Libra and Aquarius Compatibility: Sex, Love, and Friendship
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Key Takeaways:
Libra and Aquarius have a relationship filled with mental stimulation, shared ideals, and lots of social fun. If they can respect their slight differences and find practical ways to get those grand plans off the ground, this airy duo has a bright future in store.
Compatibility: Good
Read on to learn how you can make things go smoother

Libra and Aquarius Compatibility
Libra and Aquarius are a match made in the airy heavens! Both are air signs. They’re intellectual social butterflies who value communication and big ideas. Think of this duo as the life of the party, the ones chatting everyone up, buzzing with shared interests, and maybe even scheming up plans to improve the world a little bit.
There’s a natural ease between Libra and Aquarius. Libra, ruled by Venus, is all about balance and harmony, while Aquarius, ruled by rebellious Uranus, is a quirky innovator. At their core, both signs want a fairer, more interesting world. Libra brings grace and diplomacy to rally people. Aquarius adds unique, out-of-the-box solutions. It’s a powerful partnership!
Core Strengths
- Intellectual Sparks: These two love to talk and debate. Libra brings open-mindedness, and Aquarius brings the eccentric ideas. Conversations won’t be dull, and they’ll likely push each other to grow.
- Social Butterflies United: Libra and Aquarius are always surrounded by friends. Together, they become the ultimate power couple, making amazing connections and hosting parties everyone wants to attend.
- A Team for Justice: Both signs value fairness. Libra will smooth things over while Aquarius fights for the underdog – they’ll be advocating for good causes together.
- Appreciation of Beauty: Libra has an eye for design and Aquarius for the unconventional. Together, their homes and styles will be eclectic and interesting.
- Low-Drama Relationship: Air signs aren’t big on emotional outbursts. Conflicts get discussed calmly, making life together surprisingly easy.
Potential Challenges
- Detachment vs. Need for Romance: Aquarius can be emotionally aloof, while Libra craves some classic romance. Aquarius needs to show affection in their own way, and Libra needs to learn that being less intense can be okay.
- Procrastination Station: Two air signs might be great at ideas, less so at execution. They need a plan for getting things done, or those big dreams might remain just that – dreams.
- Who’s Taking the Lead? Neither sign is a born leader, so decisions can get stalled. They might have to divide and conquer, each taking charge in their strength.
- Aquarius’ Rebellious Streak: Too much quirkiness can make Libra uncomfortable. Aquarius needs to tone it down occasionally, and Libra needs to let their partner have their unique moments without judgment.
- Social Overload: These two can be popular to the point of exhaustion! They’ll need quiet time every now and then to recharge, even if that means saying no to invitations.
Libra and Aquarius Compatibility Percentage
Relationship Aspects | Compatibility Percentage |
Romantic Connection | 91% |
Trust | 86% |
Communication and Understanding | 40% |
Expressing Feelings | 81% |
Shared Beliefs and Values | 49% |
Doing Things Together | 66% |
Overall Relationship | 67% |
Libra and Aquarius In Bed
When Libra and Aquarius get together in the bedroom, they connect well intellectually and sexually. Both signs love to communicate and get to know each other mentally before getting physical.
At first, Libra may feel shy and insecure in the bedroom. Libra cares a lot about what others think, so they may worry about being judged. Aquarius helps Libra feel more comfortable with experimentation and expressing desires. Aquarius is very open-minded and doesn’t judge.
Once Libra feels safe, the bedroom fun begins. Libra brings beauty, grace, and charm to the bedroom. Aquarius brings excitement, spontaneity, and new ideas. This makes their sex life anything but boring!
Where They Excel Together in The Bedroom
- Communication. Libra and Aquarius never stop talking, even in bed! They discuss desires openly and give feedback to please each other.
- Intellectual Connection. These air signs bond mentally and sexually at the same time. Their brains are their biggest sex organ.
- Open-Mindedness. Aquarius encourages Libra to relax and try new things without fear of judgment. Libra helps Aquarius feel understood.
- Humor. Silly banter and laughter make sex more lively and less stressful for this playful couple.
- Creativity. Aquarius especially thinks outside the box, while Libra adds stylish flair. Their sex life is anything but boring.
- Fairness. Libra’s sense of justice means this couple compromises well sexually. Neither partner takes more than they give.
- Chemistry. As air signs, Libra and Aquarius click sexually. Their shared energy creates great erotic chemistry.
In the bedroom, Libra helps Aquarius feel deeply connected, while Aquarius helps Libra feel free. Their sex life brings them closer together, adding joy and passion to their relationship. With compromise and understanding, this couple can keep discovering new sexual heights together for years to come.
