Libra Relationship
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Libra In Relationships
Where love is concerned, Librans tend to be in short lived, but very intense relationships. Because they don’t like to be on their own for too long, they will often bounce back from break-ups fairly quickly and be off in search of a new partner. The down side to this is that they don’t always give themselves the necessary time to heal their hearts and often end up in rebound relationships. Some may see them as being quite superficial where relationships are concerned because of this. Because of their love for pleasing others, they tend to dote on their partners quite a lot. They just need to make sure they are not compromising their own needs in order to make others happy.
Go here for Sex with a Libra and Libra Compatibility
The Significance of relationships to you Libra
Libra is symbolized by scales, which mean balance. You have to consider this before you start a relationship with someone. Visualize how the scales work. Imagine two trays on each side. Everything is perfect when everything is balanced, but if one of the trays is overloaded, everything is out of whack.
As you’ve learned in your life, exerting too much control in a relationship can make things worse, which can cause you a lot of stress and frustration. Conflicts start when you force issues.
You need to always find some balance. You know, the fine line between your personal experiences and what you share with your partner. Or when it comes to finding the right balance between what you need from others and what they need from you. When it comes to you, one of the most important things is finding the right balance between wishing and talking about what you want in life, and doing it.
It could be because you have a fiery and passionate Aries sign on your relationship angle in your chart that you’re attracted to egocentric or selfish people.
As a Libra, you want to keep and find harmony in your relationships. It’s easy to assume that if you do this on the first day, everything will be fine. It doesn’t work like that. Truth is, life is a game of compromises. Every day brings new challenges, so no matter how stable and happy your relationship was today, there’s no guarantee of that tomorrow.
Remember that every relationship, romantic or not, changes every day, and that the balance changes too. It’s important to remember that even if you have everything evened out one day, it could be out of whack the next and you have to work to fix it. Consider it an opportunity to learn something new about relationships, a theme that runs through much of your life.
Libra man in relationships
Whenever a Libra man’s emotions are removed from his decision-making process, he becomes cold and self-pitying. Those who think solely with their minds end up feeling physically and emotionally unbalanced, isolated and disconnected.
His challenge is to pay attention to what he is doing and listen to the facts. If he just maintains illusions of stability and happiness in relationships so he can stay in them, eventually those illusions will crumble. If he’s in control of his feelings and keeps them in check, he’ll be able to find someone who makes him happy instead of staying in a relationship just for the sake of it.
Don’t lose sight of the balance that makes Libra so special. Because of the scales in his life, he values balance throughout his life. Through trust, open communication, and loyalty to one another, it is easy to keep the balance. He will surely take notice of you if he sees these traits in you. Furthermore, ensure that all disagreements between you both are respectful.
To Libras, explosive emotional outbursts are extremely toxic. Their first instinct is to leave immediately, often forever! You’ll find that once you’ve attracted your Libra man, he will stick with you. In general, Libras don’t change partners very often. They usually seek a partner and establish a relationship. To keep the relationship from unraveling, you must keep him open to emotional closeness.
Libra woman in relationships
The Libra woman can get married more than once during the early part of her life since she will not be able to figure out whether they are right for her, so she will end up with the wrong partner. Subconsciously, she may desire a relationship to avoid having to be by herself.
Codependency is a possibility with her seeking out someone who can satisfy and make her happy. Before she can build a lasting relationship with anyone else, she must address her self-esteem issues by improving her sense of self-worth and self-love.
Rather than staying in unhealthy relationships that don’t work just so she can be with someone, she’d be better off leaving an inappropriate relationship as soon as she realizes it’s not working. Jumping from one relationship to another is going to wear her out over the long run physically, mentally, and emotionally, which isn’t good for her long-term health.
To catch her attention, you’ll need a solid plan, after all, she has a pretty good idea of how she wants things to go. You need to make her realize you’re important to her vision of the future. Since she is an air sign, the majority of her choices are influenced by her thoughts rather than her feelings. You have to let her down her defenses long enough for her to realize it’s okay to trust her feelings! She needs a clear picture of what she’s getting herself into if she goes with you. Encourage her to see you as a committed romantic, a trustworthy friend, and a dependable companion. You’ll be on your way to her heart if you do all of these things.
What a Libra likes In a relationship
Love from their partner
Appreciation and attention from their partner
Someone to enjoy beautiful things with
Imagination and creativity
Somebody that can take the time to bring the romance
A partner to have intelligent conversations with
To be able to be with a real gentleman
To feel supported
To be surrounded by people that care about them
What a Libra Dislikes In a relationship
Indecision from their partner
Criticism in every form
Disloyalty and unfaithfulness
Strong arguments that cause rifts
Lack of enthusiasm
Crudeness / harshness
To be forced to make decisions that they shouldnt have too.
Conflicting situations
Libra Romance and Relationship Traits
Faithfulness in A Libra Relationship
Libra cheater or faithful?
Librans are generally known for their faithfulness. Ideally, they want to find a relationship that is enjoyable and stable at the same time. Their goal is to find someone with whom they can share a future, and who is trustworthy and respectable. And they want to talk about any relationship issues.
There is always the possibility of infidelity rearing its ugly head in a relationship.
Can a Libra be unfaithful?
Whatever they do, they are still human.
With this sign, infidelity may occur if they can get something out of a relationship with somebody else that they are lacking in their current relationship. Making them make a mistake and slip up.
It’s important to remember that if a Libra is unfaithful, it isn’t premeditated. They don’t go into a situation and think “I’m going to be” unfaithful at this very moment. That’s the opposite of how they think.
If they are caught, they expect to be treated the same way they would treat their partners. Since they would not forgive their partner for their indiscretions, they would expect the same in return. They would realize how bad the emotional impact would be if the roles had been reversed.
If they catch their partner cheating, the outcome is pretty much the same. There will be no forgiveness, and they will have lost complete trust in their partner. Without either of those, the relationship is doomed.
If they cheat, they will have generally reached the point that they realize the relationship won’t work. After they’ve done their partner dirty, they are known for being unable to forgive themselves. They end their relationship out of respect for their significant other.
In most cases, they will never discuss the issue or discuss any possible future. To them, this is merely a situation to get over and begin a new chapter in their lives.