Pisces Relationships
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Pisces in Relationships
Honesty and trustfulness are what you will find in a Pisces. They are helpful and giving and will be truthful whether or not you want to hear it, which may cause problems in relationships. Often they may not be able to hold back their honesty which can be their downfall if not careful. Their honesty can often lead them to be over cautious and sometimes gullible making them easily taken advantage of. Piceans should be aware of that trait and try to guard it.
Go here for Sex with a Pisces and Pisces Compatibility
The Significance of Relationships to you Pisces
A Pisces has an innate understanding of people unlike anyone else. Since you like people, it means that you have a lot of fun being around them.
The people born under the sign of Pisces are likely to enjoy interactions with their colleagues at work, have more than just a “hi how are you doing” friendship with their neighbors, and often are surrounded by a lot of loyal friends.
It’s how you act as a person, that inspires their loyalty. They know that they can turn to you for support during times of trouble in their lives. You’re known for being supportive. Also, they know you’re the one to talk to if they need someone nonjudgmental and understanding.
It’s pretty apparent you take pride in being there for people. No matter what, you’re there for them, whether it’s work, family, friends, or whoever. Particularly when it comes to romantic relationships.
It’s your most valuable skill, but it can also become your biggest weakness if you don’t realize what you’re saying or if you don’t consider other people. You can likely recall a time when your friends complained about the same things over and over again.
When it comes to friends, you can deal with this easily since at the end of the night you’ll be home and away from it all. It can be tough when you have family members who live with you or even your significant other in a relationship.
All you want in life is an equal relationship. A situation where everyone takes responsibility for their physical, emotional, and professional well-being. You consider a relationship like this the best of all. The only problem is that if you became the savior before you started the relationship, you might have a hard time changing back to equality.
You’re one of the few signs that can appreciate and enjoy the intimacy, love, and stability that a long-term relationship brings.
As a rescuer, sometimes your role is hidden behind something else entirely. Perhaps you have to support them while they’re looking for a job they’re interested in, or when they’re suffering from personal issues. During these times, you don’t want to put too much pressure on your partner.
If those situations sound familiar, it might be time to review the relationship. There may be times in life when you need to show Tough Love to yourself and others.
Your relationship angle is ruled by the logical Virgo in your chart, so you can think clearly whenever you choose to do so.
People who show intelligence are respected by you, but you may not always trust or believe in your own. You should!
Most of the time, you rely on what others tell you instead of drawing your own conclusions. You may be able to see something you hadn’t noticed before if you step back and look at your situation from a different angle. When we’re detached from things a little bit, we’re more likely to think honestly about them. When we stop being worried about hurting people’s feelings, many of the dilemmas we face in life can be dealt with swiftly. Faster than we thought possible.
A lot depends on who you choose as a partner. Finding the right person for you is more about getting to know their inner workings and personality.
Pisces Man in a relationship
Despite his propensity to intuitively understand human nature as nobody can, the Pisces man ironically tends to lack a solid core from which he can draw his reserves of strength and confidence. When out of sync with his own innermost needs and feelings, he can indulge in meaningless affairs without a guilty conscience. This happens when he is not in touch with his inner being and is besieged with the darker aspects of his psyche.
More sensitive and sensual than sexual, the Pisces man detests boredom and can easily create real-life images of his secret fantasies and mistake them for reality. As much as his actions can sometimes appear contradictory, he lives in his world, away from the prying eyes of others’ judgments or opinions.
As the symbol of the fish swimming in opposite directions, it can be a tremendous challenge for this man to find a middle ground for his conflicting needs and desires. His challenge is therefore to tap into his reservoir of innate compassion and empathy and bring his fantasy world of what romantic love should be like into alignment with reality.
To catch the eye of your Pisces man, show him the many levels of your being. He’ll be intrigued by a multi-faceted woman who thrills for new experiences. Remember, boredom is an issue for this water sign, so keep things lively and new. You want him to feel he hasn’t discovered all of your many secrets.
He’ll keep coming back to discover more about you. Once you’ve caught a Pisces, you’re in for a deep romance filled with a subtle intensity of emotions. Your Pisces will amaze you with his ability to openly and honestly share his feelings with you. Keep things interesting and you’ll have him for life. More than any other sign a little fantasy, both in the bedroom and out of it, will keep your Pisces man happy for many years to come.
