Sagittarius Relationships
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Sagittarius in Relationships
Sagittarius is not a sign that likes to feel fenced in by a relationship. Because of their free spirited and adventurous nature, it can be hard for them to keep long lasting relationships. What they need is someone who can understand their need for freedom, someone who doesn’t try to control them, and who trusts them. When a Sagittarian has that from a partner, they will gladly be loyal and loving because deep down they crave that soul mate connection. As a passionate fire sign, Sagittarians tend to throw themselves whole heartedly into a relationship at the start. But trying to keep that pace up isn’t easy. Many Sagittarians will have long stretches where they are single.
Go here for Sex with a Sagittarius and Sagittarius Compatibility
The Significance of Relationships to You Sagittarius
Having a relationship isn’t just one event that happens in your life, it’s a process that goes through phases.
As a Sagittarian, you’re ruled by Jupiter, the planet of expansion and opportunity. Also, it’s the planet of curiosity. Whether it’s the people around you, the places you visit, or even ideas people come up with. You’re curious about all of those things.
As a result, relationships are just one part of your life. To be in a relationship with someone, they have to be independent. Their self-esteem or happiness can’t depend on your relationship. They need to be self-sufficient like you.
Your birth chart reflects this since Gemini rules your relationship angle. Gemini’s presence in your horoscope explains why you have a dual aspect to relationships. Even though you cherish your relationship, sometimes you need a little space.
Because of this, Sagittarius tends to form relationships with people who have a dual aspect to them. Imagine someone living in another city or town where they can be alone while still being committed to their relationship.
In some cases, but not all, Sagittarians have developed relationships with people in other Partnerships. These relationships could last for a long time, but it’s the fact that they can have a partner while giving themselves the space they need.
Regardless of what kind of relationship you are in, you should have plenty of chances to explore and things to keep you entertained. In contrast, if Sagittarius lives a restricted lifestyle with a partner, they may become reliant on the couple for stimulation, harming themselves or the people they care about.
Sagittarius love stories are fun to read, but they’re tough to experience firsthand.
While you might fall in love with someone who fulfills your desires, they could become problematic, inconsistent, and maybe even disappointing as time goes on.
When you meet someone for the first time, it’s important to consider whether or not they’d make a good partner. Consider their lifestyle, their character, what they’re able to offer, their honesty level, and most importantly whether they keep their word. Find out all this before you commit yourself to a relationship because that’s important to you.
All signs, according to your eyes, can be divided into two categories. It can be someone stable, but at the same time boring or monotonous, or it can be someone exciting, but too erratic to be a pleasure. Therefore, you have to assess any potential partner for your romantic happiness.
You can see this in your opposite sign, Gemini. Geminis can be in happy, loving relationships with one person for a lifetime. Alternatively, there are Geminis out there who find it very difficult to have one partner and stay with them forever.
Gemini can teach you a lot about relationships, but you have to remember that sometimes they only tell half the story. That’s usually the part they think you’ll find interesting and what they feel is appropriate to discuss. In that case, you’d also do well to evaluate what they’re saying.
Sagittarius Men in Relationships
Although Sagittarius has a strong will, he’s weak in one area: focusing on his top priority, personal freedom. There’s a tendency for him to wander a lot, which can ruin a good relationship. He’s a little narrow-minded and will do whatever he wants without thinking too much about the consequences. He’s likely to rack up a lot of affairs, as well as some brief relationships, as a young man. It’s not easy to teach Sagittarius lessons about relationships or emotions, even though he’s an emotional sign.
One day, when he’s ready to settle down, he’ll realize how important it is to commit to someone rather than cling so tightly to his freedom. It starts with acknowledging and accepting his partner’s needs and feelings. In most cases, he will benefit from a partner who is as energetic and impulsive as him, a partner who can be both his friend and partner at the same time.
