1. I love my Virgo wife we are extremely in love with each other it feels like I fell in love with myself. My Virgo definitely knows how to take charge in the bedroom out love making sessions is by far the most romantic, erotic, sexy experience I ever experience with any one. I give us a 100%10/10! So much fun and surprisingly no criticism or lazy, stubbornness. My all in one

  2. Mr. & Mrs. Chavis says:

    I am a Virgo woman, he’s a Taurus. Our immediate attraction started the second we laid eyes on each other. He always tells me “it was like I loved you the second I saw you” he can tell me exactly what I was wearing all the way down to the color braces I had on my teeth! He was and still is the love of my life. We messed around and were best friends when we were very young! Like 14yo kids. We have the best sex I’ve ever had. We are the same age, and he was the first person to break my heart. I was left empty & destroyed. Fast forward 11 years (we continued to be in each others lives and had a sexual relationship throughout those years) we are both 27 and decide we are going to give our love another chance. Only being together for a couple months we married! Now we are almost 3 years together again and it’s the most wonderful relationship I’ve ever had. Yes, we have our fair share of arguments. He is extremely controlling and I am wrapped up in knowing I am his world. We want children, he is the best man I’ve ever known. I still get butterflies when he gets home from work each day. I adore him and he loves me like I’ve always been his only love. This is the best combination for an everlasting love.

  3. By far the best relationship I have been in. We were attracted to each other from the moment we met. We moved in together two weeks after and it’s been a roller coaster ride, always exciting and always something to discover. At first, I disliked his critical and self-centered, opiniated self. But now, I am learning to appreciate who he truly is. He has a lot to offer to someone who will pay attention and believe you me, I do! All in all, he helps me stay balanced. And, he appreciates me for who and what I am.

  4. Together we go farther than either one of us probably would go on our own. As we are both critical, we take the time to evaluate our relationship and make the changes necessary. At first I found him rather rigid and set in his ways but once I let go I realized that this was someone that was dependable, loving and solid. He somehow magically eases my neurotic and nervous tendencies and I like to think that I help bring him closer to his goals by pushing him & accompanying him in his journey.

  5. Hot hot hot!
    We are very compatible in bed. My friends think he is “using” me, but I understand that he’s just very focused. He’s a filmmaker and he works full time so that he can finance his own movies. He’s the Taurus, I’m the Virgo. I believe we will eventually live together. I know he cares for me even though he isn’t very articulate about his feelings. We are both artists, so there is a certain level of tolerance and understanding of quirks.

  6. I’m a Virgo and my love is a Taurus. Our relationship is exactly like mentioned. We get in little scraps, have even broken up but not for more than 48 hours. He is rarely if ever able to tell me he loves me, but when we’re together it’s fireworks always. We get along like bread and butter, and sometimes I just catch him looking at me fondly, or the way he kisses me, even just little forehead kisses. I’ve come to appreciate them as little unspoken “I love yous” and we are the king and queen of comfy land!! So much snuggles! We barely speak to each other during the week, but when I get to curl up in his arms it’s all so worth it!!

  7. I met him couple weeks ago and we went on a few dates. I am in my thirties, have been married, been in relationships and dated few. Strange thing is… in all my past relationships, I was in complete control over my emotions and relationships. I never was shy when it came to intimacy and I enjoyed it. Yet, I never had butterfly in my heart (like others said) and I thought those feelings were overrated. This Taurus man I met is different. As he was kissing good night, I shivered, like I have never been kissed. When he starred at me I was frozen and my heart raced like crazy. He doesn’t talk much but emotionally I am very comfortable with him. This is a whole new feeling and whatever is written here about Virgo and Taurus.. I AGREE!!

  8. Alexander F says:

    I am a Taurus man. Have had two relationships with virgos. Met my Virgo women on a dating site. From the first day we hit it off perfectly. We understood each other and clicked so well. But both relationships (one year, and two years) did not survive in time. Virgos are secretive, they also lie a lot to hide imperfections. Both times we had a beautiful relationship, but both resorted to lies, too many. Ruined a beautiful connection. I don’t like virgos, they are too insecure, down, stress too much, negative.

