Aquarius Moon Sign – The Moon in Aquarius
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With this placement ( the moon), you will be able to easily empathize with the problems of others and of humanity in general. You are likely to like many people and have a good many friends.
Most of all, you love to have emotional freedom. Your relationships may be considered unusual, as you not only attract unusual people to you, but you like to be different than the status quo.
This reflects in your relationships because of your driving need for freedom. Some people with this placement may actually steer clear from emotional involvement, not because of lack of emotion (which is sometimes incorrectly said of this placement), but out of fear for the amount of personal freedom lost in a relationship.
The other side of this placement is that you can become so involved with an issue or cause, or the bigger picture, that you can accidentally emotionally neglect the people closest to you.
Moon in Aquarius Traits
Good Aspect
- Independent and freedom-loving.
- Very much an individual.
- Unconventional.
- Friendly likes to be with people.
- Doesn’t like to be tied down or to get too close.
- Popular.
- Imaginative and intuitive.
- Unconventional thinking.
- Unusual subjects or science will appeal.
- Broadminded.
Bad Aspect
- Fitful and erratic self-expression. restless, hard to settle.
- Impulsive and given to knee-jerk reactions. resists being backed into a corner or being forced to do things.
- Misdirected need to care for people.
- The need for emotional detachment may be construed as aloofness or indifference.
- Misunderstandings when people place a wrong interpretation on actions.
- Highly strung and given to nervous complaints.
Aquarius moon in love
When this person is in love with someone, they want to maintain their lifestyle. They still want to be as free-spirited as before. That doesn’t mean that they want to go out and be with other people or live a lifestyle that’s polyamorous. They are definitely not looking for an open relationship.
Instead, they want a relationship with someone with very few rules. They need a partner who doesn’t hinder them from doing the things they want to do in life. Someone who doesn’t control them. A simple, light relationship is ideal for them.
But the relationship for them has to be more than just the bond between them and their partner. There needs to be someone with them who is not only their love but also their friend. Somebody that they can turn to. For things to work out, they must have a strong sense of friendship and partnership.
However, they also need a playful and light-hearted relationship. Anything that is based on sexual escapades, games of any kind, or jealousy does not work. It must be different from your normal type of relationship.
People born under the Aquarius Moon are completely opposed to anyone who stereotypes, discriminates or is biased. They want to have a partner that feels exactly the same way. Somebody ready to go out and do things and have fun without worrying about what other people might think about it.
They prefer to be around someone open-minded and willing to explore new things. Somebody willing to widen their Horizons. So you need a partner that is interested in doing the same thing. A person who will have fun, and not do the same old same old.
Aquarius Moon woman
This woman is truly an original. Unique and individualistic, she doesn’t like to conform to rules. She prefers to live a more independent lifestyle, where she is truly in control of what transpires in her life. She has a quirky side that can be a little eccentric.
She lives a very modern lifestyle and is very forward-looking. She enjoys socializing with friends and building relationships. She wants to live life to the fullest.
She seems to have a difficult time feeling and connecting with her feelings. To some degree, she may appear detached or distant to others when she is dealing with those feelings. Giving off a cold vibe.
But the thing is that she really does value relationships with other people. Especially when it comes to developing friendships with others.
In terms of relationships, she doesn’t want to be in a relationship with someone who is controlling. Someone who is going to bind her to their type of lifestyle. She doesn’t want to live that way.
She wants someone who shares the same vision as she does. One where she’s in a relationship where she has freedom to do what she wants, but she and her partner don’t have any other partnerships. One where there is a lot of faithfulness and trust.
If she finds the right one, she’s very capable of showing a lot of dedication to her partner, and giving them the loyalty and devotion they deserve.
Aquarius Moon Man
This man has a quirky attitude and can be quite eccentric. He is very unique, and he’s an original. He likes to be different from everyone else. He prefers to move around a lot and doesn’t like to stay in one place for too long.
He is very independent starting at an early age. His independent nature takes him away from home very early, as he wants to go out and explore the world. Due to how his personality drives him, he can be different from those around him.
Freedom is of the utmost importance to this man. He values it more than anything else. Even when he is in a relationship with someone, he must have the flexibility and freedom to do what he wants. He always needs to be able to have his own personal space, no matter who he is with.
His emotions are difficult for him to deal with. To others, he might appear detached or cold, or distant.
His ideal partner would be self-sufficient as well and who is willing to give him the independence he needs. They must possess a very easygoing nature and be flexible when making plans.
They must also be impartial and free from prejudice. They must have sincerity and faithfulness as character traits. More than just his partner, they should also be his faithful friend.
They need to be open and accepting of any bold or eccentric ideas he comes up with. They need to understand, as well, that when he is dealing with emotional matters, he becomes distant.
Aquarius Moon compatibility and love
This Moon seems to be more comfortable reacting to other people’s feelings than dealing with their own. Their tendency is to empathize with people who are being treated unfairly. They also have a more humanitarian approach to them. These people require a lot of emotional freedom. It is a very important aspect of their lives. Also important is their ability to analyze things and work out problems when they arise.
Exhilarating (or exciting) with: Gemini and Libra
Best compatibility with: Aries and Sagittarius
Conflict with: Scorpio and Taurus
Lack of understanding: Cancer and Virgo
Best friends: Capricorn and Pisces
Harmonious: Leo
What does ” Moon in Aquarius” mean for me?
means that the moon is currently in Aquarius but…
During this moons transit… The desire to rise and fight for a rebellion increases. There is a need to be wild and free and to do your own thing. This is also a wonderful time to throw a party because everyone will be in a real social mood. On the negative side of things, there is also a feeling of rigidity when it comes to ideology, where only one narrow view is considered the right and correct one. It may be wise to try to understand that the opinions of others are important too.
I have an Aquarian Moon with Virgo Sun and Libra AC. I had to learn the art of complimenting from my husband. Now, the parts I compliment him on are his Aquarian things, or his Mars stuff (cause his Mars is conjunct my AC), or Mercurial things…which really goes back to his Aqua cause that’s what his Mercury is in and it’s conjunct my Moon.