Sagittarius and Aquarius Compatibility: Sex, Love, and Friendship
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Key Takeaways:
Sagittarius and Aquarius are naturally compatible due to their shared values and approach to life. They’re in for an exciting, ever-evolving relationship as long as they can connect emotionally and keep a bit of practicality. It has all the potential for long-term success.
Compatibility: High
Read on to learn how you can make things go smoother

Sagittarius and Aquarius Compatibility
Sagittarius and Aquarius are a match made in the land of big ideas and open minds! Sagittarius is a fiery adventurer ruled by expansive Jupiter, the planet of luck and growth. Aquarius is an airy, free-spirited sign ruled by change-making Uranus, the planet of innovation. Together, they form a bond based on a shared love of knowledge, freedom, and shaking things up.
Think of a Sagittarius–Aquarius relationship as being like two explorers setting off on a grand expedition. They’re both curious about the world and eager to make new discoveries. They’ll debate philosophy for hours, backpack to far-off places, and champion causes they believe in. This connection is rarely boring, as both signs crave constant stimulation.
Core Strengths
- Intellectual Firepower: This relationship thrives on big, bold conversations. They’ll talk about deep topics. They’ll share strange ideas and challenge each other’s views. It’s the best kind of challenge.
- The Freedom Club: Both signs need space to roam and hate feeling tied down. They understand each other’s need for freedom well. This gives their relationship space to breathe in a good way.
- Natural Optimism: Sagittarians are known for their sunny outlook, and Aquarius has a positive, future-focused mindset. Together, they spread cheer wherever they go.
- Shared Love of Humanity: Both signs are humanitarians at heart, wanting to make the world a better place. They’ll likely form a team advocating for causes they believe in.
- Spontaneity and Excitement: This pair doesn’t do routine! Expect random road trips, surprise weekend getaways, and a willingness to drop everything for a new experience.
Potential Challenges
- Emotional Distance: Sagittarius runs hot and cold with emotions, while Aquarius tends to be intellectually focused. This can leave neither feeling fully understood on a deeper level. They’ll need to work on expressing their feelings more openly.
- Scattered Focus: So many ideas, so little time! Both signs get excited about many things. They might struggle to prioritize projects or decide where to settle down.
- Trouble with Commitment: Both Sagittarius and Aquarius can be freedom-loving to a fault. If the concept of commitment freaks either of them out too much, the relationship might stay casual.
- Lack of Practicality: This duo is amazing at brainstorming but might fall short when it comes to the details. They’ll need to make sure they can handle the less glamorous parts of life together, too.
- Aquarius’ Detachment vs. Sagittarius’ Need for Attention: Cool and collected Aquarius might occasionally frustrate Sagittarius, who wants more obvious displays of affection and attention.
Aquarius and Sagittarius Compatibility Percentage
Relationship Aspects | Compatibility Percentage |
Romantic Connection | 81% |
Trust | 59% |
Communication and Understanding | 100% |
Expressing Feelings | 86% |
Shared Beliefs and Values | 91% |
Doing Things Together | 84% |
Overall Relationship | 82% |
At first glance, Aquarius views Sagittarius as an ideal companion and a perfect friend. Someone they will be able to talk to. An individual that pretty much is on the same page as them in life.
At first glance, Sagittarius sees the Aquarius as somebody that would be like they’re equal. An individual that has the same interests as they do.
But the big question is… Do they have what it takes to make this relationship long-term?
Sagittarius and Aquarius In Bed
Sexual Compatibility
Sagittarius and Aquarius make an adventurous pair in bed. Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, the planet of luck and abundance, which gives them an optimistic and open-minded attitude toward sex. Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, the planet of innovation and change, which makes them experimental and unconventional sexually.
When these two signs get together, their sex life will be full of surprises, new ideas, and excitement. Neither sign is shy or inhibited in bed – they’ll be eager to try new positions, toys, locations, and role-playing scenarios to keep things fresh. Their conversations will spark creative ideas to explore together.
While the sex will be steamy, emotional intimacy may be lacking at times. Sagittarius gives just enough warmth to keep things fun, while Aquarius can be a bit detached. As long as they communicate openly about their needs and make an effort to connect emotionally, too, their relationship can thrive in and out of the bedroom.
Where They Excel Together in The Bedroom
Sagittarius and Aquarius excel together in the bedroom in the following ways:
- Adventurous Spirit – They both love to experiment and will try anything once sexually. This keeps their intimacy exciting.
- Open Communication – They openly tell each other their desires and needs sexually with no inhibitions. This allows them to have better sex.
- Role Playing – Their imagination and acting skills lend themselves beautifully to exploring fun, sexy scenarios together through role play.
- Humor – Laughter and playfulness make their time in bed just as fun as it is sexy.
- Freedom – Neither sign is possessive or jealous, giving them the space to explore new experiences.
- Creativity – Sex is not boring between these two! They come up with innovative ideas, positions, and games.
- Confidence – Their boldness and self-assurance translates to confidence in bed to try new things.
