Mars – Meaning and Influence in Astrology
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Mars Astrology
I represent your physical vitality, assertion and drive, how you initiate actions and react to circumstances in your life.
Ruler | Aries |
Exaltation | Capricorn |
Detriment | Libra |
Fall | Cancer |
Mars is the planet of energy. It reigns over willpower and the urge to violence or wild activity. The Sun symbolizes life and the Moon maintains it. Mars on the other hand brings energy into living matter and grants an enterprising spirit, stamina, courage, and daring. The energy of Mars is primarily focused on existence. Mars is the counterpart of Venus: war and peace, hatred and love! The energy of Mars, however, cannot be missed, it gives the energy to tackle things to continue. Coffee, for example, is a typical Mars drink, it energizes.
A malefic position of Mars in the birth chart could lead to restlessness and recklessness. Egocentric behavior is emphasized, a Mars-type speaks his truth without thinking. Aggression, each incident is an opportunity to argue. This may turn out cruel. Rudeness, brutality.
Additionally, Mars symbolizes movement, freedom, vitality, masculinity, struggle, action, and war. It is the personification of the male, lover, soldier, pioneer, the captain. Everything that sticks, cuts, or penetrates belongs to Mars, syringes, surgical operations, surgeons.
What Mars Represents
Mars characteristics
Sincere, straightforward, courageous, enterprising, perseverance. The Mars-type is more suitable for practical assignments than for spiritual reflection. Talent for strategy; dynamic, but he easily dominates other people. Very sportive.
Incautious, impulsive, indiscreet, reckless, brutal, jealous, rancorous, and cynical. A tendency to break, destroy, primitive evil.
Other Associations
Zodiac Sign | Aries |
House | the first House |
Anatomy | speech and movement, blood, muscles, the male genitals. Fever. |
Colour | (blood) red |
Metal | iron |
Gemstone | ruby, garnet, and jasper |
Age | from 28 to 35 years, development of desire by Mars |
Day | Tuesday |
Symbol | worldly power above spiritual power. The medical symbol for the male. |
Occupation: all professions associated with action, initiative, and a certain risk. Soldier, officer, gunsmith, surgeon, butcher, demolisher, whitesmith, mechanic. But also: explorer, fireman, athlete.
Basic Astronomy:
Mars is the fourth planet in order from the Sun in our Solar System. It takes the planet close to two years (687 days) to complete its journey around the Sun. This planet is famous for the intense orange-red color of its light and for that reason Mars is often called the ‘red planet.
In Mythology:
He is the God of War (Ares) although called by his sister Athena ‘a thing of rage’ he eternally stands for a fighting spirit
In Astrology – Chart Interpretation
Mars is the energy principle in the horoscope. This planet rules our initiative, drives, and action. The position of Mars in the natal chart by sign, house, or aspect describes ‘how’ and ‘where’ you direct your energy and what motivates you as well as how aggressive and competitive you are. The analysis of the planet Mars illustrates how the Sun (ego) and the Moon (desire) express themselves in ‘action’. This planet also rules our sex drive, the ‘male principle’ and its position in the horoscope reveals your appetite for sex and your attitudes about it.
Astro Keywords:
masculinity, your driving force, bravado, enthusiasm, action, challenges, impulsiveness, and impatience
If you have strong Mars or some planets in Aries in your chart this saying will probably appeal to you ‘I want what I want when I want it.
Mars In The Signs
Mars in Aries
Mars, Aries ruling planet, enhances physical stamina, assertiveness, the ability to act decisively, and a straightforward approach. The conjunction of Mars with the Sun increases an already generous reserve of emotional and physical energy but may encourage rashness or overwork.
Good Aspect
- Independent.
- Unlikely to consider views of others or their needs.
- Lots of energy, keen to get on with life.
- Enterprising.
- Determined, bold, courageous.
- Upfront attitude.
- Forceful may even be pushy when enthusiastic.
Bad Aspect
- Irritable lacks self-control.
- Unable to rest.
- Impulsive.
- Impatient and intolerant.
- Will dismiss opinions of others and seek to impose own view.
- Argues.
Mars in Taurus
Mars strengthens the masculine aspects of both male and female Taureans. Mars is a positive influence in respect of determination, the ability to stand one’s ground where needed, and in boosting energy when hard work is required. However, Mars may also add to the strength of the explosion should the Taurean individual become angry or enraged, making it hard or even impossible to consider the feelings of others.
Good Aspect
- Highly practical, calm controlled use of energies.
- Keen to make material gains, work hard to achieve this.
- Purposeful and persistent, doesn’t give up easily.
