Taurus Relationships

Taurus In Relationships
Homebodies by nature, Taureans put importance on finding a partner with whom they can enjoy a steady, long-lasting relationship. Taureans are very loyal, and more than any other sign they crave security and a stable, peaceful life. However, if you are a woman involved with a Taurean man, do not expect to be lavished with romantic gifts and nights out. Taureans are not the type to sweep their partners off their feet. They prefer to take a practical and logical approach to romance. They’re slow to discuss their emotions and you will rarely see their soft side. They prefer to enjoy pursuits such as eating out and discussing day-to-day topics over the meal, rather than talking about their feelings under a starry sky. For this reason, they may seem detached and uncaring, but it is most likely this is not true. However, if a Taurean is not genuinely interested, they may continue a relationship but treat the other person as an object – so beware.
Go here for Sex with a Taurus and Taurus Compatibility
The significance of relationships to you Taurus
Taurus is ruled by Venus, the planet of love, and Venus is also the planet that rules Libra, the sign of relationships. Your relationships aren’t just essential to you, they’re a vital part of your life. You’re serious about the relationship, sometimes more than others. You’re very sensitive to the quality and depth of your relationships with others.
You have a strong sense of identity, which is awesome. Besides being an Earth sign, you have a fixed quality. It means you’re one of the four signs born halfway through a season.
This gives you a history of strength and consistency, as well as a powerful personality. As a result, you rarely have to deal with unneeded hassles, unlike your neighboring signs.
Even when you have hardships and struggles, Venus is a strong influence and gives you the insight and discipline you need to know that the greatest lessons are learned when you have to face the toughest challenges.
Most of the hurdles or difficulties you face in life stem from your relationship or with your significant other, Taurus.
This might be because the Scorpio in your birth chart is the one that governs your relationship angle. Scorpio is the sign of change or transformation. In addition, they’re ruled by Pluto, the planet of honesty and battling it out.
That means everything in your relationships will always be in flux, Taurus. While you may have a deep understanding and honest relationship, there will be times where you and your partner will get into fights and hurt each other. You should use good communication to keep your relationship strong and work on resolving deep-seated problems.
If your partner wants to go out for dinner with you, but you want to go out with friends, it can be a battle of wills. It might just be a simple discussion or misunderstanding of what’s right. Be sure you’re both on the same page!
Relationships with people you care about can help you learn more about yourself. No matter if it’s your coworkers, your friends, your family, or even your loved one.
Taurus Man in Relationships
He’s an earth sign, but he’s also very sexual. In addition to being extremely sensual, he is very much attracted to visual stimulation. He can come across as cold, uncaring, somewhat self-centered, and emotionally distant if he doesn’t realize what he’s doing. Even the smallest of things can lead to arguments. To avoid overlooking his partner’s deeper needs and feelings, he can’t get sucked into the mundane and predictable routine of life. Getting him to step outside his comfort zone can sometimes be difficult. In doing so, he will be able to take full ownership of his behavior and be able to open up to their partner, as well as have a great relationship.
There is a lot to like about Taurus men. In their relationships, these gentlemen often exhibit strong commitment and loyalty. As dependable and selfless individuals, they will not only set a good example but will also work to better their family’s lives. This is a man you will never have to worry about not knowing where you stand with, as they will tell it like it is and say it plain and simple.
If you want a Taurus man’s attention, don’t waste time. It’s okay to tell him straight up what you feel, and you can just put everything out there. Consider, however, that it might still take him some time to act upon your words. A guy like this will take time to decide if he wants to be with you, but if he does, you can be sure that he is a very committed person in a relationship.
They are very attracted to women who are honest and direct with them. Someone realistic and sensible. Someone who emphasizes the importance of family. Therefore, you should show him this aspect of you. A man like this will often not pursue someone who is more free-spirited, they want to align themselves with somebody that thinks the same way that they do.
Keeping your relationship fresh is essential once you’ve got him as your partner. There’s a good chance he’ll want to settle down completely, and he may even resist any changes a relationship might bring to his life. If you don’t want things to become boring or stagnant between you two, you need to keep things exciting.
Taurus Women in Relationships
Occasionally, this amazing Taurus woman can be reckless with her choices. They skip over getting to know somebody for who they are and base their decision more on what they look like or how they act. The person’s appearance may be the first thing she notices. Her eyes will be drawn to that beautiful face or if the person has a good job.
She needs to look at the person’s character instead of just their looks. To make a connection with someone, she has to be able to connect spiritually and emotionally as well. How can you work towards a fruitful relationship with this amazing Taurus woman? First of all, pay a lot of attention to her. Make her feel special by taking her on some lavish dates and complimenting her a lot. Once she starts to get to know you on the inside, she’ll realize there’s more to you than a pretty face. Let her discover your personality and everything that makes you who you are. There’s more to you than meets the eye, and you have to help her see the real you
If she’s able to do that, and she will be, this could be the Love of a Lifetime. These signs are all about getting cozy and comfortable with the person who steals their hearts. What’s great about this is that once you become her partner, you’ll become one of the most important people in her life. It’ll get you just as much attention and return as you’re getting from her. So get ready for some date nights, movies on the couch, and a lot of cuddling. Moreover, you’ll like that she has close relationships with family and friends.
When it comes to this woman, family is very important. When she can find the person of her dreams, she can become not just an incredible wife, but also a beautiful mother that loves her kids with all her heart.
What a Taurus likes In a relationship
Unbridled devotion.
To share good foods.
Fulfilling Promises.
Partner stability.
Feeling secure.
Receiving beautiful gifts.
Being punctual.
Being spoiled.
Spending quality time together at home.
What a Taurus Dislikes In a relationship
Messy or not very attractive environments.
Sudden and unexpected plan changes.
Noisy and boisterous party settings.
The carelessness of a partner.
The forgetfulness of a companion.
Having people tell them what to do.
Being pushed around.
Taurus Romance Relationships Traits
Faithfulness in Taurus Relationships
Taurus Cheater Or Faithful?
In general, people born under this sign are not unfaithful to their partners and friends. They are people who are strongly committed to their ideals and who do everything in their power to remain faithful to themselves and others. Often you won’t see them straying, but there is the possibility.
If they decide to be unfaithful to their partner or friend it is usually because there is a reason behind it. In most cases, this is not due to carelessness or lack of intent. It will be a situation that they sought out, and they will be very aware of what they do. Several reasons could explain why they would follow that path, but most of them point to the fact that the relationship they are in currently isn’t going well.
Taurus isn’t one for keeping secrets. The partner will be made aware of the infidelity if it occurs. As a result, it’s unusual for them to repeat the same action over and over again. They try to come clean as soon as possible. The relationship will also need to end because they would end the relationship if there was infidelity. For Taurus to cheat, the relationship in which they were involved had to be in Dire Straits.
Taurus always reacts the same way to infidelity, regardless of how other zodiac signs react. It is in their best interest to let go of their current partner. The relationship cannot continue because it brought out the worst in them.
As time passes, they will be able to reach out to their former partner, but in the meantime, they will keep their distance so that they can both heal. Their significant other to heal from their hurting, and them to heal from doing the hurting.
Despite all of that, the Taurus is considered to be a very loyal and family-oriented sign. As such, they are not known for being unfaithful, but if that were the case, they would never keep two relationships going at the same time.