Are Libra and Aquarius Compatible?
When you take both of them, and you put them in a relationship together, magic can happen. The relationship compatibility between these two is pretty good.
Both of these people are very independent in the way that they like to live their lives. So they tend to give their partner freedom to do what they need to be happy, and in return, their partner does the same. They both appreciate this coming from their companion.
Even though they love to have Independence outside of the relationship, that does not mean they don’t value what they share with their partner.
These two signs are very friendly and will have no problem as a couple making friends with other people.
This isn’t a relationship purely based upon love; there is a deep-rooted friendship that is the base of everything they share.
When they’re together, these two are never at a loss for words because their conversations are very engaging and thought-provoking.
Even though they share very similar thoughts, they have very different ways of expressing themselves.
How Are Libra and Aquarius in Love?
This is one of those relationships that usually is guaranteed to be considered a success. That is usually what happens when you have a relationship that has a friendship foundation. When it comes to a happy relationship, an excellent foundation is critical.
This couple matches up well since they have a lot in common, and their styles mesh perfectly.
These two will share an extraordinary life together that is quite unique. Their relationship doesn’t fit into what you would typically consider the “traditional couple.”
They both are very clever and very generous towards each other. The fact that they have common taste in many different things will always ensure that they have something to share.
These two will fall in love without being overwhelmed or stressed at all. The love that they share together will feel like it was meant to be.
There is one thing that could possibly cause problems for this couple in the future, and that revolves around feelings. Libra can easily show what thoughts and feelings they have in their heart, and they will want the Aquarius to be able to do the same for them. This might upset the Aquarian as they’re not as emotionally open as the Libran.
At the same time, Aquarius needs to be able to dial things down a little bit regarding how they treat Libra. The Libra can be very sensitive at times, and sometimes the Aquarius can have a very critical side to them, even sometimes a cruel side.
For this relationship to work, they need to be on the same page regarding feelings. At the same time, they know that when they are in an argument, they really take it easy on each other, knowing that the future is at stake if the wrong words are said.

Read More about how the signs are in love
Libra in love | Aquarius in love
Libra Man and Aquarius Woman
This is a combination that seems to balance each other out and stay happy. This man is very melodious and enthusiastic. They communicate well and try to understand the thoughts of the other person. The Aquarius women adjust well with Libra men. The reason is their similarity in terms of having a harmonious and fun life. He is a genuine person and wants to keep stress out of his life. Similarly, she needs and wants the same. They love to have fun but want to avoid all stressful situations. This is the reason why their love relationship flows smoothly and they cooperate with each other at all times.
How to Keep the Fire Burning
Learn from each other.
Both of you approach love in a light and poetic way; the little things you do are more important to both of you than declarations of lifetime loyalty. Try to keep it that way until he comes forth with ideas about how things should change; if it’s his own idea, it should be brilliant, tender, and loving. You’ll learn a lot from each other, and have a great deal of fun.
Be aware of his need for rest.
He has a pattern you should learn. He’ll go through periods of furious activity and then need to rest, almost immobile in order to renew himself. Don’t take this for his being lazy, and don’t try to push him to action when he is in a resting period. If you do, it will throw the scales off balance, and he’ll become quite annoying; maybe even mean.
Trust each other as you enjoy the company of others.
You both enjoy social activities, but you probably have very different ways in which you enjoy the company of others. He will also tend to attract the attention of other women and expect you to understand that he’s used to it and considers it normal, and it’s probably true; he is far too fair to involve himself in a dalliance if he respects and loves you.
Aquarius Man and Libra Woman
The relationship can be a successful one as both the members share similar traits in their personalities. Both value relationships and both are supportive and accommodating in their nature. The sensitive nature of a Libra woman can make her Aquarius man feel good and at home. He gets the support that he requires and the love that he craves. They both differ in how they view life so they need to understand and tolerate the ideas of each other for a balanced life. Both of them give too much importance to love and this is among the positive aspects of their relationship. At times, there can be troubles and conflicts but solutions will be available for them.
How to Keep the Fire Burning
He may need help with friendship vs love.
He will certainly admire the fact that you always strive to be fair and impartial, and you will admire the tolerance and friendliness in the way he goes about his life. He’s not ambitious, and values friendship highly; you may have to point out to him the difference between friendship and love, unless he gets it, and expresses it right away. Even if he does, he is likely to refer to you as a friend from time to time. Don’t let it get on your nerves.
Don’t try to push his opinions.
Don’t try to talk your Aquarius Man into “taking the next step” in your relationship. He is pretty solid on his opinions, and if he’s not pushing to “kick things up a notch” he has a good reason. Remember, Saturn is his co-ruler, and seldom does anything spontaneously, and Uranus, his other ruler, doesn’t usually do things in the way you’d expect. Be patient.