- Tends to be possessive.
- Loyal and faithful.
- Openly affectionate.
Bad Aspect
- Stuck in a rut due to their reluctance to adapt. Inflexible, unable to capitalize on opportunities.
- Sometimes headstrong and impulsive.
- Stubborn.
- Self-indulgent, disinclined to consider the needs or opinions of others.
- Assumes others will fit in with plans.
- Forces issues.
- Smoldering temper.
Mars in Gemini
Mars has a strong influence on Gemini’s competitive streak and responses to stress. Exercise can be a good way to release stress and take advantage of the energy Mars provides, in a positive way. Whether you are a male or female Gemini, built-up tension can result in aggressive or unpredictable behavior.
Good Aspect
- Lively, always on the go.
- Very adaptable likes variety.
- Versatile.
- Quick reactions and responses.
- Rapidly grasps ideas, keen to learn.
- Good concentration.
- Good at a debate, not afraid to put views across.
- Plain speaking.
- Good use of communications skills.
Bad Aspect
- Restless, unable to relax.
- Impatient and irritable.
- Too many projects on the go at the same time.
- Some projects will remain unfinished.
- Constant changes in direction.
- Far too many ideas.
- Easily distracted.
- Hard to study a subject in depth.
- Collects facts but may not make full use of them.
- Jumps to wrong conclusions.
- Impulsive decisions.
Mars in Cancer
Mars has a considerable influence on Cancerian sex life at times, increasing innate sensuality and desire. Whether you are a male or female Cancerian, Mars influences your ‘masculine energies, adding to your natural intrepidity to get the job done or to be assertive. At times, however, this could mean an increase in aggression or shortness of temper.
Good Aspect
- May approach aims indirectly rather than head-on.
- Caring, quick to respond to people’s needs.
- Protective, quickly rises to the defense of people.
- Naturally maternal or domesticated.
- Keen to build up a home base and maintain it.
- Strong family links.
- Vivid imagination, good memory.
- Strong instincts, high intuition.
- Can sense impending difficulties.
Bad Aspect
- Moody, emotions easily aroused.
- Defensive and touchy.
- Unsure may back away from confrontations or, equally, maybe quarrelsome.
- Impulsive or uncertain.
Mars in Leo
Mars fits well with Leo’s organizational abilities, enjoyment of life (especially sexuality), and the positive expression of emotion, but where Mars has an influence, the tendency to ‘stage a scene’ or to behave pompously, is increased.
Good Aspect
- Exuberant and enthusiastic.
- Strong purpose in life.
- Determined and fearless.
- Likes to lead from the front or take the initiative.
- Good at organizing and planning.
- Very creative. Could do well in the arts and theatre.
- Likes to have fun and take risks.
- Enjoys life to the full.
- Generally independent but has strong romantic inclinations and can be passionate.
- Loyal, benevolent, and supportive.
Bad Aspect
- Ostentatious and melodramatic.
- Likes to be the center of attraction.
- Impulsive and risk-taking.
- Forceful.
- Doesn’t like to take a back seat.
- Pushes aside other people’s opinions, dominates.
- Provokes confrontations and arguments.
- Passions need careful handling.
Mars in Virgo
Mars influences the masculine aspects of the Virgoan, whether male or female. There is likely to be an increased capacity for work, especially the work of the mind, and a decisive approach to work that manifests in calm confidence to be assertive. This confidence may go with you into the bedroom, too. At other times, you may experience a rise in aggression that comes from increased tension and restlessness.
Good Aspect
- Efficient, painstaking attention to detail.
- Can work with great precision, may have craftsman or technical skills.
- Enthusiastic about work like to be of service.
- Great reserves of energy, willingness to keep going despite obstacles.
- Ideal mind for detailed, logical work such as analysis, research, accounting.
- Good with technicalities.
Bad Aspect
- Perfectionist.
- Unable to leave things as they are.
- Fussy over details may seek to impose a rigid code of conduct.
- Obsessed with health and hygiene.
- Dissipates energies and may run down health through overwork.
- Moralistic. Unable to express feelings due to rigidity of outlook.
- Tense.
Mars in Libra
Mars adds more sexual activity to romance but may encourage the Libran towards ‘falling in love’ without going on to form the deeper emotional ties Librans crave. The influence of Mars encourages a relaxed approach to life, but may also militate against getting things done.
Good Aspect
- Enthusiastic about relationships and mutual co-operation.
- May work hard to cement a relationship.
- Persuasive.
- Likes the idea of doing things together.
- A little rough around the edges but can be courteous.
