5 Ways to Make a Virgo Man Fall in Love With You
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How to Conquer the Virgo Man and make his love yours!
If you have a Virgo man in your sights and you’re planning on Charming him to get him to fall for you, you really have to be prepared, as it won’t be easy.
They need to get to know a person well before they can get to a point where they trust them and can share their feelings with them. They want to be sure that the person they are opening up to is someone worthy of their trust and respect. This cautious approach can often lead to long-lasting, meaningful relationships.
Here’s another thing you have to take into consideration, once you have won them over and you have gained their trust, you might have to work even more. Virgo men can be very demanding and have high expectations.
These men are intelligent, analytical, and meticulously organized. They try as hard as they can to be perfectionists. In most cases, they prefer to do things their way.
Although they are prone to being a bit reserved and shy, this cannot be overlooked.
It is important to note that these guys are known for more than just their tough personalities. Especially with regards to dating, these guys are very trustworthy and reliable. They’re very loyal and dedicated friends and companions. They show a lot of patience when dealing with life’s challenges. And they really do like to have a lot of fun with their loved ones.
He is one of those guys who does not give up his heart right away. Sometimes he is hesitant to open up his heart, and he can be slow to commit. Nevertheless, when he does open up his heart, you can expect a sincere, heartfelt relationship.
So are you looking to win over your Virgo man’s heart? Besides the fact that you probably will be analyzed and critiqued, are you also ready to be held in high regard and be well-loved by this guy? We’ll look at some of the characteristics or personality traits they admire in others. You will more than likely win their hearts if you incorporate these things into your lifestyle!
Always be on time
There are many reasons you need to be on time when meeting a Virgo man. For one, Virgos are very punctual people who appreciate others who are as well. If you are not on time, they may perceive this as disrespect for their time, and you may lose their trust and respect. In addition, Virgos tend to be quite critical, so if you’re late, they are likely to have something to say about it. It’s best to avoid all of that by simply being on time!
Especially when it comes to dating somebody or being with someone that doesn’t easily forgive people when it comes to delays. Keeping them waiting will decrease your chances of staying with them. It wouldn’t even matter what excuse you had for being late, whether or not traffic was too much, you had a hard time leaving the house Etc. He would just be wondering why you had not left earlier. He would look at If you had left earlier, you would have arrived on time. It’s as simple as that.
Make sure that you are ready and on time if he picks you up at your place for a date. Who wants to wait? Because he will be like a taxi driver in the driveway watching the clock and counting down. Arriving on time shows that you respect his time and are interested in spending time with him.
You have to keep in mind that there are two different types of Virgos. You have the ones who do everything by the book, who will be displeased that you are late.
Then there’s the one who is the more sensitive and emotional of the two. One who could be fearing the worst happened to you, thinking that’s why you are not ready to go. But either way, there’s no good outcome, is there?
If you were to pick between the two of them, you would probably more than likely want the one that was the most sensitive anyways.
Take good care of yourself
They can be very demanding, critical, and detail-oriented, both toward others and even themselves. Make sure to take care of yourself hygienically, brush your teeth, brush your hair, etc. You don’t have to look perfect when you go out, just look like you are taking care of yourself. Essentially, all other aspects of hygiene must be flawless for this guy.
If there are problems, you could probably expect comments or a grimace since he might not be able to help himself. He doesn’t like to hint that something is wrong; he says it outright. It could even be something like ” didn’t you think to iron that shirt before you wear it? I can’t be out seeing looking like I’m with somebody that doesn’t take care of themselves” but whatever you do, don’t take it personally!
He may not notice those things about other people but notices them about you. He sees this because he has recognized your potential and wants to help you reach it. Don’t be discouraged by his comments; they indicate that he believes in you and wants you to succeed.
Sometimes perfectionists are very hard to deal with since they pay attention to almost everything.
Although a person’s hygiene is important to them, if they want to really get to know you, they will look beyond the superficial and focus on who you really are. That’s just our opinion.
Don’t be in the Spotlight
These guys have more of a reserved/ more discreet side to them than other signs. They prefer to be with someone who has similar attributes to them. Whether you’re out with your friends or his, he’s not expecting you not to enjoy yourself. It’s the exact opposite since they’re always down to have fun and a good laugh. The problem you might have with him comes when you start to stand out from the crowd and become the center of attention. Because of his reserved nature, he may begin to feel awkward in the situation and possibly even a little bit embarrassed at the same time.
Now, he is not embarrassed because he is with you. The reason is that they are not sure what they should do when their partner wants to be in the limelight. The problem is that they don’t know what to do in the moment (and don’t want to act the same way). That’s why they gravitate toward women who are more reserved and soft. That’s just the way that they are. They are just calm, quiet guys who attempted to keep drama at bay.
Take the initiative
These guys sincerely enjoy all of the different stages of relationships. Especially when you meet for the first time, when the smiles, the eye contact, the glances, and the flirtation happen. Even though they enjoy that part of it, they aren’t good at it. Since they’re not great at it, it may take them longer to act on their feelings. It is easy for them to become intimidated in situations like that. They tend to get shy. Yes, this even includes the ones that deny it.
So you might have to be the one that takes the lead and initiates contact to get them to start talking. Take your time doing it, because he enjoys this stage of courtship.
Remember that these guys are very subtle. So if you decide to go up and talk to him, be casual and relaxed, strike up a friendly conversation and have some laughs together. You must show that you’re not in a hurry to do anything and really enjoy his company. The more comfortable he feels around you, the more likely he will want to spend more time with you. After some time has passed, if you still feel as though you’re on the same page and the conversation has flowed well, make your move. Tell him exactly what you would like to have happen from this point on politely. As mentioned before, they are so bad at hints, so you’re going to have to spell it out for them. They would love to hear exactly what it is that you want.
Have a conversation with them
These guys are very intellectual, so they seek someone who shares the same interests. To do this, you must get a good conversation flowing between you and your partner. What are his interests, how does he feel about what is happening in the world? Is he very culturally savvy? Does he enjoy baseball, but likes the analytical side of the game ( money ball anyone? brad Pitt!). Find out what he is interested in, and then learn more about them.
Demonstrate interest in the conversation even if it goes in a direction you’re not familiar with. Take the time to listen to his thoughts. See it as an opportunity to learn something new as well.
It also works the other way around, because if you talk about something that interests you with him, he would absolutely love it. These guys are constantly striving to learn new things anyways. They are fueled by their insatiable desire to learn more.