Don’t hammer on his character flaws.
If you get into an argument, don’t try to point out flaws in his character. It’s almost impossible for him to admit them, because he either doesn’t recognize them or defines them differently from the way you do. On top of that, Aquarius Men don’t like to argue. He believes that arguing is a waste of time; that life is too short to waste it on anger. This aspect of his nature will probably take some getting used to.
Libra & Aquarius Friendship
An instant attraction and admiration for both being able to think imaginatively will ensure a strong friendship.
For The Scales:
You’ll do a lot of gasping, a lot of laughing, a lot of going: “You did WHAT???” with your friend. They’re zany, they’re fun and they have almost as many friends as you.
For The Waterbearer:
Everyone gets along with them That’s just how it is. So, maybe that’s why you often shy away from them. Yet, you two have a lot more in common than you have different. Try drawing out their thoughts as they’re usually quite intriguing.
Aquarius and Libra Relationship
For The Scales:
Really, you know you have a relationship, you talk on the phone every night and there is always a long text in the morning from your partner. But you two can go in such different directions it almost seems like you’re dating air. Still, it’s fun.
For The Waterbearer:
This partner of yours goes along with anything and everything you could ever want to do. They work hard to fit into your life. At the very worst it may lack that rebellious element you thrive on. Nice and calm.
Read More about how the signs are in dating
Dating a Libra | Dating an Aquarius

Read More about how the signs are when it comes to sex
Libra in bed | Aquarius in Bed
Are Libra and Aquarius Soulmates?
Air signs Libra and Aquarius connect on many levels for soulmate love. Their shared idealism combined with their curiosity makes conversation flow easily between these two. Libra and Aquarius have unbeatable chemistry that helps them build a unique bond full of warmth and understanding.
This will be a relationship that is incredibly magnetizing to everyone around you. You have amazing sexual energy flowing between you and the amount you are both attracted to each other will shine out. You do tend to have a lot of ideas than don’t seem to come to anything, but you both love to plan and have aspirations, no matter how much they seem out of your reach. When you pull together you are able to achieve anything you set your hearts on. The only major problem you may have is deciding who is in charge. You are both very determined and bossy people when you feel the need and there will be a power struggle if you don’t watch it.
Libra is the more likely of the two of you to give, as Aquarius is too stubborn to see sense sometimes! You will find you have many laughs and a lot of special memories shared between you over time, keep each other laughing this will work out long-term.
Check out these other pages
Libra Compatibility Index | Aquarius Compatibility Index| Zodiac Compatibility Index
I am a Libra woman and have just entered into a relationship with an aquarius man. So far everything above seems true. We did connect on an amazing level the very first time we met. We have what seems to be the perfect relationship! We don’t get sick of seeing each other although it is true that he spends time alone the odd night which is fine with me. Physically it is also perfect. I’m hoping that this will last a long long time and that it is true that this is a perfect match for me.
I had the same problems described by Ronny. I am an aquarian woman who shared seven years of my life with a libra man. He was extremely jealous, narrow minded and became extremely violent. Sex also prudish. No reasoning with him whatsoever. Disasterous match and I will forever avoid getting into a relationship with any libra!
i am a libra girl and a few years ago i was w/ an aquarius guy for about a year. everything described in this article was true. even the part about him being odd and me being nutty – we made eachother laugh a lot and enjoyed one another’s company. but we were kids, just about 19 and being so young i didn’t yet understand his independence and felt very insecure about where i stood with him. in hindsight i now see that aquarius men can seem rather flighty and non-comittal. i just wanted to respond to offset “ronnie’s” comment that his aquarius/libra relationship was the worst he ever had. it was one of the sweetest i ever had. and had i hung in there i think it would have been one of the best. and btw, physically it was fantastic, we were such a perfect match, like i have yet to find again. and i know he felt the same way :)
Hi! i completely agree with you wendyy! im a libra, currently in a relationship with an aquarius and i’ve never been happier! since the first day we met we have been inseparable!.. we never have a dull moment and very rarely get into any arguements! I guess my only comment to whoever is curious about this Aquarius/Libra topic is.. Dont knock it til you try it!
My libra girlfriend was the worst relationship i ever had…everyone says Aquarius/Libra is a great match but none of the things described about that match was true in mine. Sex was bad and very prudish not to mention unheard of. Diplomacy was non existent. Compromise was a promise to lie. Nothing about this relationship was what I have heard. Horrible match! Years of frigid Libra has left me with a bad taste for this match.