Sagittarius possesses a wild, free spirit that brings adventure to life wherever they go. You must show him a side of you that is also wild if you want him to notice you. It is essential to him to find someone with whom he can go on daily adventures, someone who shares his passion for experiencing new things. Show him that you can keep up with him, and he will keep you at his side for a long time. Once you have captured a Sagittarius man, do your best not to tie him down. As a result, he will not fit into the stay-at-home lifestyle and will look for something else to do.
He will run away as fast as possible from guilt trips and responsibility talks. The last thing you’ll see of him is him walking out of the door. He will follow you to the end of the earth if you are willing to accompany him on the journey of life, no matter what comes your way. It doesn’t matter if you’re cruising down the Nile or backpacking through the Amazon, just bring the essentials.
Sagittarius Women in Relationships
Sagittarius women are good at navigating society and are more focused on the present than on the past or the future. She views life as a journey that has to be lived in the present. She is more comfortable in friendship rather than love, flighty rather than devoted, and has no problem breaking ties when she needs to. If she concentrates more on the external characteristics of a partner, such as their looks, status, or achievements, it always comes at a cost.
When she feels that she has been restricted in her freedom to do what she wants, she might lose all enthusiasm and become emotionally cold without even looking back. Because she tends to engage in impulsive relationships and flings, she may drift through life in pursuit of egotistical satisfaction while taking no responsibility for the decisions she makes. Because she is constantly preoccupied with her lofty goals in the grand scheme of things, she misses out on the chance to connect with others on a more personal, meaningful level. To resolve her relationship problems, instead of dismissing them as an unfortunate part of life, she needs to examine the choices she has made as well as their consequences.
A good way to capture the attention of a fire sign is to present her with excitement and challenges to engage her. If it seems like a game to her, then she will not back down from the challenge of gaining your love. Keeping a relaxed atmosphere and a lighthearted approach to things will keep her interested in you. Do not overpower this sign with talk of everlasting romance, because she will be gone before you realize it! Instead, be her closest friend, most reliable confidant, and the most captivating lover she could ever imagine. Follow these tips and she won’t walk away from you looking for new adventures.
What a Sagittarius likes In a relationship
Intellectual compatibility with their lover.
Flirtation ( for their partner to keep it fresh)
Freedom and some independence in the partnership
Being confident their in something good.
Active relationship where they go out and do things.
Daydreaming about the future with their partner.
Risk taking
A sense of adventure ( that they can explore together)
What a Sagittarius Dislikes In a relationship
Their partner being lazy
Jealousy rearing its ugly head in their business
Someone controlling them
A partner that doubts them
Being forced to give promises
Being looked at as a possession
Needing to explain themselves
Sagittarius Romance and Relationship Traits
Faithfulness in A Sagittarius Relationship
Sagittarius cheater or faithful?
It’s important to note that Sagittarius are excellent lovers, and make excellent partners.
These are the kind of people who will devote themselves to a relationship, and make sure that their partner has everything they need to be happy.
Additionally, they are very loyal and faithful to whoever they are with.
There can be cases of unfaithfulness, though. They are only human after all.
When it can happen
Usually, this is due to the impression that they have found something else in another person that their current relationship lacks.
In most cases, they will not let it get this far as they will sit down with their partner and discuss what is bothering them about the relationship. They will discuss what they feel is missing from the relationship and see if there is anything they can do to fix it. They usually decide to end the relationship at this point rather than be forced into an unfaithful situation.
It is important to note that Sagittarius will not usually plan sexual encounters with another person behind your back. In rare cases, it usually occurs in moments of weakness.
If they decide to break their vow of loyalty, they will be honest to their partner about what happened. They will admit their mistakes and be sincere about their actions. Most of the time, this is when the relationship ends, but sometimes they may try everything they can to keep the relationship alive.
As long as their partner treats them well, Sagittarius people are usually very faithful towards their significant other.
You should always keep the lines of communication open when you’re dating a Sagittarius. If there are problems in your relationship, you discuss them with them and see if you can come to a mutual understanding to resolve them. This goes both ways.