Depression in the birth chart
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Exploring Astrological Aspects and Mental Health
Astrology has sparked curiosity among researchers exploring potential connections to mental illnesses, despite lacking clinical acceptance. Psychiatrists like Mitchell Gibson have conducted studies using standard research methods, providing intriguing results. Gibson’s book, “Signs of Mental Illness,” offers in-depth insights into his studies. The Centre for Psychological Astrology (C.P.A) in London, led by Liz Greene and other writers, has produced numerous books on the combination of astrology and psychology. This article draws from various sources.
Keep in mind that astrology doesn’t dictate a fixed outcome; it represents energies that can manifest in various ways in one’s life. Let’s examine some key planetary aspects associated with mental well-being. While several planets can contribute to mental health issues, Saturn stands out as a significant influencer. However, it’s essential to consider the broader context when analyzing Saturn’s impact.
Individuals with this aspect tend to approach matters of self-expression and identity with seriousness. They thrive when given positions of authority. However, they may struggle with confidence, leading to low self-esteem and a lack of self-belief.
Hard aspects here suggest challenges in expressing and experiencing emotions. Strong emotions can bring about deep sadness and make it difficult to stay positive. If these individuals live alone, it is recommended they have something living, such as a pet or plants, to nurture and prevent emotional stagnation.
This aspect produces serious thinkers who don’t easily appreciate jokes unless they consciously acknowledge the humor. Words carry great weight for them, making them beneficial for study and research. However, they must periodically lighten up to avoid falling into depressive and negative thinking patterns.
This aspect isn’t ideal, as Saturn can hinder the natural flow of giving and receiving in relationships. People with this aspect may struggle with self-worth, believing they must work for everything. They may find it challenging to accept that someone can love them simply for being themselves. Time is a precious commodity to them, so if they offer you their time, consider it a sign of affection, as they rarely give it without care. Negative body image issues may arise, causing women to feel unattractive despite possessing great beauty.
This combination often leads to suppressed willpower and restrictions. It can be beneficial for developing discipline in physical activities, but depression may arise if Saturn overly influences Mars. The burden carried here is naturally heavy, akin to a cart-horse connection, with a tendency to become overwhelmed.
Hard aspects between these planets stifle natural expansion. There’s an internal push-pull dynamic at play: Jupiter desires growth and enlargement, while Saturn urges caution, restriction, and control. When prominent in the birth chart or aspected by other planets, this aspect may evoke feelings resembling bipolar disorder. Acknowledging this internal battle is crucial. Mythologically, Jupiter eventually overcomes Saturn, but who will win in your chart? Consider the overall chart, giving weight to the voice that deserves it, but also honoring the voice that has something to say.
This aspect embodies the conflict between structure, society, and revolution, freedom. Saturn builds, while Uranus shakes things up with unexpected events. Individuals with this aspect may fear achievement, thinking that even if they accomplish something, it will be taken away. Insecurities and issues with authority can arise. They must strive to break free from old patterns while avoiding discarding valuable aspects of their lives.
This combination poses challenges as it can impede spiritual development. While it doesn’t outright deny spirituality, individuals with this aspect approach it with seriousness, maintaining strong boundaries. The conflict arises because Neptune can only be accessed by letting go of restrictions, while Saturn fears a lack of boundaries. Achieving balance is crucial; otherwise, these individuals may suffer from spiritual disconnection.
This is an extremely challenging aspect to balance. It represents a power struggle between Saturn, who strives for enduring structures, and Pluto, who constantly tears down what no longer serves a purpose. It bestows tremendous endurance, which can be beneficial or detrimental. People with this aspect tend to tolerate unhealthy situations longer than necessary, straining their psyche and causing long-term damage. However, if honored, this aspect instills a sense of responsibility to reform areas of life represented by the houses involved, potentially leading to positive changes for many.
It’s important to consider Chiron, which represents wounds and healing, especially when it forms hard aspects with personal planets. Chiron can create sensitive trigger points. When facing challenging circumstances, whether from life events or planetary transits, addressing Chiron’s influence is crucial before tackling other issues. Its power in mental and psychological health should never be underestimated.
The listed aspects can also occur through temporary transits. However, they still have a noticeable impact. I vividly recall my own experience during Saturn’s conjunction with my natal Sun, which resulted in a loss of humor. Observing others during their Saturn transits further emphasized the effects. Individuals with challenging natal aspects must endure these influences continually, which may feel entirely normal to them.
Having several heavy Saturn connections in your birth chart doesn’t automatically lead to depression. Saturn primarily signifies seriousness and restriction. However, it’s essential to monitor Saturn’s transits because if we’re unaccustomed to its energy, we may succumb to despair without understanding the cause. For those carefree and eternally youthful, Saturn’s arrival can be quite a shock, demanding a mature response. Responsibility is another key factor in depression. Sometimes, we forget that we have a choice. Depression often arises when we’re unhappy or disengaged from life, despite having the ability to change our circumstances. Suppressing our feelings can also lead to depression, and it’s a choice we make. Taking responsibility for our lives can help us avoid misery. Boredom may also play a role. While some people endure significant challenges without succumbing to depression, others quickly slide into apathy and resignation. Astrology can aid our understanding of how we respond to both favorable and unfavorable situations, even if we tend to overlook the positive aspects.