Pisces Man – Sex, Attraction, And His Personality

Pisces Man (February 20 to March 20)
He is passionate, emotional and very unstable. He idealizes the people he loves and thinks they can do no wrong. He is a big-time dreamer. And he ain’t real faithful. He just lives by the whim of a moment and so, if someone strikes his fancy, he forgets all else and just goes for it.
Usually very creative these guys often become musicians and artists. They give great personal emotional gifts. And he will “talk around” an important matter, never really taking a stance (like a politician!) It’s annoying.
His Personality
Men born under the Pisces sign are influenced by feelings and emotions. His nature doesn’t really lend itself to a logical lifestyle, nor to making decisions and choices based on rational thinking.
He lives in a world where his emotions drive him, a world where he is very intuitive and empathetic. In his opinion, this is not a bad thing.
He feels that when he makes choices in life, it’s best to do so when influenced by emotions and feelings.
He is a passionate lover and a romantic by nature. It doesn’t matter if it is work, friendships, passion projects, or his romantic relationships.
He is passionate about everything he does. If something does not ignite the passion that he has inside of him, then he is not interested.
Being ruled by his feelings and emotions, he can be quite unpredictable at times. The fact that he has this quality is something that a lot of other people will notice about him.
At any given time, his behavior and personality depend on how he feels and what is going on in his head. He can be romantic and passionate one day, and the next to be a bit chilly or even aggressive, depending on his mood.
Most of the time, these men get into relationships with people who are stronger or have more power than they do.
This may be a result of their dominant personality or taking the lead in a relationship. It has a lot to do with the fact that they tend to be submissive.
On the other hand, it’s because they are attracted to someone confident, powerful, brave, and strong.
This is the guy who has no real need for material things.
You’ll find that they have little relationship to their possessions, financial matters, or anything that has to do with greed or lust on a material level. The things they love doing most take up more of their time and energy.
This may be their passion projects or any of their own hobbies. Despite this, they are still committed to living a good life and being able to be happy in their lives.
It simply means that they take greater joy and pleasure in the things that they love.
Pisces Man Good Traits
- Protective and a romantic
- Charming guy for sure
- Honest and doesn’t like confrontation
- hates fighting or arguments
- doesn’t like bad manners
- always willing to help
- a go with the flow kind of guy.
- Brings out the best in other people.
- If you want calm and inner peace this is your man.
Pisces Man Bad Traits
- needs constant affection to know he’s safe in the relationship
- sometimes emotional and very sensitive
- often lacks energy and determination in bad situations.
- can be possessive and territorial.
Pisces Man in Love
If you’re looking for a helpless romantic who is simply incorrigible, this is the man you’re looking for. He pretty much loves romance in every form.
Any activity that will get him close to the one he loves each passing moment is something that he likes.
Whether or not that means showing public displays of affection in front of a bunch of people. Giving their partner very cute or sweet nicknames.
Taking advantage of a day off to spend as much of it in bed as possible with their loved one. Whether that means cuddling up and watching Netflix, or having it being a naughty affair for two.
These guys will take any opportunity or excuse to be as close to their love as possible.
One thing that can come up in a relationship with him that can be detrimental if you let it be is he really expects you to be as intense as he is.
Since he’s very emotional, he expects something similar to that. The moment he notices a decrease in their partner’s effort or commitment, this can cause problems.
Over time, these issues can snowball into a much bigger issue. He could start to become very insecure and anxious when it comes to the relationship’s future.
Or he might become frightened about what’s going to happen next. This can cause a lot of stress for the couple and might cause their partner to become too exhausted to keep the relationship going.
But besides that, if you like being with a guy who is very creative, imaginative, romantic, and profoundly deep, he is your man.
Sometimes he likes to escape into his own world for a little while. This can cause individuals that think more logically or realistically to take a step back from them.
They will find that they have a hard time connecting with him. Especially with the fact that a lot of his thoughts are complex. Or that every issue potentially could evolve into an existential crisis.
But if you think the same way as him, and you like somebody that’s romantic, he could definitely be the man for you.
Somebody that thinks on the same wavelength as he does, could end up in a very successful relationship.
He is well worth the effort! Let him help you escape the daily grind and into a world of pure imagination! Thanks, Willy Wonka ;)
Pisces Boyfriend
This should come as no surprise, but even as boyfriends, these guys live in a dream world. They’re always dreaming of places to go and see with their girlfriends.
Their feelings will start to come on quite quickly. As soon as they have the emotion of love in their hearts, it will kick-start their dreams of the future.
In this case, they may or may not tell their partner what they think. However, they are always dreaming about what the future holds for them.
Or what they hope the future will bring for them as a couple.
They are highly sensitive and caring individuals. In a relationship, they are very sympathetic to their partner’s needs. They are very caring and show a lot of affection.
At the same time, they can be very possessive and territorial if someone tries to get with their girl.
They will always find new and innovative ways to express their feelings to their loved ones. They never get tired of it!
Because being able to express their love is something that they’re good at. They are driven by their emotions and their feelings.
If you have the same feelings for your partner, who doesn’t enjoy receiving beautiful expressions of affection and love from them.
How To Get A Pisces Man’s Attention
What to focus on:
- He does have a tendency to dream big, but doesn’t always follow through on those dreams. Take the time to light a fire under him and help him realize that he can make them happen if they are realistic.
- He is a gentleman that admires Beauty in all of its forms. Whether this is in the form of a flower in full bloom, or even taking the time to breathe in the air and admire a great landscape. Why don’t you take the time to dress beautifully for him and show him that there’s beauty for him to admire right then and there.
