1. First time I felt like I belonged to a zodiac sign. I was born at 12:45 am on December 22, 1973 was overdue. things that always threw me off was the romantic part I’m far from romantic im more like a snail speed kinda gal my partners in the past has referred to me as the Ice Queen & reptile as I’m cold or my personal favorite Dracula because I’m heartless LOL. I share traits to both but seeing this made me feel like I belonged , I also felt like a monster as me & hubby laughed about how spot on it is especially the argumentative , aggressive & control freak part lol which I am as I want it done right the first time & want things get done at once rather than taking breaks & waiting, also helped me step back & see how I come off to others as I’m definitely more of a isolated person I’m completely happy being in my own head & silent which can come off as antisocial or distant to others especially when working as I don’t really talk when I’m focused on something , helpful tips on what I need to work on to better myself.

  2. DOB: 12/221994
    When I went to Beauty collage to be a makeup artist/ cosmetologist our furst day we say in a circle going around introducing ourselves talking about our zodiac signs, when it came to my turn I told them my birthday in which they said “ oh cool! Your on the cusp of Sagittarius Capricorn I had no ideas I was until that day. I always felt more of a fiery side in me growing up, very blunt, straight to the point and a huge perfectionist like getting angry when it was perfect but reading all this makes a lot more sense and it’d to a T. I have small traits of a Capricorn but I have all the Sagittarius traits which I’d crazy cause reading all of them I was like oh my god I have that, that, that and that. I just find the whole zodiac stuff very very interesting and I’m always reading me things about the sagicorn cusp like the prophecy thing it’s cool!

    1. Very well written, I am 12/23 and I love figuring out why I am the way that I am! Everything here is so true and I’m thankful to have found this article because it has empowered me that I’m on the right track of pursuing my goals and to continue to connect and lead people to know themselves by simply being myself and embracing all of my unique attributes.

  3. Amethyst Dreamglo says:

    Though I am born 12/20/84, day before Capricorn, I am a Sagittarius sun sign as well as moon sign, so I don’t know that many of the Capricorn traits fit me. I think am more on the Sagittarius side. Though I have been known to be a bit OCD, perfectionist (in certain ways), and pick at a lot of things, as many Capricorns are known for.

  4. From a young woman i always knew myself to be a sag after studying more into it all realized i was both the funny thing is the older i get the more cap i feel. As ive matured my fun loving self has become more calculated but when i do let it all out i feel as free as a teenager again

  5. Maria Rodriguez says:

    I was born on December 23, 1998. All these traits do describe me.

  6. I was born December 22, 1999. This is so accurate. Before I found out that I was a Capricorn/Sagittarius Cusp. I would always say that i had a “6 sense” because I can always tell the future and the outcome on things. When I found out that I’m the cusp of prophecy. I was like “WOW”. Also before I knew, I’d say i’m a Capricorn but I never really felt like a full Capricorn. I don’t know, but this shit is so cool and so accurate.

  7. Griffin Kate Paris says:

    I was born at 2:09 am 12/20. I always thought you had to be born on the actual day of the cusp. This explains quite q bit for me! Thank you. Griffin-Kate.

  8. I share the 22nd of December with my younger sister (3 years to the day). We are so alike although always thought she was the Capricorn and I was the Sagittarian, even though we would always read both horoscopes and try to decide what one we related to best, I could never understand why I could relate to both. It was so confusing being pushed and pulled between both until I learned of the cusp signs. Learning that I am a cusp baby has changed my life and now I have a new understanding for why I am like I am. Its nice to read all these other people’s journeys and see that we all seem to have had the same kind of struggles before learning of the Cusp of Prophecy. We are truely gifted ??

    1. I understand completely… My birthday December 23 and my sisters December 23 we’re both cost babies born 13 years apart and I myself never understood why I seem to think and have the attributes of the two different signs now I understand as well and makes a lot more sense… This December 23 will be my Big 5O and my sisters 63rd that that is very interesting to read your response and a happy birthday do you and your sister as well… Nora .

  9. I was born on the actual cusp. Dec 21st about 4 hours before the change to Capricorn . It’s crazy. I identify as sag. My anger and unforgiving nature is definitely cap tho.

  10. Asus yadav says:

    My Dob is 19 Dec 1995. I have always experienced this..i mean i feel i am being pulled in two opposite directions..the playful sag, and the calm and serious capricorn!! This cusp is definitely the most intriguing one! I always find myself questiong the life and why i am like this..haha! But the downside to it u’ll experience mood swings frequently. And the sign is mostly introvert and quiet.

  11. DOB 19\12\2000
    As much of a Sagittarian I am, I always felt there was more to my sign then what I was being told, so I did some googling today to see if I could relate to Capricorn and felt like I was an in between with my personality, then I stumbled upon this page and everything started to makes sense why I never felt like i was a full Sagittarian,this explains so much more about my personality

  12. KARINA ABARCA says:

    December 23, 92 over hereeeee.