Bad Aspect
- Alternations of enthusiasm tend to sway one way then the other.
- Indecisive, may make decisions on spur of moment.
- Hard to live life alone, needs someone at beck and call.
- Too dependent. Intolerant fails to consider other people’s views or feelings.
- Arguments and conflicts are likely.
- Much effort for little result.
- Sometimes hard to get motivated.
Mars in Scorpio
Mars, Scorpio’s ruling planet, enhances erotic energies, making a satisfactory sex life essential. However, Scorpios need to be aware of a particular aspect of the aggression associated with Mars – the tendency to exhibit a flash-point of jealousy, which may not always be warranted and may send them on a petulant quest to take revenge in extreme circumstances. Mars encourages enjoyment of the good things in life, and especially with food and drink, may entice the Scorpio individual into gluttony.
Good Aspect
- Very persistent, knows what is wanted, and seeks to get it with unflinching determination.
- Not easily put off. Secretive.
- May indulge in manipulation.
- Deep, powerful emotions.
- May be hard to understand.
- Disciplined mind.
- Shrewd, can spot opportunities and then capitalize on them.
- High curiosity.
Bad Aspect
- One-pointed aims.
- Can be ruthless and unable to let go.
- High emotional stress, desires not easy to satisfy.
- Wants own way dominates, manipulates.
- Unforgiving, broods, seeks retribution.
Mars in Sagittarius
Mars strengthens the masculine energies. Whether Sagittarians are male or female, the influence of Mars enhances the physical and mental energies, and increases the desire for adventure, though here it is essential to check the wisdom of chasing whatever is on the horizon. In other circumstances, Mars may add to your tendency to fly off the handle or wipe someone out verbally.
Good Aspect
- Freedom-loving enjoys action and adventure.
- Enthusiastic lives life to the full.
- May find resting not easy.
- Spontaneous attraction.
- Likes to maintain independence, though.
- Beneficent and helpful.
- Good at spotting opportunities, quick to take advantage.
Bad Aspect
- Boisterous and restless.
- Lives for the moment frequently go off at a tangent.
- Extravagant in words and deeds.
- Determined to win arguments, may try to shift the blame or get caustic.
- Exaggerates to impress.
- Extravagant and impulsive.
Mars in Capricorn
Mars increases Capricorn’s determination and staying power and helps overcome obstacles to goals. In other circumstances, Mars may promote aggressive tendencies, anything from grumpy behavior to full-blown anger, or the individual may see-saw between self-possession and uncharacteristic outbursts
Good Aspect
- Ambitious. Likes to plan and organize.
- Enthusiastic and persistent.
- Very industrious, practical, and conscientious.
- Good sense of timing.
- Well-directed emotions. Restrained.
Bad Aspect
- Rigid, set in ways.
- Slave to routine.
- Takes on far too much.
- Takes self too seriously, perhaps through early conditioning to ‘duty’.
- Lacks humor.
Mars in Aquarius
Mars energizes the masculine aspects of the Aquarian nature, whether male or female. Mars can promote organizational abilities, especially at work, but may reinforce an innate tendency to shut others out.
Good Aspect
- Seeks freedom to pursue aims in an original, progressive way.
- Can be a motivating force
- . Leads from the front.
- Humanitarian.
- Likes to remain detached and independent.
- Strong-willed.
- An intelligent mind is geared to advanced and progressive thinking.
- Science, technology, or unusual subject ought to appeal.
Bad Aspect
- Unorthodox behavior.
- Maybe antisocial.
- Refuses o be restrained, rebellious
- . Easily angered.
- Impatient.
- Can vary between periods of inertia and extreme activity.
- Uses people for their own ends, disregards their feelings.
- Conflicts and arguments are likely.
Mars in Pisces
Mars can strengthen the ‘masculine’ energies of either male or female Pisceans. A rise in ambition may be experienced as the individual cooperates with this influence to achieve goals. The influence of Mars may help the individual to be more physically assertive in sexual intimacy without depending on sentiment or romance to carry the day. In adverse circumstances, Mars may influence moodiness towards displays of anger.
Good Aspect
- Works for the benefit of others.
- Will sacrifice own interests to help.
- Generous and charitable.
- Seeks no reward.
- Attempts to achieve goals through subtlety and indirect means.
- Prefers peaceful solutions.
Bad Aspect
- Muddled and confused.
- Wants to do a great deal but tries too hard.
- Too many things on the go.
- Very sensitive to pain and suffering.
- Hard to cope with life.
- Uncoordinated efforts because emotions are ruling the mind.
- Means well but lacks focus.
- Lacks sufficient reserves of energy to complete goals, may exhaust self.
