1. I’m an Aries women & I’ve been dating/living with my Scorpio boyfriend for 7.5 years now. I’ve never experienced a relationship that is so much like a roller coaster (& definitely not necessarily in a fun way)… In high school my best friend was a Scorpio & we always got along, agreed, never ever argued, & have always been there for each other— me & her just always seemed so similar & always got along famously, so I always thought a Scorpio for a partner would be a good fit for my childlike love for life & new experiences…Before getting in this long term relationship with my Scorpio, I had thought that our signs were so similar, however the thing I should’ve been looking at is not similarities but whether or not our signs/traits were complimentary. The relationship has never been smooth sailing, although we have had good times (obviously otherwise I wouldn’t stay for so long)- but there’s always a constant waiting for the other shoe to drop with him. He has a lot of mood swings from very angry to happy, & then all of a sudden will be emotionally withdrawn, when I try to ask him what’s wrong he doesn’t tell me anything. My constant positive outlook & energy, I notice can bring out his inner child in him, which is what Aries are good at doing in relationships, but the constant need for me to always be on positivity level 100 with him (if I don’t respond super perky he thinks I’m giving him a attitude & his mood darkens into a dark cold cloud), while at the same time preserving my own inner light can be & has gotten so draining- I definitely feel my inner fire smothered out by him a lot, luckily I have a positive disposition, am resilient & I am always able to reignite my own spark but it gets tiring. When he gets into his negative moods he uses anything I’ve shared with him when opening up about my own insecurities/regrets as a way to hurt me. He definitely likes to be in control & only sees his option as correct. I am outspoken & can be stubborn, so we end up getting into disagreements often (although with him I usually try to pick & choose my battles). He is a loyal partner, which was one of the things that made me think that attracted me to him. When he wants to be helpful, he is so helpful, but he’s not consistent. It gets to be like pulling teeth to get him to do anything. That combination of lack of self motivation & his short fuse temper, often leave me feeling like I’m dealing with a 2 year old or a angsty teenager that hates their mom (me). We have been through so much together, hell & back- he’s been there for me & I’ve been there for him- there are definitely things I love about the relationship & him of course! But definitely I always feel like there is an underlying theme of us both not feeling fully understood by the other (although I try), & a constant feeling of being on different pages, even on different books! His narrative is often far different from mine, although everyone including his sisters say he’s always interpreted interactions differently than everyone else, so that could just be a him thing lol (just as many of these things a lot of us posted can be). Taking a step back from my relationship & being out of the honeymoon phase, I can definitely see tho where there should be a warning !CAUTION! when embarking on this relationship! Had I had know what I know now & not gone into this relationship with rose colored glasses for some time, I would’ve probably just kept him as a friend because now it’s been so tough trying to figure out a way to detangle our lives. It’s so hard to have a constructive conversation with him because the minute I say something he doesn’t agree with he blows up & gets defensive & screams shutting down the whole conversation. There are good qualities in the relationship but I’ve been in a lot of good relationships to know that this one is on the toxic side unfortunately & I’ve just felt so stuck on so many levels.

  2. Hey there. Im facing through some problems with my Aries boyfriend of 4 yrs now. So true… I just want to focus on my life, job, friends and family and he’s complaining how much I don’t care about him and not put enough effort in this. I’m so tired of hearing this everyday. I know I love him.. I didnt know I have to remind him of my love for him. We have fights every week now.. It’s not fun! The first 3 years was amazing but after we know eachother too well.. We’re not scared to express how we feel. Which sometimes you need to keep to yourself. Sigh~ I’m going crazy for this Aries. I’m in a hate-love relationship.

  3. Soffìa From icleand says:

    I find it sad that reading everyone’s responses I see my relationship. I’m a Scorpio, he’s an Aries, we’ve been dating for 4 years. We have been through hell and back together, always on the verge of breaking up, or making up. This is an iresistably dysfunctional relationship! It makes me feel less crazy to see others with the same issues. Love and hate would not exist, one without the other, but I wish it wasn’t that way! His rising sign is Gemini, and mine is aquarius, which makes you think we could communicate better. I feel like I try harder to keep us together, but it is a love I have never known and would miss forever.

