing a try. So far, it’s working wonderfully. I feel more strongly for him than I’ve felt with any other guy I’ve dated, and we’ve barely been dating 2 weeks. Our personalities seem to just go together. It is a new relationship and time will only tell if it stays so strong for long– but I can only hope it will. He makes me believe that I’m capable of love, which is important because I was starting to doubt myself (I always have a problem letting people in.) He makes me laugh, and we have pretty much the same sense of humor. He’s always there to encourage me to do what I have to do, looking out for my best intentions. Not to mention the awesome time in the bedroom. All in all, a match made in heaven.

  6. Miss Smith says:

    I’m a capricorn and my boyfriend is a taurus. I have to admit when we first met I had no idea he would be so important to me. He means the world to me and when I’m with him or just on the phone with him I feel so comfortable. WE trust each other but sometimes the fact that I have had a bad past with men gets in our way. I apologize when I’m in the wrong as does he. We are already talking about a child but maybe we won’t go through with it at this moment.

  7. Whew, uh no. Together for 8 years, engaged to be married, and it just didn’t work out. Cap Man can be domineering, and ignorant. I got tired of being the maid, the chef, and the lover, but never The Woman Who He Was Marrying. Family comes first with Caps,and in this case, his family was more important than me. Unlike most Bulls who resist change, I unlocked my pasture gate and got away from that Stubborn Old Goat.

  8. Jermond's Girl says:

    Well Its Been Four Months For Him & I And I Must Say Its Been Wonderful. I’m Falling For Him Already He Makes Me Laugh (Viva Versa) I Can Talk To Him About Any & Everything He’s Truly My Match Made In Heaven! We Have Our Days Thou Wen We Cant Deal With Each Other But It Only Last About A Couple Of Hours. I Can’t Seem To Go A Day WithOut Him & Neither Can He.. He’s My Heart My Baby

  9. I met my husband & we hit it off straight away. After 3 days we knew we were in love. He is my best friend & we can talk a out anything & everything. In the bedroom we can be explosive but also lazy. He can be domineering & one sided and pig headed. I will walk away rather than argue & then when we both calm down we discuss the problem & get over it. We have been together for 10 years now & have 6 children between us. I love him to pieces, he is the love of my life & my best friend & I believe we will be together til death parts us.

  10. Miss Becca says:

    He’s a Cap I’m a Taurus. First time parents finally! She’s our miracle, I’m 37 yrs old. The secret to a long happy union is Communication AND Compromise. We are mostly out driving around enjoying great conversion or when home just loving each others company. Friendships come and go but TRUE LOVE IS ALL YOU NEED! Do your homework on your partner…likes/dislikes COMPROMISE!

  11. We became instant friends. Easy to get along with. It’s like we had known each other forever. We dated a year and 8 months and eventually mutually decided to end our relationship because we were best friends but not sexually into each other like that. Turns out, I made a mistake and wanted to work on that problem rather than just throw away the relationship, but it’s too late now. No matter what I say or do, he is not wanting to get back together and it’s just pushing our friendship away , It could have been perfect.

  12. I fell for a Capricorn boy. He was all muscles, tatted up and super sexy. He could play the acoustic guitar & sing. He taught me about things I’ve never even dreamed about. He just seemed to good to be true for me. I got scared. Decided to get with someone less intimidating, less prone to getting my feelings hurt (he talks to lots of girls…) Don’t know if that was wise or not. I still think about him a lot. But I don’t want to mess up a good thing I have with a good guy..

  13. hopeful one says:

    Just met an awesome Taurus guy online — he doesn’t show a lot of emotion and after our first date I didn’t think I’d hear back from him. But he’s kept in touch and we’ve met up a couple more times. I’m really enjoying him and I think it’s mutual. I’m a typical capricorn though: I’m cautious and don’t want to get in too deep then get burned (which has happened a couple times in the last six months). I’ve already figured out that he’s flexible about almost everything except when he’s absolutely intractable. I just hope I’m not misreading him — I hope he’s as into me as I am into him. He’s a person I respect tremendously and we’re completely compatible in all the important ways.

  14. DarkAngel says:

    YES IS TRUE!!! TAURUS & CAPRICORN ARE MADE FOR EACH OTHER. But if only Capricorn was more forward early on. I met a Capricorn guy with a gorgeous body and he is 22 and I am 25 and we both graduated college together. He was a bit rude and awkward at first. But I secretly felt compelled by him. He would stare at me, watch me, follow me, and stalk me. But, he could not approach me. I felt an unspoken connection to him. I wish he would take control instead of just checking me out. We are soul mates unable to connect.

  15. Saraswati says:

    I am a Capricorn and i think my husband brings the best out of me which couldn’t have been done by anyone. Trust me,never believed astro until now but i am amazed to know that what a perfect match we made. We complete and compliment one another, started with harmony (beautiful appreciating conversation)..similar interests ,similar emotions however as a individual many things may differ still you can never deny the beautiful powerful compatibility both share. Sexually we are way too expressive, too much of passion and we could share sexual pleasures for life. I will take it! lol.

  16. Unless you two are on the exact same page in your lives’ stories, expect your horns to butt. It probably doesn’t help that I have a huge Aries influence in my natal chart and the Cappy has a strong Sagittarius influence. They’re probably destined to be a true “loner Capricorn” so it’s not much of a loss for me.

  17. Taurus Black says:

    the match is just perfect. like two half of the same apple. I have the power to see inside him everything what is best and help him to bring out, he know what exactly the button to touch and transform me in a tiger and i want to eat him all. the sex is great because is not only sex, it is sex and love in the same time and make as do not have enough ever! we not speak to much because we understand each other without words, and when we are together we don’t need anyone else! He knows when i am angry and how to calm down me! many times before he call me i have my phone in my hand and wait! it is such a strong connection betweenuas that everybody can see and many people envy as for so beautiful we are together. the rest are minor facts and dos not count! if you are in this kind of relationship – taurus woman and capricorn man- try has hard you can because you will not regret in the end.

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