Pisces Woman in a Relationship
The Pisces woman is adept at sensing a fatal attraction from across the room. She may be sometimes attracted to the dazzling type with a mysterious aura but more often than not, she is attracted to the wounded bird types who need mothering and nurturing in their lives. By indulging in romantic ideals and fantasies about love, she can cling to false hopes instead of dealing with reality squarely in the face.
As a result, she is prone to developing a ‘victim consciousness’ in matters of love and relationships, staying in an unfavorable situation way past its expiration date. She may suffer at the hands of an emotionally controlling or abusive partner if she loses herself completely in the relationship. The challenge for her is to use her instinctive powers to step out of a situation before it deteriorates even further.
Because she is so emotionally subjective, a Pisces woman in love can have difficulty seeing people as who they are. As she learns to release the illusion of her needs for a fairy-tale romance, she will be able to attract a higher love based on real spiritual bonding in realistic settings.
To catch your Pisces woman, show her your true self, faults and all. She’ll fall in love with your strengths and your weaknesses alike. To keep her in your life, you need to be clear with your feelings, upfront to the point of being obvious. Otherwise, she may create illusions of you which will be hard to keep up for the long term. Lay it out straight for this sign and you’ll be rewarded with a loving, empathic partner for life.
What a Pisces likes In a relationship
To share thoughts/dreams
To feel like their contributions are cherished
Romantic getaways and showing of love
Being loved
To be appreciated
Knowing they are needed and wanted
Being encouraged to dream
Having a plan to follow along with
What a Pisces Dislikes In a relationship
Rough and tough behavior
Noisy scenes/spectacles
Not having goals to strive for with their partner
No sense of structure, or chaos in their relationship
Not having dreams to make true
Feeling invalid and not appreciated by their lover
Feeling lonely/unloved
Feeling vulnerable
Being ignored by their partner
Pisces Romance and Relationship Traits
Pisces Cheater or Faithful?
People like them love family and being a couple more than anything in the world. Unfaithfulness is pretty much the last thing they’d want to do. They know this is something that would hurt them if it happened to them, and wouldn’t want their significant other to suffer the same pain.
The person is faithful and loyal, and he or she asks for the same in return from his or her partner.
Unfaithfulness can occur with any of the 12 signs.
Why might they be unfaithful if they are:
Retaliation for being cheated on could be one of the reasons for them doing it. Normally, they would rather end a relationship than put themselves on the same level as the person who hurt them.
It is also possible that they are missing something in the relationship, and somebody stepped in to fill that void.
If they are unfaithful, you will find out. They will try their best to be honest about the details of it and will tell you about it. No matter how difficult it is for them to say.
Once they have been unfaithful, though, they will realize there is no turning back and will have no choice but to end the relationship. In their hearts, they will know how they would feel if the tables were turned, and they wouldn’t stay by your side. They would understand that they’re an unsuitable person for you.
It’s always important for you both to take the time to communicate with each other so that these issues don’t arise.
just confront him .clear all the confusions by having a clear communication with him.
maybe he didn’t even know what are you felling ryt now. let him explain and listen to him carefully and then decide what to do .
I started spending time with a Pisces man that I actually dated when I was a teenager. We started seeing each other a lot for the first 2 months. Then I guess I got a little clingy, he couldn’t come get me like he planned , he had a problem he had to fix. I kinda gave him a lot of shit, and I regretted it , it was stupid of me. Then a week went by nothing two more weeks nothing. Now in this time I did send him a text but when he answered it , it didn’t make sense then I realized he thought he was texting someone else. A month went by I did text him I missed him told him I was sorry for acting like a ass weeks before. I started to accept the fact, that I really made him mad, he never explained anything. Then one month to the day we last spoke he texted me to go out on his boat, I didn’t know what to think, thought he was screwing with me, so I just texted call me. What was weird I had dreamed about him the night before, but the dream was about us being over. He didn’t call, late that nite I text him that I dreamed about him. Truth is I can’t stop thinking about him. Next day he text me again asking if I wanted to go on the boat in the morning I said yes, then he just kept texting about his grandkids he had them for a week. He went on and on, I was so glad. Then he said can I come get you tonight so we can just get up and go. I said yes we had a great night, he’s so sweet and sexy and he makes me feel good, happy . We saw each other the next weekend. Then I left him alone I don’t want to scare him away, but I don’t know how to get him to talk to me about how he feels. It’s confusing. He has his grandkids again I did text him today and he told me he was getting ready to drive up north to get them, I was happy for him. I let him go. I figure I’ll let him have his time with them and maybe I’ll hear from him next week , I really don’t want to get hurt I’m trying to keep distance. I need advice here somebody help me.