  4. Mirjana m says:

    It was lust at first sight at the age of 5. We shared a 1st grade class room together, he was smart, talented, humble and well liked by our peers. I was extremly tall and picked at by most of our peers.(lol) Many years I admired him from a distance. 11yrs past I was 16 and I was attending a school over 30miles away. A mutral friend reintroduced us. 9yrs has past since that day and it has been hot and heavy since Im currenly 25 and I cant imagin my world with out him. A relationship is not in our future because were both controlling and stubburn. But he is my best friend, and my 1st love .

  5. I’m a aries girl in love with my scorpio ex we have been together since I was 16 him 17 I’m now 22 well about two years ago he decides he wants to be free (u know that hurt me so bad he was my first everything) but I said okay we are young collage and everything so we remained friends but he still wants to control who I talk to he tells me stuff like none those girls matter to him no one could ever come between us and he takes care of me comes by my house when I need handy stuff done and has even bought me a 4 thousand dollar promise ring but tells me he doesn’t want to b in a relationship right now cause he doesn’t want to hurt me but him coming around me then leaving to b with other girls really hurts me and he says it shouldn’t cause he don’t love or do anything for the other woman I recently told him I’m tired of the games I’m a good smart independent woman and I deserve some type of commitment anybody what do u think I love him but I can’t wait forever?!?

  6. I am an Aries Woman, and he a Scorpio man. Once I learned to allow him to exhaust himself trying to prove his point, (rather than exhaust myself trying to get him to accept the reality of the fact that I have proven him wrong) things began to run smoothly. Understanding that he is virtually incapable of accepting defeat has allowed me to know in my heart that I need not beat him down with my accuracy, at this point I can tell by his facial expressions the point at which he acknowledges in his own mind that I have repeatedly proven my point. It is subtle, but if you pay close attention there comes a point in verble conflicts that one no longer attempts to prove you wrong but is simply unwilling to vocally accept defeat. Generally several days later he will come back and say something along the lines of ‘you were right about _____’ still not outright say he was wrong, but accepting it in his own way. Then comes the fire sex!! It’s SO worth biting my tounge during a disagreement!

  7. My husband (an Aries) and myself (a Scorpio) met in 2008 and started dating a few weeks later. Our relationship started with mutual respect and trust, and we were and still are pretty honest with each othef (though I should probably open up more than I do rather than stew in it). We rarely fight, maybe once a month, but it can be pretty explosive. I couldn’t imagine my life without him; he’s strong, steadfast, and knows when to cave to my stubbornness and when to tell me how it is. Despite a friend warning me about our compatibility, this has been the most passionate, loving and stable relationship I’ve ever been in.

  8. I’m an Aries, she’s a Scorpio; I’m in the process of divorce, and she’s engaged (and neither of those relationships involves the 2 of us together). Crazy? Most likely. But, on reading this – and the other responses – I had to contribute my 2 cents. The on-again-off-again aspect has taken form in our relationship as an instant bond that has withstood dramatic changes. She and I have known each other over a decade, and though separated by physical distance, every time we talk, our emotional distance is closer than ever. Here’s the trick out of the fizzle, love-hate, jealousy thing: don’t be conventional! The assumptions in this compatibility reading seem to assume an expected relationship. There is no happily ever after, only happily ever now. So, both of us love adventure and share a whole host of other interests, but we both need independence. What works? We have our own adventures and share them with each other, and when the timing works, we have adventures together. :)

  9. yo yo here says:

    Hes gentle kind sweet but SOMEWHAT caring… He’s jealous and possessive but he won’t admit it. I do admit I love being chase and all but he doesn’t seem to care about me as much. Maybe he does but he likes to display his strong side and not his emotional weak side. To be honest scorpios are pretty secretive, if you don’t ask they won’t tell you ANYTHING. I swear to god I have to complain and set him straight. He would only try for a bit and goes back to being the same. it gets to the point where I would break up with him every day but he won’t give in, he either ignores me or says “no” or calls me and acts Iike nothing happens. This is where he controls. I mean I was in the hospital and he didn’t even see me because he was out with his friends & the fact that i wasnt DYING. Hmm, aren’t scorpios smitten when in love? Maybe he’s not that into me even though he explains to me how much he SUPPOSEBLY loves me.

  10. I am an Aries women in love with my Best friend who is a Scorpio, we have such a close friendship that we have actually slept naked holding each other, ( no sex). Here’s the complicated part, he has never been with a women, he has always thought he was Gay but in the Gay lifestyle he never really enjoyed being with men unless drugs were involved. He has confessed to me that he believes he is in love with me because he has never cared for someone as much as he cares for me. We finish each-others sentences, we just click in every way, I think about him all the time, and only have eyes for him, he tells me the same and that he thinks we could be truly happy together. I have never been in Love before this I may have thought I was but truly never felt this feeling for someone in my life.

  11. So I’m a Scorpio female in love with an Aries female… I’m not together with her (yet) but I’ve been in a standstill with her for almost a full year now. They say us Scorpios have a bad reputation for drama but what Aries has thrown at me is even worse! She purposely started a fight with me out of the blue one day and when I stood up for myself, she couldn’t deal with it! She was too afraid to talk to me after that…. and then a few days later I found out she moved out of town to get away from me! I know Aries people have fragile egos but this is ridiculous. I didn’t even say anything all that harsh. She isn’t the only example, I’ve known alot of other Aries who hit the ground running if you show them a little bit of attitude. They can’t take what they dish out! I thought they were supposed to be the toughest of the Zodiac? She’s an amazing woman so I hope this can work out, the situation is more complicated than what I’m posting, sadly…. please keep us in your prayers….

  12. scorpiobabe08 says:

    guys if you’re interested in a scorpio woman prove it to her and show her that you care from the start because when she decides not to, you’re gonna wish u were dead! my boyfriend is currently in a trance with me and because he never decided to show me any love at the start of our relationship it’s hard to go back to square one after 17months so yes we are experiencing a lot of problems in this area and i clearly have not the slightest clue of what i should do so please if your going into a relationship with a scorpio female who will definitely rock your world, don’t wait until a few months later when she’s adapted to your ways to try to change her back…

  13. I met this amazing Scorpio woman about a year ago and we were never exclusive but we had an unspoken agreement to give eachother mad respect, she started questioning whether I was trustworthy/ in it for the long haul and she had been going through a break up at the time which I thought was completely over and they ended up staying in contact behind my back the whole time. She had seemed to somewhat open up to me over a few months but then out of no where she left me and got back together with her ex almost immediately, we had an immediate attraction and an out of this world sexual attraction, I felt we had a connected on a few deeper levels and she had agreed we had as well, she is still currently with her ex but she texts me a couple times a week and I can’t seem to shake the attraction I have for her, I feel through compromise and If she were honest we would have something ongrowing and ongoing happiness, I have several times compromised but she can’t seem to stay away from her ex.

