Scorpio Moon Sign – The Moon in Scorpio
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In Scorpio, the Moon is in its fall. This means that often the person with Scorpio Moon spends a great deal of time in concern with their emotional life. On the one hand, this is a very intense placement, very intuitive and profound.
Other folks are not likely to forget the impressions you make on them. You always have a reason behind the choices you make and are willing to give up whatever you must to reach a goal. On the other hand, be careful to not get trapped in seriousness and brooding.
This placement can, if you allow your heart to overrule your head, become jealous, stubborn, or even vindictive, as the emotions run so deep.
Moon in Scorpio Traits
Good Aspect
- Very determined with great staying power.
- Resourceful – can make the most out of the least.
- Deep, powerful unfathomable emotions. Intense and passionate.
- No gray areas – either likes or dislikes.
- Devoted and loyal.
- Highly imaginative. Intuitive.
- Keenly perceptive.
- High curiosity.
Bad Aspect
- Very defensive. May cut people off.
- Doesn’t forgive easily.
- Jealous.
- Suspicious.
- Must have own way, not easily consoled if unable to.
- Not easy to control emotions, and emotional turmoil. Tormented soul. Broods deeply. Insatiable curiosity.
Scorpio moon in love
Scorpio Moon individuals can be intensely passionate and romantic. They are willing to sacrifice everything for those they love. If they put their minds to it, some will do anything to make love happen.
It is so romantic that they are like that. When it comes to this person, it can be a drawback simultaneously. They sometimes put their partner first and forget to look after themselves. In a relationship, you should always give your partner your best. However, these people sometimes put their partner’s needs before their own, which can cause problems for them in the future. To satisfy both their needs and their partner’s needs simultaneously, they must find a way to balance everything out.
They’re delighted when everything goes well for them in a relationship. However, things can go off the rails if something goes wrong. If a major mistake is made or if there is infidelity, they are very reluctant to forgive. The relationship may end depending on how significant the transgression was. Even worse, they may carry that pain for a very long time. As time goes on, they would forget what made the couple beautiful in the first place and only focus on the negative memories left behind.
They can be very intense and highly focused in a relationship. They want an almost perfect relationship with the person they love. If their partner says no to one of their ideas, they might have a hard time dealing with it.
Especially if their lover wants to take some time off, whether for a relationship break, because they are independent in nature, or to take a vacation. If possible, these individuals want to be beside their partner constantly. Even if the interruption is small, they don’t like anything coming in the way of their love.
Scorpio Moon woman
She is a woman that’s very passionate and sensual. At times, she is mysterious and intriguing. She knows she has the charm and sensuality to get anyone she wants.
Her emotional state is usually one of constant conflict within herself. All the feelings and emotions she has she wants to be able to control. However, she wants to be able to express her feelings to those she cares about. Double edge sword!
She has an incredibly strong inner self and she is driven by determination. However, she has an overwhelming need for safety and security. She usually fills this need by being able to take control of situations and by being able to control others.
Intuition, loyalty, a sensual side, and her ability to connect deeply with others are her greatest assets. As well as her ability to let others know they are loved and appreciated.
She is a hard woman to understand. Especially when it comes to something she is very pessimistic about. As a result, she may become bitter and uncompromising towards others, even herself.
Her ideal partner would be someone who can counteract her sometimes destructive nature. She needs someone sympathetic and compassionate. Somebody sweet, gentle, and very understanding.
Scorpio Moon Man
These men are can be sensitive, although that’s usually not what’s thought about them. They can also be quite intuitive and insightful.
However, everyone is usually familiar with the restless and unsettled man. But hhey also possess a wonderful sense of charm and a captivating personality.
Sometimes he can appear calm, cool, and collected. His real emotions can be intense and profound. He always worries about being swept away or overwhelmed by them.
He prefers individuals who are attractive and sexy when it comes to dating. Someone who can be seductive and enticing. His relationships are usually based on physical chemistry. It can be superficial for him until he takes the time to get to know someone he wants to make a connection with.
This man does have some intense sexual desires. Anyone who wants to be with him has to take this into account. His partner needs to be open-minded to exploring those sexual desires within their limits. However, be aware that if his fantasies remain unfulfilled, he will be frustrated and aggravated. This will inevitably cause problems in a relationship with him.
As soon as he falls in love with someone, he usually falls hard. He loves them with tremendous passion and intense emotions. His goal is to build a close, trusting relationship with his partner that will benefit them both.
He needs a partner who will challenge him. He needs someone who will push him to his limits. Individuals who lack initiative or are too reserved will be boring to him. Anyone who is too sentimental or emotional will push him away.
Scorpio Moon compatibility and love
Scorpio is the most powerful and intense of all moon signs. Every emotion they experience is intense, and they take it to heart. They usually have to reach into their souls and deal with issues regarding self-esteem. This may lead to feelings of jealousy, attachment, and possession as a way to protect oneself. On the other side of things, they can be very intuitive and psychic.
Exhilarating (or exciting) with: Cancer and Pisces
Best compatibility with: Virgo and Capricorn
Conflict with: Leo and Aquarius
Lack of understanding: Aries and Gemini
Best friends: Libra and Sagittarius
Harmonious: Taurus
What does ” Moon in Scorpio” mean for me?
means that the moon is currently in Scorpio but…
The Moon in this transit… Desire and passion well up during this lunar transit. Sexual adventures become enticing and connections with the opposite sex are more likely during this time. There is a very black and white sensibility going on; if you are high you are high and if you are low you will reach the bottom of the pit. Secrets are kept during this transit, and also there is a great inspiration to observe the world around you. This isn’t a good time for confrontation because resentments could inspire feelings of jealousy and revenge.
The vice and drugs, should not be so assured. I’m an Aquarius Scorpio Moon and never been addicted. You would think with Mercury in Pisces that would make it even more so… Mercury rules skin and Pisces being a sign of proursness, I can barely drink coffee without a strong reaction. There is no way I can even smoke weed. E I have done occasionally, and Aquarian scientifically tried some things, but it’s not ever been addictive. 3beers – I can get to the same state as E with and has less of comedown as your not using serotonin. But constantly communing with the etheric realms is not MY thing, just by having Scorpio Moon, and Pisces’s Aquarius placements, I do that pretty naturally sober. The Aquarius Sun makes me very cautious aware of loosing my freedom or independence to dependency. Never make
such sweeping statements about a
placement being a addict. Aside from that, great article.
Funny, I’m Aquarius Scorpio moon With Mercury in Pisces too and that’s spot on! I could’ve written that. I wonder if we have the sameness birthday? Respond and I will email you. I’m Aries rising btw. Oh and my husband is a Taurus with a Leo moon. According to the article and most others – I don’t know how we do it, but that just goes to show?!