Sagittarius and Aquarius bring out the best in each other sexually by embracing their adventurous, free-spirited attitudes. Their bedroom antics will never be dull! As long as they work on their emotional connection too, they can build a satisfying relationship in and out of the sheets.
Are Aquarius and Sagittarius Compatible?
In most cases, this is compatibility that can usually work out very well.
They will have to work hard to overcome some of the differences that they both have, but if they’re able to do that then they’re likely to form a very solid couple with a good future. All it takes is a little love and understanding to do that for them.
The reason why they make such a good couple is that they’re both extroverts ( love being out). They are very entertaining and outgoing, and they really love to go on adventures together.
They both prefer to be in relationships where they have some sense of independence and freedom. They want to be part of a couple, but they also want to maintain the independence they have as a person. This makes them feel free but committed.
On an emotional level, they get along very well, due to the fact that they do not put a lot of emphasis on showing their emotions.
How Are Aquarius and Sagittarius in Love?
When these two get together they can form quite a bond which can make for a very special relationship. This is due to the fact that as a couple they are very supportive of each other and their endeavors.
This is a couple that shares the same ideals and thinks about things in a similar way as each other. This helps them overcome things easier when problems arise.
They will have no problems expanding their group of friends as they are both very sociable.
Both of them will have a lot of dreams that they will want to accomplish in life, and they will find that when they work together as a couple they can help each other make these dreams come true. As long as they don’t get stuck in fantasies they know that they cannot make it happen.
Both of these signs are known for putting their necks out for their friends and family and usually will go out of their way to help out where they can. Unfortunately, sometimes their love can be put on the back burner when they’re doing this, so they really need to take the time to make time for the relationship as well.
They’ll find that they really enjoy socializing with each other. They both love to get lost in a conversation, and they never find themselves without anything to talk about.
Both bring a high level of creativity to the relationship, and positivity which will help them steer through the bad times that could come.
That is not to say that this relationship will always be a bed of roses.
When they first get together and start dating they will be attracted to the fact that their partner loves Independence. This can also be a reason for their relationship to fall apart.
They will both appreciate the fact that the freedom is there, and that they can take advantage of it. If they start the gain too much Independence in the partnership, they might not see their partner as much as they want to.
That distance can cause a breakup to happen. So what they really need to do as a couple is to sit down and figure out what shared interest they have.
When they’ve done that they incorporate that into their relationship so that they can share those moments, and at the same time have the Independence that they need to be able to live their day-to-day lives.

Read More about how the signs are in love
Sagittarius in love | Aquarius in love
Sagittarius Man and Aquarius Woman
This is a love combination that could be full of happiness. The Sagittarius men love the same things as the Aquarius women. They both want to enjoy life and have some eccentric experiences. They respect each other’s privacy and know how to manage a romantic relationship. Both of them have similar ideas, get along well, and hang out with similar people. Their relationship is friendly and joyful. They love exploring new things and want to be free of all the stresses of life. It is common for people who have similar thoughts and feelings to get along well and have a fun relationship.
How to Keep the Fire Burning
Be careful friendships with others do not become anchors.
Your Sagittarian Man loves your take on friendship but may not like having your home turned into a recreational facility. He likes to be entertaining, but also likes to be on the move; if he has to have company on a regular basis, he’ll feel like he’s chained to them. Travel often with him and meet new friends; it’s a surefire antidote.
Avoid hard head and hot head friction.
You can be a bit stubborn, and he can be quite hot-headed at times. You’ll probably start to recognize his pattern quickly and figure out ways to “break” it so that he begins to train himself away from fits of temper. When he begins to learn yours, he’ll be able to shift your interests or the subject when you begin being stubborn, so that you drop that habit (that’s what it is). This is the kind of magic that your co-ruler, Uranus, brings to the table. It’s doubtful that he finds it easy to do this, or experience this kind of change with anyone else, and you both will love the difference.
Bring on the surprise and spontaneity.
Your penchant for surprises is never lost on a Sagittarius Man. He loves adventure and risk so much because it puts him in the midst of a situation where he doesn’t know what’s going to happen next. Do it often; put some energy into thinking of how you can shock but in a fun way.
Aquarius Man and Sagittarius Woman
The relationship between a Sagittarius woman and an Aquarius man can work out great if some factors are taken care of by both partners. He has many qualities associated with him that she loves especially the sense of humor. Moreover, he remains calm and never lets his emotions take the better of him. She remains honest and wants others to be honest to her and to others. Love is the essence of their relationship and it is full of joy for both. His stubbornness can annoy her, while her impulsive nature can be unbearable for him.
How to Keep the Fire Burning
He is not easily upset or angered.
Aquarian anger acts like lightning; it’s sudden and gone as soon as it happens. Unlike other Fixed Signs, he will usually not go into silence and suppress it. At the same time, it’s really hard to truly enrage him; Aquarians are among the hardest people to upset in the Zodiac.
Know that he loves who you are.
An Aquarian man will get excited about your bravery and honesty; don’t try to be someone other than yourself for him. He’ll do all kinds of things to keep you entertained and give you the same opportunity, as long as honesty is the basis of the relationship. He’s a natural detective, like Scorpio, and can figure out things in a flash, especially if someone isn’t walking their talk. You don’t need to do anything special to get his interest; if he’s with you, you have it.