  14. We met working together i hated him so much. I was dating someone else at the momment but my scorpio kept fighting to win me over it was cute n i feel for it we have our fight and not little ones we fight till one of us just has enough of it we brake up and we still end up getting back again its funny cuz for sum reason we just cant leave each other we have 2yrs now and expecting a baby soon in july…im so excited

  15. me and my scorpio man were talking on line i made plans to go see in. but we were both impatient so he came to me. sex was short but awesome i fell head over heels for him. he made love to me first and the rest of the time he wouldn’t touch me. he kept saying we live to far apart from each other and i shouldn’t want to give up my business because of him. i love being around him. He wasn’t happy because he wasn’t in his surroundings. i tried hard to please him but he didn’t do much in return. and now he will be going home and i will miss his him being here. and wondering if he will talk to me or think about me. So i hope it is true about what they say about what they say about our signs. i hope we will always want each other

  16. Crafttbeer lova says:

    I’m a Scorpio man with an Aries woman. We had been talking and spending time with one another for about a year now and wow is our sexual desires through the roof! Only recently have we placed a title of bf-gf on our relationship. I’ve noticed that we do butt heads on an emotional level from time to time but this is by far the most exciting and eventful relationship i’ve ever been in to date both sexually and emotionally! It feels much more fulfilling and rewarding working through our emotional walls with one another. it’s taxing yes, but I wouldn’t trade this for any other relationship. I am a reserved jealous type and her flirty nature is tough but i let her actions determine my trust for her. The fight for control is something we both find to be fun and we’ve compromised a little…it usually ends in a sexual encounter that is really fun way to strike a deal i might add! Overall, I know that if we really work at it it’s gonna be worthwhile…

  17. Broken hearted says:

    It seems It’s wont work I’m an Aries man which deeply in love with an older Scorpio woman we started just as friend, i helped her to stand and get out of and abusive relationship, stayed as friend for about a year she invited me for a date :P we are togheter for +3Years now, i accepted her in anyway, she didn’t want to explain her past, some of her relationships, i agreed without any questation, i Loved her and i Love her but i couldn’t stand for someone that wants to try boy friends (i mean Boy Friend) in and active relationship cheating on me, falling in love with somebody else… and after she realized he was not worth it, came back to me and cry she was wrong and she wants me! If it is one or two times, i would forgive (not forget) but making this happen again and again is unacceptable we breaked-up i Love her very much, but i can’t stay :'( i never had this kind of powerful feelings :-( and beside, the sexual feeling is overrated, deep and romantic :'(

  18. I’m only 18 & I’m a Scorpio. My ex is an aries. I have never felt so empty before especially in such a short time span. Everything happened so fast. From the very beginning I allowed my aries to take control. Which I’m not used to but i trusted him so I said why not. I never thought that i could have something perfect. Everything was perfect. We never argued, we went on dates, the sex was amazing and i never disrespected him. I showed him nothing but love and i gave my very best. For some reason he just broke up with me and began making excuses like he doesnt have time for me and we should take the titles away. He led me on thinking he was fine with a relationship since he was the one that asked me. I’m hurt and I feel betrayed. I will never love like this again.

  19. i’m tired of seeing everything that says that aries and scorpio are destined to butt heads and have a difficult time together. I’m an aries, my bf is a scorpio, and we work perfectly together as a team. Everything about the immediate magnetic attraction and passion are spot on, but as far as this expected failure goes, what i’m seeing is people mistaking “exciting relationships” for selfishness and codependency. There is no reason you can’t be good together ALL the time unless “winning” is more important than the person you love. you both have to be on the same page with that. If you are grown ups about it and want a real, loving relationship and not the game, aries and scorpio make an incredible match with long term potential. Communication is key!

  20. I have actually known of this Scorpio for a while, we work around each other. Always thought he was attractive, but never really thought anything more beyond that. Then out of the blue we hung out 3 months ago and we have been inseparable ever since. The sex is AWESOME. He does get quiet sometimes and that brings up some of my insecurities, but I know how he makes me feel so I am learning to be open and trust him and he is learning to do the same with me. We can talk about almost anything. We can go from laughing about something to talking about something serious without things getting “Weird”. So far so good.

