Pisces Moon Sign – The Moon in Pisces
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The Moon in Pisces is an incredibly emotional and intuitive placement. If your Moon is in Pisces, you will be an amazingly receptive person. You are easy to pick up on the feelings of others, and you become quite impressionable to what others think and feel.
You most likely, at the very least, have a great imagination and are sensitive and vulnerable. You can also be very sympathetic to others, and can easily get stuck taking on the problems of others.
The thing to watch here is a tendency to be gullible, as you can be so trusting. Another pitfall is that since your emotions are so strong, you can get lost in feelings and withdraw from reality.
Moon in Pisces Traits
Good Aspect
- Delicate and sensitive. Refined, alluring nature.
- Grace and poise.
- Easily exhibits kindness and sympathy.
- Cares deeply.
- Will sacrifice own interests for others.
- Easily moved to tears.
- Enjoys peace, beauty and Nature.
- Solitude liked. may feel the need to retreat from the world occasionally.
- Artistic leanings.
- Highly receptive mind, impressionable and intuitive – perhaps psychic.
- Boundless imagination.
- Spiritual leanings.
Bad Aspect
- Prone to confusion and muddles. May feel swamped by life at times.
- Unable to make decisions.
- Susceptible and wide open to impressions, so easily taken advantage of.
- Idealistic – does not see reality.
- Prone to mistakes or misjudgments.
- Daydreams.
- Very sensitive and vulnerable.
- Easily hurt.
- Secretive may hide problems.
- Sorrowful tend to suffer in silence.
- easily discouraged.
Pisces Moon in Love
These individuals are very open and friendly. As a lover or friends, they’re very social and approachable. They are sweet and friendly and can adjust to nearly any situation.
Due to their friendly nature, they sometimes get into relationships that are not healthy for them. They want to be able to see the best in everyone. They may also get into relationships where they give everything they have to their partner and receive nothing in return. That’s why sometimes they get into relationships with negative, controlling people. The last thing they need is someone who manipulates them.
That is why a strong support system is so crucial to them. These are the ones who step up when needed and say “that person is taking advantage of you” or “you give so much to them, but they give so little back”. They need friends who won’t walk on eggshells and will let them know when they’re in unhealthy relationships.
They need to have partners with a spiritual side as they are very intuitive and can be psychic. They have a keen desire for their partner to be almost at the same level that they are. At the very least, they need a partner who is somewhat understanding of the spiritual side of life.
When they wade through all of the potential partners that come their way, they will eventually find the right one for them. When they find a great partner, they are usually loyal and dedicated to their relationship. Almost like they become attached at the hip.
They need somebody willing to help them fulfill a lot of their dreams. Especially the crazy fantasies that they have about the love of their lives and everything they want to do with them.
Pisces Moon woman
This is a woman that is very delicate and exceptionally feminine. She is highly intuitive and sensitive, much like her counterpart. She enjoys romance and loves to be romanced.
She has a keen sense of intuition. She can use this skill to assist others who have problems. This is why she would excel in careers involving counseling.
She’s able to pick up on feelings quite easily. As an empathic person, she feels other people’s emotions strongly, almost as if they were her own.
She is a loving and affectionate woman. She truly cares about all those around her and shows concern when people are upset. One of her strong points is her sensitivity, but it can also affect her negatively.
Even though she seems slightly childish at times, she is a charming woman.
She’s able to Captivate men and hold their attention. In particular, men who want to shield her from pain and defend her from harm. However, they find it hard to understand her feelings.
The truth is that she is aware of her feelings and can therefore understand them. Clarity of Mind allows her to do so.
This woman’s birth chart is crucial to the type of personality she displays. Based on the location of the planets in her chart and her sun sign.
She may be compassionate and sympathetic to others’ needs. She may be wise beyond her years.
Her life could also be the total opposite, where she lives a very frantic and chaotic life. She could seem very confused and gives off mixed signals. A person who is erratic or unreliable.
Pisces Moon Man
He’s a man that’s very sensitive and compassionate. He is friendly and courteous to others and tries to always be kind to them. He has a very vivid imagination, which he uses constantly. To all those around him, he appears impulsive and flighty.
But when you get to know him, you realize that he is incredibly insightful and intuitive. He can feel what other people are feeling around him instantly.
He is gentle and sweet when he is in love. He shows compassion and is very affectionate and tender. He likes showing off his romantic side.
As a result of his overactive mind, he is known for living in a dream world and isn’t grounded as much as he should be. He also powerfully expresses his emotions.
Individuals with lofty ideals and high ambitions are highly appealing to him. They like people who show great sensitivity and thoughtfulness when interacting with others. Individuals whose imaginations are as deep as their own.
People may perceive them as distant or out of touch when it comes to their daily lives. They can come across as being very mysterious or elusive. When hurt, they become distant and cold.
It is not out of the question for him to play the hero and save someone in need. However, he doesn’t shy away from playing a helpless victim. Unfortunately, sometimes they use this as a way to guilt-trip other people.
Pisces Moon compatibility and love
Pisces Moon is the most emotionally reactive of all the moon signs. This individual has a lot of depth to them, and they can hold a great deal of emotional energy. They sense and feel every elusive emotion around them. This is a highly intuitive and psychic sign. It is sometimes challenging for them since they absorb the feelings of those around them. They are also often insecure and uneasy in their daily lives. On the other hand, they are very creative and artistic.
Exhilarating (or exciting) with: Cancer and Scorpio
Best compatibility with: Taurus and Capricorn
Conflict with: Gemini and Sagittarius
Lack of understanding: Leo and Libra
Best friends: Aquarius and Aries
Harmonious: Virgo
What does ” Moon in Pisces” mean for me?
means that the moon is currently in Pisces but…
During this Moon’s transit, you may want to avoid doing anything because there is a need to just relax and daydream. This is an excellent time to focus on a spiritual perspective as well as work with magic. Your dreams could be profound during this transit of the Moon. Your ability to sacrifice yourself for others is enhanced. But there’s also a strong need for escapism. As a way of coping with negative emotions, people might indulge in eating, drinking, or using mind-altering drugs.