He may seem like he is not there every moment.
He may seem to drift at times when his mind is polarized in the realm of intuition and receiving the next batch of wonder and fun. Some people see this as “Aquarian detachment”, but it’s more like he’s taking a little time to recharge his batteries, or reboot his psychic computer. After a while, you’ll see that this will usually happen right before he does something brilliant, funny, or completely off the wall.
Sagittarius & Aquarius Friendship
You pair should really be able to talk about anything, and this will be the most important aspect of your friendship.
For The Archer:
You and your friend are trouble makers, peacekeepers, and life missionaries with a cause. They always have a great idea–even if it’s kind of kooky–and you’re always ready to go along for some fun. A +++..but keep it sane.
For The Water Bearer:
Your Sag friend is the ultimate word warrior. Witty, sarcastic, intelligent, and always prodding your other friends into action. You get along well…as long as no demands are made.
Aquarius and Sagittarius Relationship
For The Archer:
Neither of you likes fences. Neither of you tolerates jealousy. Both of you have different romantic agendas. Hey, this could REALLY work. Give it your best shot.
For The Water Bearer:
It’s a secret, but, you want commitment as much as anyone else and sometimes commitment is not in your Sagittarian partner’s vocabulary. A definite adventure at the very least.
Read More about how the signs are in dating
Dating a Sagittarius | Dating an Aquarius

Read More about how the signs are when it comes to sex
Sagittarius in bed | Aquarius in bed
Are they soulmates?
Sagittarius and Aquarius connect deeply as friends, lovers, and soulmates. Their shared uniqueness, optimism, and independence help them understand each other intuitively and build a solid bond. This unconventional couple embraces their quirks, which takes their relationship to an even more loving level.
There is no doubt that a relationship like this will work out, but will they be soulmates? For this, you would have to examine both partners’ Astro charts. Mars (desires) and Venus (love) in other mutually compatible signs might make this match work.
If it doesn’t work out
If this relationship doesn’t work out it could be due to the fact that they can’t see themselves as being more than friends. If they choose the friendship route, their friendship will last forever.
What they can do to fix this
A lot of effort goes into keeping relationships going in some way or another. Both individuals would have to rely on their friendship as a foundation and work on the love aspect as well. Sagittarius can learn that you can find somebody who is your equal in this world and does not limit you in any way. Aquarius can discover that it is possible to find a partner who is on the same level as them, and who does not restrict their freedom.
This will be a relationship based around friendship to start off with but over time and with a lot of emotional support flowing between the two of you, there are good opportunities for this to become just as equal physically. After a short space of time, you will become to realize how important having your own space is and begin to plan out moments to go off and do your own thing. Like most couples, you don’t take this personally, but respect each other’s needs for time alone every now and again. This will form a unique bond between the two of you that you may not experience with any other star signs.
Once you settle into your relationship it won’t be long before you are making just as much progress between the sheets, as you allow your desires to come to the surface. Try not to focus too much on all of the dreams you both have, work on one thing at a time, or you will grow apart and begin to walk on different levels.
Check out these other pages
Sagittarius Compatibility Index | Aquarius Compatibility Index| Zodiac Compatibility Index
Agreed, I’m in love with an Aqua man but he’s so caught up in not wanting a relationship.??He’s very fun and very spontaneous, he listens and will go out of his way to make me as happy as he can when he sees that I’m down. I broke things off tho. The way he handles me is amazing, I’m never disappointed.
Well this is super accurate!! I could not believe it! It’s like you were talking about US! We are red hot in bed, I do the “aloof”thing when it comes to having sex….
i agreee in bed its hot ..I’m a sagittarius woman and I consider “tradition” to be a huge turnoff. Anything is worth trying at least once :P
Sagittarius don’t like to be considered “normal” although we are experts at adjusting to any situation, we are not plain. We are amazing at everything and did I mention we are amazing. Just kidding..not.
I’ve been in love with a venus/moon in aqua (sun in aries) man we are so in sync its crazy.
He has trouble translting what he feels and tends to over analyze eveything but I find myself atttracted to the ones that keep me guessing.
I think you are almost -dead on with your assessment… but tell me this:
I was starting to date a Sag man.. I am Aquarius.
And we were so attracted to one another..had a great time on our first date. We had a hard time arranging our second date and I was late by 15minutes. Talk about selfish sag..he left! Without calling me. Now I know Aquarius are fun free flowing.. and sag is not.. so how do we actually start something when our personalities are already totally off.
He calls the next day and says he doesn’t want to continue dating.
I believed we would have been a good match .. oh well. Do Sag turn around and call back after they calm down?
My sister (Sag.) has been married to her Aqua over 30 years. They are so damn perfect for each other, although the Sag does get restless as her Aqua is a homebody. Just never know..
I read what you said about Aquarius/Sagittarius
Compatibility and this guy that I like is a Sagittarius,and I am an Aquarius and we would be perfect for each other.He is not snobbish or stuck up and he is very much a flirt.