- Sometimes lacks the confidence to begin a task.
- Relationships with people lack direction or are at the mercy of uncontrolled emotions.
- It is easy to become involved in indiscriminate associations or clandestine activities that turn out to be unrewarding.
Serena Weaver
Mars, the planet of aggression, action, and sex. Mars is considered the ruler of Aries, and the traditional ruler of Scorpio. Its natural houses are the 1st house and the 8th house, respectively.
In the astrological chart, Mars is considered a personal planet, reflecting basic psychological functions in the personality.
Notable astronomical characteristics
The red planet gets its color from iron oxides covering its surface. Mars bears the deepest known canyon and the highest known mountain in the solar system. Mars knows the largest sand storms as well, sometimes covering the entire planet! Mars has a very thin atmosphere and no clouds, which makes its underlying surface very clear to the observer’s eye.
Astrological qualities
Mars is super-personal in that it is fundamentally concerned with itself, its own preservation, and perpetuation (procreation). It is proto-whole in that it is the function that enables the self to exist as a separate whole. Mars is the son of the moon as it is instinct beyond conscious will and thus more closely related to the moon than to the sun (contrasted with Venus).
Psychological function
Fundamentally, Mars is the competitive drive in the personality, the desire to advance oneself in a competitive world. Mars brings in the intense feelings and the subconscious desire to advance one’s genes, however lacks the will to stay. It complements VenusSymbol of Venus, which brings in the attachment principle. Without Mars, Venus will stay on a superficial level. It is lust as the desire to mate with another, and envy as when its competitive drives seem thwarted.
Certainly, it is the libido in its broader sense – it is the motivational force and the more intensive drives of the personality, as well as the root of all passions. Similar to Venus, it is actually superfluous to the basic personality and can push the person to excessive expressions of self-worth through sexual value. It is the place where we seek to prove ourselves, how we prove our worth through doing and succeeding, which subconsciously really serves to prove our sexual prowess.
Mars’ function further divides in two ways – the irritable/reactive side which acts as an extended protective mechanism, and the general pool of energy and drive which allows for intensive, sustained effort in areas that are not necessarily associated with pleasure, eg. hard work for whatever purpose. Accordingly, a listless Mars can do much to take the edge off of the personality.
In a sense, it is part of the irritable side of the personality, the part that deals with anger and the immediate self-protective response, although it is mostly superfluous to the function of the MoonMoon in this domain, as an extra self-assertive mechanism to better one’s strength, as it will reflect in the eyes of potential mates.
In general, Mars is more in-tune with the lower, most basic self-preserving drives in the personality, the parts that deal with the most burning needs. It mostly concerns itself with sex, sexual image, and self-protection. It reflects the hard, sexual appetite. Mars is also associated with the inner warrior in every person.
Mars does things in a more riské, sexually insinuated, forceful, and rough way. It does not seek to beautify itself or “make nice”, instead of seeking to bask in a more sexual light, exhibiting personal strength (domination) and skill as a seductive mechanism, however it may often get the opposite result in modern times. Mars is associated with low energies – sexual drives, anger, and resentment. Whatever planet touches it may suffer from these rough energies. It adds a lot of restlessness and impulsivity, a quickness to jump to conclusions. It makes it more competitive.
It is associated with androgenic hormones, testosterone is one of these. Further distinguishing it from the Symbol of Venus, Mars is actually more minutely associated with gratification than the Venusian pleasure, the difference being that gratification here is more immediate, “burning” and “orgasmic”, crude and more closely associated with ego, where pleasure is much more refined, steady, retaining and continuous.
Dynamics with the sun and moon
When “ignited” (irritated), a strong Mars can cause serious strain on the Sun if she is positively principled, and on the Moon, if it reflects compassionate emotions. If these are more negatively inclined, the person will more readily act on these aggressive drives.
Mars’ influence on the Sun is making it more assertive as proof of sexual potency through the expression of personal power. It also drives it to be more able.
By house location
The house where Mars is located is where the personality’s excess energies naturally seek their expression. It also reflects how and in what direction one goes about reaching his desires. It shows the direction one pushes through, in the subconscious bid to better his sexual worth through these libido drives.
Other functions
In non-natal charts (horary, return charts, progressions, etc) a prominent Mars can show the onset of conflicts, especially when afflicted. In a good setup, it may represent undertaking projects or putting out constructive effort. Oppositions to Mars can reflect a more subdued conflict causing strain, but with not much in damages.
In political charts, Mars can represent The Army.
Next Planet in astrology: Jupiter
Also check out: Mars retrograde