  21. Seems like a match made in heaven in the beginning, but it dwindles. Aries men are by all accounts are immature and self centered. Excellent at charming the pants off of you, then before long their true nature comes out. They are very possessive and needy. Constantly needing affirmation of your devotion to them, as well as seeking it from other women. Unfortunately Scorpios have an innate ability to see through bs. Have to pin them down to get to the truth. Felt like I was dating a 5 year old all the time. No sense of financial responsibility, with their “I’m me” motto. Aries are fun to be around and make great friends for Scorpios, but long term relationships..uh.. pass..

  22. I am an Aries female born on the Aries-Pisces cusp and I am with a Scorpio male. We have only been together for a month now and I am still somewhat unsure of the relationship simply because I find him a little boring and unexperienced. However, I am growing to accept him more and more. Over texting, he easily bores me or annoys me, but it’s a different story when we’re together. We have not had sex yet but when I’m with him, my legs turn to jello and I feel like putty in his hands. One downside is he always has his nose in your business and wants to know EVERYTHING. I find when I don’t tell him, he either gets intruiged or asks someone else.

  23. So I’ been talking to this aries man for alil while not to long & he was mad charming we had a deep ass connection at first but than I started to realize he’s all about himself he’s to strong minded we meet in person it was okay he refused to take me out after I bought him lunch (stupid idea) He talked way to much I could barely get a word out it was just terrible aries men will make you believe anything they want you to believe they are manipulators & me being a scorpio we won’t allow someone to do that to us for a long time. I let him have his way alil bit but that was a big mistake ! Every aries I’ve talked to was a bad experience I feel so stupid .

  24. bubbles123x says:

    I’ve been talking to this guy he’s an aries and I’m a scorpio. I feel like aries men tend to make themselves so busy because their so goal oriented that they tend to just have that undivided attention to people. He does make time for me but you know as a scorpio woman I’m very impatient and suspicious of others. When were together we have fun out conversations are good, and the sexual chemistry is definetely high. I just found out that the best sexual match is a scorpio and aries and I found that out last night yes that is true, and it’s not just physical attraction aries and scorpio are the two signs that are the most passionate thus making the sex so incredible and emotional. I loved it lol I like my aries…. For now! Hahaha

  25. I have know this scorpion for a year now.. i sensed we had something the first day we met but just did not want to accept it like a true aries i tried to ignore it… but few months back i realised i like him more than a friend, still i dont know about his feelings towards me. I always let my guard down and i run towards him even when he gives so much attitude. I was never like this i get angry but after a minute i like to forgive him. he drives me crazy because i dont know whats playing in his head.

  26. I have a love-hate relationship with my boss. I love her and she hates me. However, reading these entries shows me that our relationship is very similar to many of these other conventional connections. When I fell for my Aries, the feelings were of joy and intoxicating euphoria. Every moment and every laugh shared so precious to me. She can’t stand to look at me now, however, and it’s only because of her remarkable kindness that she allows me to remain employed, but communication is extremely minimal and highly strained. I just love it how so many of these stories sound so much like my unusual one, especially in the sense of how much intensity there is, how much there is a “power” struggle and how there is a lot of arguing but so many of them also use the word FUN!

  27. Scorpio Detached says:

    I’m a nineteen year old who has had the [mis]fortune of falling in love with an Aries woman. I have been with an Aries man and even been pursued by one, but by far she takes the cake! We had a brief affair that she has currently ended and I don’t know what to do with myself. All I can think about is her. I know she is going to stay with her current partner but I have the strongest and strangest feeling that she will return to me. At least that’s what I’m hoping and praying for. In my entire life I have never loved someone so hard and so much as I do her. I feel broken without her. I can’t breathe without her. I believe I have met my Soulmate for such a brief moment and now I just want her back. I love her. Please pray for me.

  28. Maybe it’s just me but I feel that most of the Aries guys I have come across are so arrogant and self absorbed. It can be a turn on to some women but I’d rather have dinner with someone who is talking about something other than himself all the time. I was with an Aries man once but he was far too flighty for my taste and was seeing other women behind my back. So I just cut him out of my life and now I’m happier than ever with my new Leo man

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