- This guy is a true romantic. Unlike some guys that like to shut themselves off from romance, this guy is open-minded to it. So take the time to plan a candlelight dinner, or a night of a movie and cuddling. Anything that you find romantic he would be into.
- This guy is known to show a lot of empathy. So if you’re ever going through a problem you can know full well that this guy is very sympathetic to what you’re dealing with. So talk to him about your issues, just make sure you don’t overdo it and burden him.
What Not To Do:
- He loves to have his moments of Solitude. Let him have those because those are the moments he likes to recharge his batteries. Taking on other people’s issues and coming up with Solutions can drain him a lot.
- Don’t expect this guy to be judgmental. If you personally have moments where you can be judgmental try to keep them to yourself.
- This man is definitely a great listener, but don’t be the only one talking in the conversation. Let him be able to be part of it as well. He needs to be able to talk and give his point of view. He also needs somebody that he can turn to you and talk to you about things as well.
- It is true that he’s a problem solver, but do your best to make sure that you don’t overburden him with other people’s issues. He does need a break from time to time.
How to Attract a Pisces Man
The Pisces man is extremely creative, sensitive and often times very shy around women. To attract a Pisces man, you will need to be outgoing and even sometimes be the one to make the first move.
This is what makes it hard from Pisces males to meet someone, but their sensitivity and artistic behavior make them desirable to women.
They like innovation and creation, so when you walk up and strike up a conversation with one of these men, make sure to engage in conversation that is dreamy and innovative.
He has interest in art and culture, so ask questions about cultural events, books, and art will keep him engaged in the conversation.
He is perfect for women who need a man who listens to her. He will listen to you, but to attract him, you need to be somewhat dominant in the relationship.
You will need to be sensitive to his feelings and show signs of love and passion. Pisces men need beautiful women who believe in romance, or they will slowly lose interest in her.
Pisces men sometimes have an irrational, idealistic outlook on women, beauty, and love. If your relationship falls into a daily grind, then you may lose the interest of your Pisces male.
Keep him attracted to you by always finding time for the romantic side of things. Take him on a picnic, go to an art gallery, or simply spend a romantic evening watching a movie.
Keeping the romance in the relationship will limit the chance of losing interest in your Pisces male.
He may even take control and cook you dinner, because Pisces men are listeners and want to stay happy in their relationships.
If you’re searching for a sensitive man who will stay faithful to you, then a Pisces man is perfect for you.
Click here for more about Pisces In Relationships
Dating a Pisces man
How to approach him for the first time
This is the type of guy that you can use different techniques to get him.
Hitting his senses of smell with a subtle beautiful fragrance, a smile that showing some mystery behind it, or even a meaningful deep look.
These are the types of things that could do more work for you then a full day of flirting that he obviously picks up on.
To get this man’s attention in the first place, you should be appealing and as sensual as possible.
You can even be a little bit off the wall with this man, as he seems to be interested in women that are a little bit out of the ordinary.
He may show you or he may not show you that he is a true romantic at heart. It is usually rare if he is the opposite. These guys usually aren’t miserable when it comes to romance and life.
So you got your first date
The best idea for a first date with this man is something that involves him being able to concentrate solely on you.
So with that being said it’s best not to plan anything that is considered a busy evening. This will also keep him pretty calm and centered.
His idea of a perfect date is one that has a natural flow to it. A date where you both don’t have to contend with waiting 30 minutes for a table for dinner, or having to settle with the Late Show at the movies.
The mundane things in life really annoy him. The important thing to think about is that Simplicity is the key here
He wants to be in a situation where you are both not going to be interrupted.
Somewhere that you can both discuss different topics and even possibly share secrets.
Even if this involves the date taking place as your own home, that’s a cool idea to.
Set the mood with some music and even with some Candlelight if it is getting to that point. Break out the red wine if you wish.
Sexually speaking he is not the type of guy that will make a move unless he knows that it’s going to be reciprocated.
He needs to know that everything’s a go.
It’s important that you verbalize to him ahead of time what your intentions are for the first date.
If intimacy is not something you want to share on the first night, this guy is still capable of being considerate and tender.
And can withstand the urge to push himself on you, which really isn’t in his nature.
When the time is right and it’s something that you are interested in, he will gladly go that place with you.
So you want to get out of a date with a Pisces man
- try to find anything and everything to start a fight about
- let him know that his dreams will never come true
- show him an uncaring side
- be totally insensitive to anyone around you including him
- just be crude
Erogenous zones
his zone is his feet. The best bet would not be to tickle them, try some firm massaging and hit them up with a little bit of massage oil.
Sex With A Pisces Man
Pisces is the Don Juan of the Zodiac. This romantic seducer will never tolerate gruff, rude or crude behavior. Enchant him with a single rose, silk sheets, and a flowing but slinky dressing gown.
Lovemaking for a Pisces is a legendary fantasy. And boy, can they ever kiss. It helps to absorb romance novels so you “get” a Pisces man. Pisces spend their lives in a dreamworld so leave reality out of the boudoir.
Turn Ons: Mommy like role model. Someone needs to be the practical one in the relationship, and it certainly isn’t you. If a woman can hold your hand and take care of the mundane tasks of living in the real world, you can supply enough tenderness for the two of you.
Turn Offs: Very little turns you off, actually. You can find that glimmer of hope in each new partnership and fall in love, instantly. Each mate is fresh and uncharted territory to you, and you don’t mind having a broken heart — it’s merely proof of having loved someone.
Click here for more about Pisces Sex