    For awhile my determination and youth was very Capricorn all the way.

    At 19, I became the second youngest manager in our company at the time. My determination, focus, and drive was so intense that I would never let anything get in my way of success UNTIL 2 years ago. This started shifting and I found that I was born under a cusp, I am often pulled in two directions because my mind lies with my Capricorn sign and my Heart with my Saginess.

    It’s always so complex, right now (and for the last 5 months) Ms. Sagi has been steering because for the longest Capi has and my soul has been exhausted. Capricorn is taking a smoke break and Sag’s been getting me in all kinds of issues but I’m embracing it for she is teaching me to live fearless and beyond the walls and line.

    Heck I am planning a exit of this major highway I have been on!!!

    Live with the energies and the vibrations — we’re the Cusp of Prophecy !!

    Embrace your hippiness guys xoxoxox

  13. My birthday is Dec 21. 00 degree Capricorn. I spent my whole life believing I was a Sag, and recently found a site that calculated my birth chart and I found out my time of birth put me at 00 degrees Cap. WOW! My personality FINALLY makes sense!! I’m philosophical and a dreamer, while being completely level headed and such a realist at the same time. I’ve always been confusing, even to myself. Just about everything he said in the video above describes me to a T. I’m a small business owner and I take my time doing things, but they eventually get done the way I planned (usually, lol). So glad I found this!

    1. Monica Hernandez says:

      No way! Glad to hear about someone else thinking they’re a sag and are actually a cap! My birthday is 12/21/97 and I was placed in Capricorn at 0.16 degrees. Most of the Sagittarius stuff fits me but I’ve never been so blunt that I start drama like other sags I know but I’m super adventurous and love exploring new things and learning about everything. I just need to learn to use my cap qualities because I lack motivation so much!!! What has helped you reach your goals as a business owner and how do you maintain motivation?

  14. 12/25/85 – I was very Capricorn-like growing up. However, when I came across an Aries, my fire side got ignited by this spark I shared w/ this Aries. I have my moments when I want to just explore the unknown, but I also have my down-to-earth moments, not really wanting to take risks. I’ve always been very indecisive. When reading about my Sun sign, I felt as though I could not relate at all. I did my natal birth chart and found out that my Mercury, Venus, Saturn and Uranus are all in Sagittarius! So it makes sense. I think my fire aspects make me undeniably attracted to other fire signs, even though I’m an Earth sign Sun-wise.

  15. THIS IS SOOOO ME!! I’m more a SAG than a CAP;however, as much as i find caps annoying, i realized that Despite my freedom loving, when i truly fall in love I give my all and my freedom & my wandering eye disappears. Im in a long term relationship with a Scorpio and the reasons why our relationship works is because i have some capricorn in my personality & because i’m honest & my bf of 3yrs being a scorpio loves that about me. It’s crazy how much a birth date can determine who we are!

  16. Mariellen says:

    12/23/86 and i can definitely commit to both Sag and Cap traits. I most definitely agree with the feeling of being pulled in two directions and find it extremely difficult and amazing being on the cusp. It makes for a lot of interesting characteristics, an openness to doing a lot more than a typical Capricorn would do and meeting or associating with a great range of people a typical Capricorn would not. I feel I am best described as my as actions as majority Sagittarian and my reactions as majoritity Capricorn, which can makes things tremendously difficult.

  17. my dob 12/23/1982. I’ve read quite a bit about this cusp. Makes so much more sense than trying to relate to the capricorn description. One trait in particular that I’ve seen over and over in myself is the stubborn and almost rebellious determination… so strong that no matter what it is that I want, it really only becomes a matter of time no matter who or what stands in my way. Affinity for language is another characteristic I can vouch for. Also a knack for subtlety, or ‘silent’ communication. I can see where harmonizing the sag worldly understanding and expansive ideas with capricorn resourcefulness, determination and business savvy would make this cusp/sign one of the most successful. So… YAY for us! :)

    1. 12/22 i also have the trait of being stubborn/selfish, subtle/silent communication

  18. I was born on Dec 23 and for as long as I can remember, I’ve questioned why I feel and act the way I do. I’m finally realizing that even though we live a very confused life, this Sagg-Cap cusp makes for some of the most artistic and powerful individuals. We just have to learn to embrace our inconsistencies by pursuing a life without fears and restrictions while remaining ambitious and determined to be successful.

    1. Elizabeth esposti says:

      I was born on December 24 and iam with my man who is also a cusp he is a Leo/Virgo born on August 22. We honestly are perfect for each other I use to wonder how a cap and Leo could be a good match. Either way I didn’t care but this makes alot of sense! Love being sag/cap cusp. ?

  19. This is so true. I was born on 12/24…and always intersted in spiritual and philosophical things from my childhood. Always thinking about new ideas and being independent. I am also a business man and its my passion. Always committed to loved ones and unforgiving if someone plays with my trust. Appreciate the science behind it.

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