  9. Girl of the Bull says:

    I met my virgo-crush threw my older brother when they were in high school. Fate ALWAYS finds a way for us to end up seeing or conversing to each other. He had came home from training for a visit and my soul had too many butterflies. We e-mailed each other, being complete goofballs, talking about life and random topics. I would write him every chance I could when he went to Afghanistan. Became entirely excited when he came back, and saw him over the holidays. Boy did I have to control myself! We have chemistry and It’s something I’ve never really experienced before. He does tend to shy away from talking about work, and I don’t bug I understand. Whether we are friends or become anything more I love everything about him and cant wait to see him again.

  10. I’ve been engaged to my Virgo man for almost 3 years now, and.. I never met someone that managed to not only fall in love with me at first sight, but also sweep me off my feet. =] Though we have our problems (like my stubbornness and earthy practicality versus his incredibly sharp tongue and sarcasm), we work through them and can never stay mad at each other. The sex is wonderful, and it’s complete harmony with us. I’m so happy with my Virgo man and can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with him.

    was love at first sight though

  11. Joanna Webb says:

    My bestfriend and soulmate
    When I first met him, I felt a deep connection with him that I’d never felt with anyone else. We are so in love, even after 3 years. He is very headstrong, but we work out our differences within an hour. We constantly communicate and our conversations never get old. We could do anything together and still have fun. This relationship is a match made in heaven!

  12. I lasted about 2 years with my Taurus, year has passed and I still love him. He was the best thing that ever happened to me. He told me and still tells me that im the best thing that ever happened to him, that his never met anyone like me. We broke up cause he had to go study out of the city(really far) we still talk and are friends, he has a new girl friend and Im fine with it now. But he will always be the love of my life, I have never met someone like him. So neat, so sweet, so caring, responsible, gentile ,loving and he treated me like if I was the perfect women for him and i treated him like my perfect man. He has been the closest thing to perfect for me.

  13. Johanna Miller says:

    So in love with each other but couldn’t be worse for each other. He’s so stubborn he can never see my side of things. He’s a jealous person and will never listen when I say I’m just friends with someone… he assumes that everyone thinks the way he does and therefor would do what he would do in every situation. He’s the most irresponsible man I’ve met and probably is horribly in love with me, Virgo, because I’m the most responsible, with-it girl he’s known. I can’t carry him through life, I need a man who’s responsible too. Chemistry there is… wonderfully loving and sex was the best ever, and I love him more than anything and he loves me… we’re still trying to let go after nearly a year of fighting and not being together, and it’s an awful mix to love someone so much but know it’s the worst person in the world for you to be with and have to let go. My first love was the exact same way… Taurus and horrible for each other… and hard to let go..

  14. Well, lets just say hes uber-slow at responding to my flirting.. but when he does hes absolutely charming. There are no words. When im talking to him, there is never a frown on my face, he makes me laugh so much, it hurts. I miss him sometimes although both of us have our own lives and we live quite far from each other (which is a drawback) but when i do see him its like… wow all over again with the butterflies and blushes. We haven’t really put our relationship under a name yet which is totally fine with both of us, it takes the pressure off as we’re both still young although im loyal and he is too. If he ever gets the vibe that i might feel threatened by another girl he immediately takes action to soothe me although its fun to make him feel possessive sometime (lol). By the way, im the Virgo, hes the Taurus. And its amazing.

  15. I have loved this man for many years, (over 10 year.) I moved back to my hometown after my divorce with my son. Met this beautiful Taurus man, and thought we would get together. We talked on the phone, he helped me with my car, we texted and sometimes would talk everyday. After about 5 years I moved away without the relationship going any further. Out of the blue he starts calling and emailing again. He eventually told me that he loved me, and when I responded that the feeling was mutual he said he loves me only as a friend. I eventually moved to another state and from time to time would think about him, and one day I get a FB message. We started texting and emailing again, and on one trip back to my hometown we finally kissed -talking about butterflies. We go through times where we text each other first thing in the morning and last thing at night, and this may go on for weeks or months and then nothing. I am tired of the roller coaster, and just do not know how to take him

  16. Free as a bird, peaceful, bitter sweet total freedom :) allow the friendship to continue & you’ll have a new found relationship a rewarding relationship a friendship you never knew existed …. That brings calmness

  17. I love this Virgo man! I just want to take care of him forever. He’s mine. Cook him some bacon and eggs and make love to him until the cows come home. His innocence and this uncanny ability to have s a soothing effect on me makes me happy. I feel safe with him. He’s a homebody, very intelligent, extremely modest, and sexy as hell. I am proud to be his woman. He’s very intuitive with me. He reads me very well, knows exactly what to do to keep me grounded. You’re my man, my love, my best friend, my life.

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